Electric Guitar invented in 1931

I just realised something... The first electric guitar was made in 1931!
Do you think thats just a coincidence?

Or will Marty end up not only inventing Rock'n'Roll but also his beloved instrument? :D

Would be hilarious if that happened in a later episode. Its just really humor in the Back to the Future kind of way.
Maybe he will make it as a project at the Science Fair, so he can work together with young Doc again?
What do you think?



  • edited February 2011
    Not necessarily. It could be that George Beachamp's cousin... um... Enid (yeah, Enid!) saw Marty rocking out and passed on the news to his down-on-his-luck inventor relative. Same way Chuck Berry somehow got inspired to write his hit song. Hrm... Carl Sagan? Johnny B Goode? Could it be that Doc Brown invented the Voyager probes?
  • edited February 2011
    Flah wrote: »
    Not necessarily. It could be that George Beachamp's cousin... um... Enid (yeah, Enid!) saw Marty rocking out and passed on the news to his down-on-his-luck inventor relative.

    That would be hilarious. He would need to get a hold of one in some way, but the science fair is just a wild guess.
    Flah wrote: »
    Hrm... Carl Sagan? Johnny B Goode? Could it be that Doc Brown invented the Voyager probes?

    Oh wow ... I never noticed that connection.

    Carl Sagen created a record that contained sounds from Earth ment for extra terrestrial life should they stumble upon the Voyager probes.
    That included music. And one of the songs is Johnny B. Goode. :eek:

    Im starting to love you Telltale, for putting in small details and connections like that that you can discover. Just like in the movies. icon14.gif
  • edited February 2011
    ....Haha! That would also explain the break from the usual pattern of "years ending in 5", if 1931 itself was important.
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