Ever thought-up of a line you wished was in-game?

edited February 2011 in General Chat
I was playing "Beyond the Alley of the Dolls" today and had one of those moments where you think up a good or horrible line that you'd have written into the game. I was wondering if anyone ever had moments like these?

I get them all the time, but the one I distinctly remember - and it's because I couldn't actually decide if it was good or just plain awful - was something that happened in "Lair of the Leviathan", when you beat Bugeye at the pirate face-off. but he initially refuses to give you his vote.

To which Guybrush says, "Hey, you said if I beat you I'd be in like Flynn!"

And the line that popped into my head was, "No I didn't. And the phrase is 'In like Flint,' flap jacket."

Anyone get these? Post examples!


  • edited February 2011
    "It's just been revoked."

    Anytime a character dies.

    Either that, or "I'll have what she's having."
  • edited February 2011
    Eiii eiii eiii wrrrrrr!
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