I think there will have some bug in ep3!

edited February 2011 in Back to the Future
In Episode 3 , Doc brown is the most powerful person is Hill Valley 1986 !
And all people work for him!

Although I don't know the story , but I think doc brown was not invent the time machine , because his life was change !

So the time machine should be disappear after marty go back the 1986 and marty should be stuck in 1986 .

Sorry of my poor english!


  • edited February 2011
    But if the time machine wasn't invented, then nothing that's happened so far would've happened, so everything would just be back to normal and the events in Episode 3 wouldn't happen either.

    In other words, there's no way to avoid paradoxes.
  • edited February 2011
    one word (as already said in the movies and the game :rolleyes: )


    the time machine in "citizen-brown"-1986 is originally from an alternate timeline. IF there would have been invented a time-machine in citizen-brown-1986, now there would be not only 1 timemachine, but TWO!!

    always the same. i'm sick of reading and explaining and thinking about time-related stuff, god, i hate it.

    but that also doesnt explain everything, if it would, marty wouldnt start to fade out in the first movie and the first ep of the game, cause he's a marty from the original timeline and not the timeline he altered, isnt he?
  • edited February 2011
    ahem! If I may, I have just the term to end all discussion on matters such as this. This term is perfectly legit as I heard it from a wise old Doctor from Gallifrey...

    "Wibbly Wobbly, Timey Wimey."
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