BTTF for iPad 2

edited April 2011 in Back to the Future
Any chance of the BTTF games for iPad being re done for the iPad 2 now it's capable of better graphics?

I played the first episode a bit on the original iPad, it's pretty laggy and there's lots of jaggies. So just wondering.


  • edited March 2011
    I'm curious to hear if anyone has tried Ep1 on the iPad 2 yet? How does it play?
  • edited March 2011
    mouseykins wrote: »
    I'm curious to hear if anyone has tried Ep1 on the iPad 2 yet? How does it play?

    I'd be interested to know this as well.
  • edited March 2011
    AppAdvice rate BTTF highly on the iPad 2:
    Back to the Future Ep 1 HD was made for iPad 2. It got released a bit early for the original iPad, but it feels slow and at times is painful to play. The enhanced graphics and CPU will make this game shine. New iPad 2 owners should pick this title up immediately. It is one of the few apps that can showcase the amazing graphics and speed of iPad 2.

    The Appera also posts a promising review:
    Games that sunk on the original iPad (like Back to the Future, Sam & Max), now run at almost 60FPS. This is particularly impressive for me, especially considering how I immediately discarded Back to the Future because the framerate was unbearable for me.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2011
    Yeah the Telltale iPad games really sing on the iPad 2. The framerate was limited by the hardware of the original iPad, not deliberately throttled in the engine code, so if you run the games on an iPad 2, they will already take advantage of the better gfx hardware.
  • edited March 2011
    Jake wrote: »
    Yeah the Telltale iPad games really sing on the iPad 2. The framerate was limited by the hardware of the original iPad, not deliberately throttled in the engine code, so if you run the games on an iPad 2, they will already take advantage of the better gfx hardware.

    Unfortunately. I have no intention of buying an iPad 2 just so I can play games that SHOULD be running well on the iPad they were initially designed for.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2011
    G.byrne wrote: »
    Unfortunately. I have no intention of buying an iPad 2 just so I can play games that SHOULD be running well on the iPad they were initially designed for.

    For whatever its worth, we're still working on that as well.
  • edited March 2011
    Jake wrote: »
    For whatever its worth, we're still working on that as well.

    That's somewhat reassuring to hear. I genuinely believe it has something to do with the telltale engine and not the graphics... Lots of games on the app store are graphic-intensive and aren't choppy. Of course, that having been said, I'm not a developer. I could very well be wrong.
  • edited March 2011
    I've got the game for the iPad, and did experience choppy framerate issues as well, I'm glad to see it runs well on the iPad2.

    The issue in my opinion must lie somewhere in the game engine (but I'm not developer also), but I think we should keep in mind here that the Telltale engine caters for so many different platforms at one time so it would be better for them as a business to make a build with maximum core compatibility than restrict themselves to just the one platform. Maximum purchases ultimately lead to them releasing more games in hte future, I bought the game for both iPad and Mac, and enjoyed it throughly on both.
  • edited March 2011
    ElWaster wrote: »
    I've got the game for the iPad, and did experience choppy framerate issues as well, I'm glad to see it runs well on the iPad2.

    The issue in my opinion must lie somewhere in the game engine (but I'm not developer also), but I think we should keep in mind here that the Telltale engine caters for so many different platforms at one time so it would be better for them as a business to make a build with maximum core compatibility than restrict themselves to just the one platform. Maximum purchases ultimately lead to them releasing more games in hte future, I bought the game for both iPad and Mac, and enjoyed it throughly on both.

    I agree with you, unfortunately it sort of sucks for me. I own an iPad, a first gen MacBook (which is incompatible with most of their games), an XBOX (Telltale favors the PS3 for their own reason, even though the console is capable of running their products), and a Wii (which is also choppy and suffers from compression issues because of Nintendo)

    If I can't play the games on the iPad, I can't play them at all. I'm not trying to sound selfish. I want everybody to enjoy the games that genuinely want to. My issue is that the game was announced for the iPad and it doesn't perform well. I feel let down. Sam & Max was promised and we only got the first episode... Then Telltale said they had made improvements and were going to release new games with a heightened commitment to the iPad... That has yet to be seen.

