Question about shadows

edited February 2011 in Back to the Future
This applies to both episode 1 and 2.
If shadows are maxed out (3 bars), game will crash. If set to only 2 bars, game will run but shadows look like crap (pixelated and distorted) most of the time, specially on characters.

What's up with that? Currently playing on a ATI Radeon x1950pro (SM 3.0 support). I know it's old but so far I have been able to play games like Dead Space 2, Batman: Arkham Asylum, etc, with everything maxed out. You get the idea.

Any kind developer out there who can possibly know what is going on with this issue?

Also, anyone care to share a screenshot of how shadows maxed out (3 bars) look on character models?

So far I've opted to play with shadows set to 1 bar, because yes they look that distracting and ruin the experience. But unfortunately that also means characters won't cast any shadow on the ground, which look kind of flat.

Thanks in advance.


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