A hypothetical project gathering ideas

edited February 2011 in Back to the Future
Alright, here's the schtick. We all know that Back to the Future is... well... it's a very easy adventure game... well... it's a very easy game. It's a game. Well, kinda. I adore the voice acting, music, visual design and I like how the story is turning out. What I don't like is that we have four 'give Einstein stuff to sniff' puzzles, to say the least. Which are not really puzzles. And there are kinda few puzzles in the game...

So, I had this idea. To transform the 'puzzles' from the BttF game into real adventure game puzzles, first on paper, and then with a good material at hand something along the lines of a Hit and Road-style/aged fan adventure game could be made.

So, yeah, I started planning and stuff, looking at what could be done, what should be done, what would be interesting, and started to write it all up, and then a thought came to my head: 'Hey, I bet people at TellTale forums would have some neat ideas which would help me in this'.

So, if you have an idea about some kind of puzzle from the BttF game, how to make it a real puzzle, please, go ahead and shoot! I'm not promising to use everything, and I'm not promising that this project will eventually evolve into a fan-game (though I kinda hope), but, hey! It's not a bad thing, right?

PS. Not to mention that, regardless if you lot will contribute to this thread or not, it will be a good exercise for me, with me starting to learn at VFS for Game Design and such :p
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