    I loved Puzzle Agent. It's one of my favorite games. It works flawlessly on my iPad. I figure that game uses the Telltale Engine, so graphics must play some sort of factor on performance... but it cannot be everything. Look at games like Real Racing, Infinity Blade, Rage etc. They are amazing looking games. I think they perform so well because, like you said, they were built on an engine that was designed and catered specifically to the iOS only.

    My hopes are still there. I'm still waiting for the other episodes from Tales of Monkey Island and Back to the Future on the iPad. I am also hoping we get some of the future games compatible with the iPad, especially King's Quest (of which I'm a HUGE fan). That having been said, if I don't see anymore episodes, that hope will fade away. At least until Puzzle Agent 2 comes out. Can't wait for that.
  • edited March 2011
    Any news about PC version getting the better artwork assets from the ipad version in the future as a patch? Like George's picture in Marty's inventory?
  • edited March 2011
    I am playing Episode 1 on iPad2 currently and it looks slightly choppy but otherwise pretty awesome. I like the controls alot.

    Good job Telltale. Solid iPad game.
  • edited March 2011
    They could've just stopped development on it, and send it to Google to be released for Honeycomb and newer. Android tablets seem to be even better than iPad/2, due to the makers focusing more on the processor and seperate GPU to offset the issue of Flash draining the battery too much. Apple said that the battery life of the iPad would definitely NOT be 8 hours or so if they had flash support. (Try, about 2~3.) This is also why Netbooks struggle to get to their advertised battery life. Mainly because of effects you slam onto the processor. Seeing as, currently, all netbooks are Intel, they don't really have two cores. They have one core, and one thread (according to linux, a thread is a core; but that is definitely not true, as Linux cannot use a thread as a core.)
  • edited March 2011
    They could've just stopped development on it, and send it to Google to be released for Honeycomb and newer. Android tablets seem to be even better than iPad/2, due to the makers focusing more on the processor and seperate GPU to offset the issue of Flash draining the battery too much. Apple said that the battery life of the iPad would definitely NOT be 8 hours or so if they had flash support. (Try, about 2~3.) This is also why Netbooks struggle to get to their advertised battery life. Mainly because of effects you slam onto the processor. Seeing as, currently, all netbooks are Intel, they don't really have two cores. They have one core, and one thread (according to linux, a thread is a core; but that is definitely not true, as Linux cannot use a thread as a core.)
    Comparison of iPad 2 GPU with the Tegra 2 that is shipping with a lot of Android tablets:
  • edited March 2011
    You can't compare ipad 2 if it still uses 1024 x 768. Of course it would go faster if that was its max resolution. They should re-compare with all three at 1024 x 768.
  • edited March 2011
    It would be nice if Episodes 2 of games come to iPad...
    If there will be only BTTF Ep1, i could not buy it, as for SamnMax and Monkey Island...
  • edited March 2011
    I am playing Episode 1 on iPad2 currently and it looks slightly choppy but otherwise pretty awesome. I like the controls alot.

    Good job Telltale. Solid iPad game.

    What are the graphics like? I played briefly on the original iPad but there were lots of jaggies, I'm guessing the graphics are the same but the game runs smoothly now?

    I don't suppose they'd be improved in an update would they?
  • edited March 2011
    You can't compare ipad 2 if it still uses 1024 x 768. Of course it would go faster if that was its max resolution. They should re-compare with all three at 1024 x 768.

    Add 25% to the Xoom scores. Be wild and add 40%. The iPad 2's GPU still will have better scores.
  • edited March 2011
    numble wrote: »
    Add 25% to the Xoom scores. Be wild and add 40%. The iPad 2's GPU still will have better scores.

