They forgot the dog
How can they forget Einstein at the end of episode 1. How can they leave him in the 1930s and then just casually in episode 2 laugh about it saying "This time we didn't forget Einstein"
This is not typical of Marty and Doc to do such a thing...
This is not typical of Marty and Doc to do such a thing...
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Agreed. But when they found that the Tannens were running Hill Valley into the ground, getting Kid arrested took priority, so Doc had little choice but to go to August, leaving Einstein there for a while.
You're absolutely right about Einstein spending some time in 1931 but it's not as if Einstein was in danger during his stay. No doubt that Emmett would keep an eye on him. The bottom line is that Doc would have gone back for Einstein at some point instead of forgetting all about him.
You mean aside from Emmet stuffing him in a "rocket car" and blasting him into buildings all over town? Poor doggy.
Einstein's a sturdy dog. He's used to Doc's wacky experiments.
So you're upset that Einstein wasn't picked up by Doc, the guy that stuffed him into a delorean that he converted into a plutonium-powered time machine?
I think the term "out of the frying pan and into the fire" is applicable here
I think people tend to forget that.
Also, Emmett stated that Einstein had been a very willing test subject, "almost like he's been working with me for years."
I mean, think about it. Marty's almost been erased from existence multiple times, almost got run over by cars or gotten shot on various occasions, he's seen his whole family life change in lots of creepy, subtle ways- admittedly, mostly nice ones, but still, gotta be a little unnerving... his girlfriend almost got erased from existence... I mean, if I were Marty, at some point I'd have to stop and say "You suck, Doc!" XD
Anyway, they didn't really acknowledge it, but I think maybe what Doc and Marty were thinking in leaving Einstein behind was similar to their reasons for leaving him and Jennifer behind during their trip to 1955 back in Part II, Doc explaining that the timeline would change around them and that they'd be fine... which seemed pretty dodgy at the time too, in all honesty. >> Seriously, Doc makes all kinds of serious decisions based on crazy, completely untested guesses.
But, ah well, such are the affairs of mad science, and you gotta kinda love the guy, you know? And to be perfectly fair, Marty knew darn well what he was getting into by this point, and he lives for this stuff, I think.
But what we really should be asking is, where'd Doc put that hoverboard? If I were Marty, I'd be like "Hey Doc, when you get a chance can I have that hoverboard back? That hoverboard sure was handy, and, I mean, it's not like I'd show anyone. I mean, it's pink!" and I seriously doubt Doc can in all fairness deny the request based on stuff about responsible time travel, 'cause, I mean... yeahhhhh...
At least Doc put Einsteins seatbelt on.
Yeah, that seatbelt would've really helped if the car had disintegrated like Marty thought. >_>
I don't know how helpful the seatbelt would be if the car did crash. :rolleyes:
yeah, that car was going like 25 miles an hour and it just got totaled
Whereas the game's DeLorean was going HOW fast when Doc rammed Kid's limo or when Marty flew it into that billboard? :rolleyes:
Not that you have a great chance at survival at those speeds anyway. fast was Marty going when he arrived in 1985 after the lightning bolt at the clock tower?
Though that crash test doesn't make the car look like it's made of steel...more like aluminum.
Awwwww...poor Seymo...I mean Einstein. lol
Also it really so hard to believe that Doc could have simply forgotten Einstein in a fit of absent-mindedness? He left all of his timed equipment on all week while he was working on the time machine, left the case of plutonium in his laboratory, forgot to put said plutonium in the DeLorean's trunk before he was going to make a trip 25 years into the future, etc.