Buck Rogers???

edited March 2011 in Back to the Future
What in the world is Buck Rodgers? Officer Parker says the "space car from Buck Rodgers" ruined his career. What's Buck Rodgers?


  • edited February 2011
    He's a science fiction action hero that is frozen in the present day and thawed in the distant future, where he fights bad guys and stuff. From what I gather, the character debuted in the 1920's, so it wouldn't really be the present anymore :).
  • edited February 2011
    It's the same sort of reference as when the 50's kid associates the car with the UFO from his comic book, a then-current piece of pop sci-fi

    edit: apparently the spaceship in Buck Rogers looks something like this, so not a bad likeness:
  • edited February 2011
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    It's the same sort of reference as when the 50's kid associates the car with the UFO from his comic book, a then-current piece of pop sci-fi

    edit: apparently the spaceship in Buck Rogers looks something like this, so not a bad likeness:
    No, that's from the post-Star Wars TV series version. The actual starships from the Buck Rogers comic strip (which was the only form of the property around in 1931) look like gaudily painted old-fashioned rocket ships.
  • edited February 2011
    Google image search is not especially helpful for stuff like this. I figured the image was from a newer version but I thought it might have been the same general shape. Guess not
  • edited February 2011
    Here are a couple of images of old Buck Rogers rocketship toys that will give you a better idea.
  • edited March 2011
  • edited March 2011
    The theme song from the television series is pretty epic...and cheesy. Still pops in my head from time to time.

    There was also that South Park episode where Cartmen freezes himself (i think) and the buck rogers intro sequence was used to show him traveling into the future.
  • edited March 2011
    moturu wrote: »
    What in the world is Buck Rodgers? Officer Parker says the "space car from Buck Rodgers" ruined his career. What's Buck Rodgers?

    Kids these days don't know anything? Buck Rogers was a fictional sci-fi character in the 20s, in comics books. It was all the rage back in the day and can attribute to inspiring Star Wars and many other sci-fi adventure stories.
  • edited March 2011
    Knowing who Buck Rogers was beforehand makes me feel old.

    Despite being 19. =/
  • edited March 2011
    Knowing who Buck Rogers was beforehand makes me feel old.

    Despite being 19. =/
    lol a year older for me, but I still know.
  • edited March 2011
    I mostly know about Buck Rogers's existence from watching the Daffy Duck "Duck Dogers in the 24-and-a-halfth Century!" Looney Tunes cartoons when I was a kid.

    And I'm over 30 :p
  • edited March 2011
    Knowing who Buck Rogers was beforehand makes me feel old.

    Despite being 19. =/

    I'm 20 and I knew about Buck Rogers. Vintage sci-fi is an interest of mine.
  • edited March 2011
    I thought everyone knew of Buck Rogers. Even Alan Partridge knows, he has a Buck Rogers toilet.
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