    It doesn't have flash :V
  • edited March 2011
    It doesn't have flash :V
    That has nothing to do with how well TellTale Games will run on the iPad/iPad 2.
  • edited March 2011
    Speaking of android/tegra 2 tablets, when are telltale games coming to them? I am eagerly waiting ;-)
  • edited March 2011
    cabalestra wrote: »
    Speaking of android/tegra 2 tablets, when are telltale games coming to them? I am eagerly waiting ;-)

    As far as I know, they aren't. It would be an extra send to the people at Google to get it onto the market. You'd have to buy per episode too, unless telltale bundles them all at once at the end of development.
  • edited March 2011
    Man. I want to get this so bad. But I can't justify paying 6.99 an episode for a game I already own on the PC.

    Wish there was some way to use your game code on the ipad. Afterall, they let you play it on multiple PC's. No fair :(
    edited March 2011
    Apple said that the battery life of the iPad would definitely NOT be 8 hours or so if they had flash support. (Try, about 2~3.)

    That's just rubbish excuses. I've used a jailbroken iPad with an addon that lets you view websites with Flash in the Safari browser, and that doesn't make battery life any shorter.

    Also, Apple has finally allowed Flash apps in the App Store for regular non-jailbroken iPads (since September 2010). Using Flash apps really makes battery life worse?
  • edited March 2011
    OMA wrote: »
    Using Flash apps really makes battery life worse?

    Using anything flash makes a battery drain faster, due to using CPU / GPU more to render the content. However, to get around this issue, a computer, specifically netbooks, tablets, etc. can be built with CPUs that have more than one physical core (threads aren't cores.) Because a faster GHz + more cores = faster processing of the flash content, less battery is drained.

    Furthermore, with desktops. You'll have less wattage drag / leaking if you have faster processors. Similarly, with faster RAM, less wattage is needed to upkeep it. (DDR3 consumes less power than DDR2 for instance.)
  • edited March 2011
    It doesn't have flash :V

    They discarded flash in favor of HTML 5, because its just better and actually works. Plus, once again, less drain in battery. Its just up to the people who use flash on their sites to decide whether or not to switch to HTML 5
    edited March 2011
    Using anything flash makes a battery drain faster, due to using CPU / GPU more to render the content.

    That's like saying that playing a graphics intensive game (like any TTG iPad game) drains battery faster than just browsing a website. Of course it does, but I don't think that the tool used to make the app makes that much of a difference.
  • edited March 2011
    They discarded flash in favor of HTML 5, because its just better and actually works. Plus, once again, less drain in battery. Its just up to the people who use flash on their sites to decide whether or not to switch to HTML 5

    I'd rather be given the choice to be honest. Plus the whole 'battery life' issue is just an excuse that Apple have been pushing because they want all 'apps' to go through the app store where they have total control. Flash works fine on android phones (such as my HTC Incredible S) and new versions have brought further optimisations so the battery life is less of an issue. I'd really like to see some raw figures showing Flash 10.2 video vs. regular video for battery drain because I really find it hard to believe there is that much difference.
    edited March 2011
    I agree. It's just excuses in Apple's part. Also, as I said I have a Flash enabled Safari running in a (jailbroken) iPad, and it doesn't seem to make battery life shorter.
  • edited April 2011
    So back to the topic -

    Has anyone played Episode 2 on the iPad or iPad 2? Is there an improvement to the first episode preformance wise? How is it on the iPad 2?
  • edited April 2011
    I purchased the entire series for my Mac, but I like the idea of playing them on my iPad2 better so I bought them there too. Both of the episodes play nicely on the iPad2, but the graphics are definitely not nearly as good as the Mac version. You can especially tell that the textures have been greatly reduced in quality.

    Anyway, I wonder if they could make their 'engine' provide a better graphical experience on the iPad2. I've been holding out from playing Episode 3 so that I can play it on the iPad. Maybe by then the engine will be optimized? I'm pretty certain that it must be capable of more, considering the other games I enjoy on it.
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