The quality of the PS3 version

FinnishmanFinnishman Banned
edited April 2011 in Back to the Future
I have bought BTTF episode one on my PS3 and also played the free PC version.

Here's the problem: Why does the PS3 version look so much inferior compared to the PC version? I mean I know that PC games usually look better than their console counterparts because of the hardware differences but that shouldn't really be the case here, now should it?

The image is blurry and the textures are muddy on PS3 and on PC they are quite crisp even on the lower settings. The framerate also drops sometimes on PS3.

I'd really like know why this is the case. PS3 should easily have the power to handle a game like this superbly. Maybe it's the 1080p resolution? (doesn't look like 1080p picture because of the fuzzyness) I'd take 720p with better textures over poor-looking 1080p any day.


  • edited March 2011
    Ummmm, I haven't seen anything like that. I played Episode 1 on my brother's HD TV, and, aside from the shadows not being quite as good as the highest levels on PC(ie. no Marty shadow when he's standing in front of the DeLorean), it's very good looking. And yes, the skipping, especially towards the end, is slightly annoying, but it still runs better than it does on my PC. But then, my laptop sucks
  • FinnishmanFinnishman Banned
    edited March 2011
    Ummmm, I haven't seen anything like that. I played Episode 1 on my brother's HD TV, and, aside from the shadows not being quite as good as the highest levels on PC(ie. no Marty shadow when he's standing in front of the DeLorean), it's very good looking. And yes, the skipping, especially towards the end, is slightly annoying, but it still runs better than it does on my PC. But then, my laptop sucks
    Of course it isn't that BAD on PS3 but it could be better and I don't see any reason why it isn't. Also, my PC is pretty decent so the game runs quite well on it. If you have a weak laptop then it clearly is better played on PS3.
  • edited March 2011
    Seemed decent enough to me, save for the framerate drops.
  • edited March 2011
    I noticed that too myself. I only have the demo for Ep1 on PS3, but I noticed some of the textures being pretty low-res. I thought they could have pumped out max specs for the PS3 version.
  • FinnishmanFinnishman Banned
    edited March 2011
    Let me clarify that the fuzzyness is specifically notable on 1080p setting and in shots where Marty is not close to the camera. Also the background can get very blurry at times.

    I tried the game on 720p resolution and it wasn't that blurry but more jaggy.
    Gah! I can't decide whether to play it on 720p or 1080p if it doesn't get a patch to fix these problems. Maybe I'll flip a coin about it...

    If you're wondering why I don't just play it on PC the reasons are simple. I would not want to pay twice for the same game and the PS3 version has trophies.
  • edited March 2011
    I played the demo on 720p and it looked a lot worse than the PC version. I don't think they will fix it though; Telltale games have always been inferiour on consoles.
  • edited March 2011
    The game is so awesome, I did not notice.
  • edited March 2011
    I agree w/ Strong. Anything at 800x600 or better is good enough for any BTTF fan. :)
  • edited March 2011
    I downloaded the game last Thursday and noticed the same problem. As for the textures I can look passed that. The story is great en the voice are supreme. But the 'lag' is something I don't understand, specially on the PS3. I played Killzone 3 this weekend and this game has much higher rez textures and much more chaos going on without even the slightest lag. Surely BTTF could do that too?

    Or is it some synchronization for the sound to keep up with the animation? I remember Ghostbusters on the Wii where the animation went a tad faster that the sound. During a long cinematic you get quit annoyed.
  • edited March 2011
    Does anyone think they'll be a patch? It really lags during the climax.
  • edited March 2011
    Telltale ports are always sloppy and rarely ever get patched. It's a running joke, or something.
  • edited March 2011
    That's a shame about the PS3 version, after how well Sam & Max Season 3 was, and how well done Tales of Monkey Island was ported, getting sloppy on BTTF seems a let down.

    But even then, the presentation of this on the PS3 is a lot less compared to the previous mentioned.

    Sam & Max Season 3 had animated Icons for each episodes with it's own designed logo, a soundtrack clip playing and a picture from a location in the episode.

    Tales of Monkey Island had the same animated Icons as the wii versions and the looping Chapter Screen music, but the backgrounds again were screenshots of a location from the episode mixed in with artwork placed in matching posistions for all the episodes.

