do you want to see biff as a villain in first citizen brown timeline?

Throughout all the films, TV series and both movies, the tannens are pretty much always villains. The lone exception would be the version of the present we see at the end of parts I, and II and beginning or part II and episode 1 which we see very little of but doesn't seem to be a protagonist or antagonist.

It seems in this next episode, Doc is the villain and the Biff we see will be the most wussified version. Since Doc will be the main villain (back to the future is the only series that could have a main character be a hero so long and then turn him into a villain!) would you like to see Biff as a secondary villain (maybe in the one clip we see of him, he's putting on an act) or as a protagonist actually helping a mcfly for the first time for a reason other than money.


  • edited March 2011
    I think FC Brown isn't quite a villain. Antagonist may be too strong a word, but he's obviously not the Doc we all know and love.
  • edited March 2011
    I think he'll be an antagonist even if he doesn't mean to be. A hindrance at least.
  • I think FC Brown isn't quite a villain. Antagonist may be too strong a word, but he's obviously not the Doc we all know and love.

    more of anti-hero
  • edited March 2011
    (back to the future is the only series that could have a main character be a hero so long and then turn him into a villain!)

    Ahem.. Star Wars..


    I agree with the others though that I don't think Doc is really a villain, just a different Doc lead by Edna. Only "time" will tell (pun intended).
  • edited March 2011
    I'd like to see Biff's character take on a different type of attitude than that usual for the Tannens. I don't think it would have just "normally" been that way - maybe some part of a new-order-society thing Citizen Brown has enforced.
  • edited March 2011
    I figure Biff will actually be really straight laced and obedient due to the changes in the timeline and the writers' likely impulse to make everything a big switcheroo. I don't think he'll be a hero or a villian. He'll just be a conformist, and likely a hinderance to Marty because of that. Like maybe cause Marty to be captured because he sees Marty violating some wacky rule and reports him. He'll just be doing what society has taught him is right. Tannens always have a meanstreak, but in a timeline were jaywalking gets you five years in prison, I think Biff will be hiding his.
  • edited March 2011
    They'd probably make Biff an antihero, a rebel fighting against the Citizen Brown Utopia. That said, I'm a little sick of the Tannens. Hell, I was sick of the Tannens around the second movie.
  • edited March 2011
    Biff should not be a good guy or a bad guy. Doc will DEFINITLY be different for sure! I do not quite know what I want Doc to be. He is a good good guy but I might want to see some of this anti hero stuff. It would be a change for sure! I think everyone can agree to that!!! In episode 2, why did Biff have brothers? He never had brothers before.
  • edited March 2011
    VeryTori wrote: »
    In episode 2, why did Biff have brothers? He never had brothers before.

    Kid wasn't arrested, so he had... um, more time... ;) Though I got that biff was the middle son? I'm confused on that.
  • Iggman88 wrote: »
    Kid wasn't arrested, so he had... um, more time... ;) Though I got that biff was the middle son? I'm confused on that.

    It seems like biff is the oldest, he is the dominant one.

    Obviously the timeline is different with kid not going to jail. Didnt they orginally say that Kid escaped from prison to conceive Biff? Anyhow it would go down differently.

    I can't see doc as an all out villain, marty will likely need his help to fix the time machine.
  • edited March 2011
    It seems like Biff was the oldest one. And Doc could be where you have to convince him first. Or he is average and stubborn or he just does not like science or something.
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