Possible spoiler

edited February 2011 in Back to the Future
How do you get Parker to arrest Tannen please?


  • edited February 2011
    It is 1/3 of the whole episode. I advice you to fiddle around and use hints when needed. Game gives you a lot of help that way.
  • edited February 2011
    Thanks....I think. Ive made it a bit further, just past the point where kid walks out the hidden wall but still can't get Parker interested. I've tried all the tracks now..?
  • edited February 2011
    In the state that Parker is in when he first appears in the speak-easy, he's in no condition to arrest anyone. You will need to get him to straighten up, and to do so you need to find out why he's so low. See if you can get him in the mood to talk about his troubles... once you've gotten started on that track, the remaining steps of the solution should become more evident.
  • edited February 2011
    It's not actually obvious if you avoid Edna because you can't stand her.

    Talk to her, she shings a song. Get her lyrics, then you should be able to give this to Trixie, and it will make Parker "up" to do what he's meant to do. ;)
  • edited February 2011
    I decided to figure it out myself after a break. It was late at night and I was frustrated and those damn little brain games don't help :D I cracked it in the morning by getting the sony from Edna and getting him to wake up :p Completed it now. I quite enjoyed this episode to be fair. The way that the ending flows so well with the game made it very enjoyable and gets you excited for the next episode.
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