    Back to the Future so far just has a picture of the games launcher as the Logo boxed with the episodes name, no music, and the background is just Ryan's artwork that we've already seen but centered and surrounded by black, considering the Icon is mainly Blue, it all just looks jarring and out of place.

    It just seems odd that they would put so much effort into two games, and then just do a rush job on their current game??
  • edited March 2011
    Ash735 wrote: »
    It just seems odd that they would put so much effort into two games, and then just do a rush job on their current game??

    The entire game was a rush job, so it's fitting that the port is as well.
  • FinnishmanFinnishman Banned
    edited March 2011
    The entire game was a rush job, so it's fitting that the port is as well.
    I've started to get that feeling too. Sure, the game is good and a must for any fan of the movies but Telltale really didn't do quite as well with this port than with the previous ones. And I hope that part you mentioned about Telltale rarely patching their games doesn't turn out to be true in this case.
  • edited March 2011
    I played the game for a few hours yesterday and the constant stutter was getting quit annoying. Specially at the end where every time the camera changes the game stutters. And it happens several times during conversations, where it repeats half a second and the music does the same.

    I think I'll post this on the game support forum.
  • edited March 2011
    Finnishman wrote: »
    I've started to get that feeling too. Sure, the game is good and a must for any fan of the movies but Telltale really didn't do quite as well with this port than with the previous ones. And I hope that part you mentioned about Telltale rarely patching their games doesn't turn out to be true in this case.

    Usually they'll only patch a game if there is some severe game breaking issue.
  • edited March 2011
    It looks great on my tv, no blurs or lines as you say... You prolly just have a old tv or you tv is the prob...
  • edited March 2011
    Playing both PS3 and PC you can see some differences. They aren't in anyway game breaking though. The 3 biggest differences I can find are the three I have listed below.

    PS3 does have lower res textures. Prime example is take a look at the print out papers by the jukebox on both. You can read them easily on the PC while on PS3 they are a bit blurry and not readable.

    PC runs pretty much smooth as a babies bottom minus a small stutter near the end. The PS3 version does have a few more stutters here and there. The one near the end also becomes more of a pause on the PS3. Episode 2 on the PS3 runs much smoother then first.

    The PS3 version's shadows also seem very jaggie and not as well done as the PC versions. Course the PC versions aren't that great either though.

    All said and done though the PS3 one does still look good. Just not as good as the PC version.
  • FinnishmanFinnishman Banned
    edited March 2011
    bttf1985cc wrote: »
    It looks great on my tv, no blurs or lines as you say... You prolly just have a old tv or you tv is the prob...

    No sir. My tv ain't the problem since it is a fairly new 40" full HD Sony Bravia.
  • edited March 2011
    I have not noticed any of this in the ps3 version. I have been playing it on my Panasonic Viera 50" in HDMI that I got in October. Have you tried to adjust some settings by chance. If not then it just maybe a bad download as well. It can happen honestly.
  • edited March 2011
    PC versions are usually always superior graphically speaking. Except for certain after-launch ports from a formerly console-only game. Like one of the Resident Evil's or something like that, can't remember which exactly. The PC port was apparently abysmal. Generally, however, PC's are always capable of more. Remember that the current console generation's graphic capabilities are stuck somewhere back in 2005. That's 6 years old!
  • edited March 2011
    atleast we got the trophys on ps3 :/
  • FinnishmanFinnishman Banned
    edited April 2011
    Now that I've played episode 2 on my PS3 I will take back my words. Kind of.

    While episode 1 still looks crappy, it seems Telltale did a better job on the second episode. It looked crispy and more like true 1080p so I have nothing to complain about anymore. Except for the occasional frame rate drop but that's a minor issue to me now that everything else is better.

    Thanks Telltale!
  • edited April 2011
    Finnishman wrote: »
    Now that I've played episode 2 on my PS3 I will take back my words. Kind of.

    While episode 1 still looks crappy, it seems Telltale did a better job on the second episode. It looked crispy and more like true 1080p so I have nothing to complain about anymore. Except for the occasional frame rate drop but that's a minor issue to me now that everything else is better.

    Thanks Telltale!

    It's a good news story! I find it easier to play the games on the PS3, so I'm sticking with that..
  • edited April 2011
    Just wondering... Does the player alias thing (Michael Corleone etc..) work on the PS3 version? Do they keep calling you the name you chose back in Ep 1 in Ep 2?
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