DiD Marty Move lol?

I just noticed while watching the episode 2 trailer that during the scene that shows marty in front of his house then biff points the gun from with in his limo that the address show 9309, when its actually 9303 in the movie. Guess marty moved next door to his parent with jennifer in the game??? Or just a overlook on the designers part lol. Dont know if anyone else has noticed.... Post any other things anyone has noticed haha with in the story line of bttf the movie


  • edited March 2011
    Three months had passed. Anything could have happened during that time span.
  • edited March 2011
    I guess in that alternate timeline their street has been renumbered
  • edited March 2011
    Three months had passed. Anything could have happened during that time span.

    Six months. That's half a year. lol
  • edited March 2011
    Six months. That's half a year. lol

    That's exactly what I meant. Time travelling can really throw a guy off. ;)
  • edited March 2011
    A wizard did it.
  • edited March 2011
    well the house looks the same as in movie, but thats just a brief glimpse on trailer. I have to wait til I can play ep2 on ps3 to look further but in ep1 his mom wakes him up in the am to go to docs. I think TT made the error and thought it was 9309 lol. I noticed when I paused on the part of his house to see how well TT did on his house. If you put anymore bttf destinations in the bttf game TT hit me up and I can give you the correct address's :)
  • edited March 2011
    I can say, without spoiling anything...but just to be safe SPOILERS for Ep. 2, that:

    a) it's still Marty's parents' house, and b) either Telltale screwed up or it was an intentional change to hint at a slightly *askew* 1986.
  • edited March 2011
    Exactly. It would be stupid to have Marty move because anything can happen in the span of 6 months.
    The different house number was a foreshadowing that something was different.
  • edited March 2011
    I wanna say there was inconsistency in the house number in the films also, but I'll have to re-watch them to be sure.
  • edited March 2011
    yup... 9309 in tt game and 9303 in real life and movie
  • edited March 2011
    bttf1985cc wrote: »
    yup... 9309 in tt game and 9303 in real life and movie

    Actually...in the game it's both?! :confused:
  • edited March 2011
    Actually...in the game it's both?! :confused:

    he must have divided by zero.
  • edited March 2011
    the top pic shows 9303 but the bottom from in the trailer shows 9309. thats good you can see the 9303 when at the front door, I was basing it upon the trailer I seen, since cant play ep2 yet, psn lagging haha
  • edited March 2011
    bttf1985cc wrote: »
    the top pic shows 9303 but the bottom from in the trailer shows 9309. thats good you can see the 9303 when at the front door, I was basing it upon the trailer I seen, since cant play ep2 yet, psn lagging haha

    I do take note that the 9303 is kinda faded, so maybe they renumbered the houses in 1986 and/or 1986A?
  • edited March 2011
    Bridge wrote: »
    I wanna say there was inconsistency in the house number in the films also, but I'll have to re-watch them to be sure.

    Nope, I'm mistaken - somehow I attributed the Bundy's inconsistent address from Married with Children to the McFly residence...my bad.
  • edited March 2011
    Actually...in the game it's both?! :confused:

    Maybe the garage has a different mailing address? No, seriously. lol
  • edited March 2011
    Maybe the garage has a different mailing address? No, seriously. lol

    I've actually seen that happen...though it was usually from garages converted into apartments...and not jumping from 9303 to 9309.
  • edited March 2011
    What probably happened was that the actual address was changed(possible rezoning?), and they just didn't change the address on the door. *shrugs*
  • edited March 2011
    Maybe they changed the number on the house to allude creditors... namely, the Tannens.
  • edited March 2011
    It was a GOOF! Admit it you Slackers!
  • edited March 2011
    Admit it you Slackers!

    Can I go now, Mr. Strickland?
  • edited March 2011
    Does anyone find it odd that in the alternate timeline Marty created in the end of BttF 1 that his family still happened to live in the same house? In the original timeline it was only a mediocre part of town that was on the decline (typical of a thirty year old housing development). So, why would the new, successful McFly's still live there? Also it seems odd that the family has money when George's first book had only just been published.
  • edited March 2011
    joek86 wrote: »
    Does anyone find it odd that in the alternate timeline Marty created in the end of BttF 1 that his family still happened to live in the same house? In the original timeline it was only a mediocre part of town that was on the decline (typical of a thirty year old housing development).

    Perhaps George's newfound confidence also gave him the wisdom to live beneath his means? :P
    joek86 wrote: »
    Also it seems odd that the family has money when George's first book had only just been published.

    It was his first novel, but no doubt he's had several short stories published already.
  • edited March 2011
    Are you guys sure that's not the house number of the house next door that is just visible next to the garage?

    Either that or the numbering system from Marty's timeline contained some irregularities and Doc said it shall not be so in this one...
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