Using BTTF textures/meshes

edited February 2011 in Back to the Future
I don't know if this is the proper place to ask this (feel free to slap me with a wet noodle if it's not), but I have a question: if used for completely non-commercial purposes, would it be allowed to use parts of Back To The Future textures/meshes for use in The Sims 2? My friend and I were inspired by Telltale's awesomesauce game, and we would like to bring some of that awesomeness into TS2. This might be an unusual request, but we would like to kindly ask for permission to use the DeLorean mesh and the textures to adapt them for a TS2 car for sharing on the Sims fan-site. We would be doing it just for fun, i.e. we wouldn't try to sell it or anything and we have nothing to do with EAgames, and would give full credit to TT. It would also mean more people would find out about the game :)

It might be a long shot, and might anger you awesome TT folks...but still, just asking. And thanking in advance, whatever the answer may be.


  • edited February 2011
    I do not think anyone at TTG will go on the record and say "yeah sure" But I really cant see any of them having a huge problem with that since its more of a fan project and not commercial use.
  • edited February 2011
    Yeah, I don't think they have time to deal with such tiny stuff really ;) But, it would be great to know they're okay with this, since it's one of the biggest sims fan-sites around: ModTheSims and it's a rule of thumb to ask for permission if using other artists' creations.
  • edited February 2011
    Actually many TTG people post on here and interact regularly ... I just doubt any of them would take it upon themselves to relinquish the rights to intellectual property.

    It would not be fun for that person if Universal had a fit...
  • edited February 2011
    Oh, right. Well, that makes sense, thanks. It would be rather silly to expect of them to do that, indeed.
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