Thanks Telltale and Purcell for spoiling us!

edited March 2007 in Sam & Max
Us sam and max fans have had a fair share of waits and disapointments. But Telltale and Purcell have really been treating us greatly in over a year since they confirmed they had the rights we've been treated to :

- Sam and Max season 1 (obiviously)

- A Sam and Max webcomic (free)

- Sam and Max Machinima Shorts (free)

- Sam and Max soundtrack downloads (free)

-Make your own Sam and Max comic (free)

-Retail release of the season of sam and max coming soon

- lets not forget the chance of a wii sam and max game (hired wii developer anybody?)

- Dave Grossman has also comfirmed that they're planning Season two!!!!

So i'd like to thank the telltale crew and Steve Purcell for making it such a happy year for sam and max and point and click fans!

p.s i would thank Gametap for releasing the animated series but restricting it to the usa only kinda changed my mind being a uk sam and max fan and all! but thanks gametap for funding sam and max!

keep up the amazing job!


  • edited March 2007
    I'd also like to thank them for the wonderful merchandise! Not many gaming companies sell books and signed prints.
  • edited March 2007
    Thank you Steve Purcell and the good people at Telltale for making this season of Sam and Max possible. Steve said that the people at Telltale know what they're doing, and I couldn't agree more. Each episode has been better than the next.

    Now I'm going to get all weepy because we only have two episodes to go this season. After that I figure it's Bone time at Telltale ... at least until season two and the whole Sam and MAx madness starts up again. Do you guys ever take a break?

    Thanks for spoiling us with the interum theatre and the machinima shorts Telltale. That is really above and beyond.
  • edited March 2007
    Let's not take the pressure off! Make 'em better Telltale, grrrr!
  • edited March 2007
    its been a great year of sam and max.. now if my sketchbook and max crossbones shirt would just arrive ..
  • edited March 2007
    I got my sketchbook about a day after they said that they were back in stock. :p It was briefly but thoroughly read and then sealed in an airtight pouch for future generations to enjoy. :I
  • edited March 2007
    To put the icing on the cake, tomorrow us peasants get to partake in Ep. 4! :D Then I can stop dodging threads in fear of spoilers :P
  • edited March 2007
    ShaggE wrote: »
    To put the icing on the cake, tomorrow us peasants get to partake in Ep. 4! :D Then I can stop dodging threads in fear of spoilers :P


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  • edited March 2007
    It's almost 3 hours into the 8th here, and I'm hankering for some lagomorphic fun! Where is it?? :P
  • edited March 2007
    Aside from releasing Abe Lincoln early, the video interview with Semi-Intoxicated Purcell was a real treat.
  • edited March 2007
    Already 10 hours into the 8th here... Damn time zones!
  • edited March 2007
    Whoever is in the SF area, go knock on the doors of various Telltale folks and tell 'em to get in gear :P I'm looking at the pirate cam right now, and I expect to see those lights on! Heehee
  • edited March 2007
    I'm greatly anticipating season 2 now :) I'll definitely purchase the whole season of that, too! Also, I can't wait for my Max & Crossbones T-Shirt to come in! Of course I'm from the UK so I'll probably be waiting a little while for that anyway. Thanks TTG and Purcell for this fantastic piece of work! Episodes work far better for this than trying to release it as one whole game :p lasts longer too methinks.
  • edited March 2007
    Yes it does,

    for all the detractors of the episode model, I think no one can disagree that if there was a full Sam & Max game released the same time as episode 1, it would have been fully outplayed by now and our two little buddies would not still be cracking us up!
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