The Making of Poker Night?
From Telltale's blog...
Get some insight on the making of Poker Night at the Inventory on Sunday afternoon in the Making the "Citizen Kane" of Poker Games: Poker Night at the Inventory" panel. You'll hear from Sean Vanaman, Jake Rodkin, Nick Herman, and Tulley Rafferty on the intricacies of putting together last year's cross-over title! Stop by the Wyvern Theatre on Sunday at 3:00pm to get in on the panel!
Any chance there'll be videos of this, or at least a blog post recounting everything said? It sounds interesting.
Get some insight on the making of Poker Night at the Inventory on Sunday afternoon in the Making the "Citizen Kane" of Poker Games: Poker Night at the Inventory" panel. You'll hear from Sean Vanaman, Jake Rodkin, Nick Herman, and Tulley Rafferty on the intricacies of putting together last year's cross-over title! Stop by the Wyvern Theatre on Sunday at 3:00pm to get in on the panel!
Any chance there'll be videos of this, or at least a blog post recounting everything said? It sounds interesting.
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I'm not sure if anyone is filming or recording this. If not, it's unlikely much or any of that would make it into the blog, at least via myself, since I am not attending PAX East this year.
Daw. Any chance of asking Sean (or someone else going) to put the details online?
Thanks for the response, by the way.
Considering the entirety of our staff that was at PAX East officially on Telltale business was on the panel, it would have been a little tough getting that set up.
Hell, an iPhone 4 shoots 720p video, so no camera purchase would even have been necessary. Totally agree with you though, but unfortunately, sometimes limitations come into play like this.
Also everyone who went to the panel got a Poker Night poster! So maybe that part of it will change your life, but a video wouldn't fix that, sorry to say.
Thanks for getting back to me, by the way.
I will forgive you THIS time Alan.
But you are on probation.
That is evil, but I'll..... PLAY WITH THE TOYS!!!!!!!
Wait that would seem more diabolical from Skunkape. And it would make sense with the storyline:D
I would love to hear more about those "crazy pie in the sky" features.
"Unmitigated disaster" can be the new marketing line for the game.
I know you are starving for dollars, but why you decided to publish such an "unmitigated disaster"? Working at Telltale means this?
The artistic direction of Poker Night is beautiful, but with this "incident" you lost a lot of reputation about givin' a stable and bug free release. Again.
This kind of logic is the real threat for a company like yours.
No more 80-days games, please. Or, at least, give them for free 'cause my money wasn't broken when I gave you!
Yeah point a camera at Grossman that guy always cracks me up in interviews.
Intricate currency system involving a bunch of non-essential non-unlockable items all with monetary values so you could bet and pass around items in combination of / in lieu of cash. "Second pass" at the bluffing system, where characters would show you their hands and laugh at you if they bluffed you out, with more intricate tells. Picture in picture for the hole card cam, like televised poker tournaments. Full first person free-look in the opening cutscene (probably the most gratuitous wishlist feature). There are a lot more. We tried a lot of super crazy stuff, like everyone does, but eventually drilled down to just a few core things that we liked/needed the most.
I also heard you discussed in-jokes behind some of the dialogue. Care to explain a little of that?
Also, with Poker Night involving four different licenses, I have to wonder if there's some interesting stories. How familiar were the licensors with the other properties featured beforehand? (Did The Brothers Chaps know about Team Fortress 2? Was Jerry Holkins a fan of Sam and Max? You get the idea.) Was there anything Steve/Chaps/Valve/Jerry requested in the game? Or anything you wanted to include that they rejected? In one of the Penny Arcade blog posts Tycho mentioned writing some lines for other characters. Which ones?
Sorry for all the stupid questions, but it can't hurt to ask.
As for the in-jokes behind the dialog, we talked about Paws Hogg: Poker Pro, and the Morale Moose, both of whom were fictional unlockable characters one of the programmers made up, based on weird shit floating around the office (we briefly came into the possession of a full size taxedermied moose, which was too big to fit up the stairs or the elevator, so he lived under the tree outside the office for a day, until someone picked him up off of our Craigslist ad, for instance).
Oh so the game was rushed. That makes sense on WHY there are a lot of bugs, but still. Really? Granted it is $5 but a delayed game is good eventually, a rushed game is bad forever and the game wasnt bad, it was fun and funny(the look on my friends face when he got both the giraffe line then the hedgedog line in a row is worth more than $5) but come on.