How to make characters stop talking and get on with it
You know with Edna's song it was 5 hours long? I figured out that if you right-click, then it will immediatly go to the end of their sentence or whatever their saying. A wonderful time saver.

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...or maybe I'm missing the point.
It's all a part of society today and their quick fix, fast food, attention deficit disorder, give me everything right now attitude.
Bloody whippersnappers.
For those who care, you can also right click your way through all of the dialogue in the game. Or perhaps you'd care to simply watch a playthrough on Youtube and hit the fast forward button. You could probably be done in 10 minutes total and be back with your favorite BANG BANG, BOOM BOOM games in no time.
Hmm, I guess.
I don't think that's fair. Perhaps in OP's case it is, but I can sit through a 15 minute long Tarantino monologue and love every second of it. At the same time, I start to get annoyed with Telltale/other video game dialogue very quickly. That's because Tarantino's stuff is well written, well directed, and well acted, and Telltale's stuff is generally none of those things. Watching a great actor deliver a monologue can be awesome - watching a poorly animated 3D character deliver one with a mediocre voice actor sucks.
You shouldn't take me so seriously. Lord knows, no-one else does...
Quick, someone grab a violin
P.S. When someone below the age of 70 says 'whippersnappers' you should probably take what their saying with a pinch of salt
So are you saying "We should care"?
Q: How much would a Care Bear care if a Care Bear could care?
A: A Care Bear would care no amount since a Care Bear can not care if it is not a real bear.
Are you are a Care Bear? If not then I guess you should bear to care some amount depending on how much you care in relation to a Care Bear, which cares no amount but you may still care where the Care Bare may not care but that's not to say that a Care Bare shouldn't care if a Care Bear could bear to care some amount...
GET ON WITH IT!!!, I guess it's up to you to care if you can bear to care but you shouldn't care if to care is too much to bear. Whereas a Care Bear may care if...
?!?! Uh, hold down control and click on the mouse. Am I missing something here?!
You are awesome!
What I meant was that doing that in the game doesn't skip the dialogue.
D'oh, of course!
I'm guessing you've tried pressing the spacebar?
Ohhh, my tiny brain couldn't possibly figure out how to operate two whole buttons! Jeez.
Agreed. That's one of the (admittedly) few reasons I haven't considered a Mac
Uh, how about the period key (.)? Or maybe try running your hand across the keyboard and seeing if any of them work? Surely, there's some way to achieve this! Bloody Apple!
...and we've come full circle to my original point.
Haven't tried it myself, though.
My mighty mouse's scroll ball "died" pretty fast, so I switched to a regular USB two-button mouse before I got a magic mouse.
Are there actually mice with less than 3 buttons made in this century?
(Note, the wheel doubles as a button)
Great minds think alike.
Its funny here, but all of the new BTTF people are speculating about stuff that most TTG members already know.
That seems funny to me.
I'm not sure if it's in all of the "one button" Mac mice or just the one I tried, but despite looking like one continuous button the mouse I tried actually can tell the difference between the user pressing on the left and on the right.
However there is a setting which controls whether or not to register the right-clicks, which is turned off by default.
I hate continuous mice though, so I grabbed a logitech.
All Mac's are kinda silly.:p
Nope, not all wheel mice have buttons in the wheel. Some that do, don't send a signal when you press the wheel button either. (Ala the first replacement dualshocks / standalone dualshocks for PSOne. The analog sticks had buttons in them (R3, L3) but the games had to be coded to accept them. Only a couple did.)
As for if mice are built with fewer than three buttons:
Most trackball mice don't have more than two buttons either. Also, the mac mouse can work on PCs. So, there are plenty of mice with fewer than three buttons.