How the hell did Doc end up in the 30's?

I remember at the last scene of the bttf 3 movie. He goes back in time with his family. But now 6 months later he has no family. And he is in jail. How did that happen? I mean where are his kids and his wife. Now young emmet is hanging out with edna and possibly married. WHERE IS DOCS WIFE AND CHILDREN???


  • edited March 2011
    Talk to him, duh.
  • edited March 2011
    play the game, you'll find out ;)
  • edited March 2011
    I did. I still dont understand. Can someone explain it?
  • edited March 2011
    time travel :P
  • I remember at the last scene of the bttf 3 movie. He goes back in time with his family. But now 6 months later he has no family. And he is in jail. How did that happen? I mean where are his kids and his wife. Now young emmet is hanging out with edna and possibly married. WHERE IS DOCS WIFE AND CHILDREN???

    We don't know when he went at the end of part 3, that part is left ambiguous. Here is what we know;

    -Doc eventually goes to the the year 2025 to prevent Griff from stealing the time machine
    -Doc visits the mcflys in 2011
    -Clara has been to the future, she wanted one of her children to attend college in the 2020's

    Doc went back to 1931 for some sightseeing, it seems he wanted to find out who burned down the speakeasy.
  • edited March 2011
    I think the delorean that comes to 1986 is not the one that doc from 1931 had... it comes from another time, and doc is in 1931 to see himself put burn the speakeasy or to see mrs. strickland...

    Hope telltale will give us a smart game a will resolve those things in later episodes smartly
  • edited March 2011
    While further details would be nice, neither of these things needs to be explained in a later episode- they were already explained in episode 1!

    If you click through all the dialogue for Doc in the jail, in Episode 1 (if you think you saw all his dialogue, make sure you didn't miss the little gray arrow underneath, it scrolls down to show more questions you can ask him), he'll mention Clara and the kids. He went to the 30s without them in the Delorean for some reason- it's unclear exactly what he was thinking on that one, his answer was a little vague for my tastes, but sightseeing and learning who burned down the speakeasy were among his interests. Presumably, he left Clara and the kids aboard the time train, whenever they are. I'm kind of hoping they show up in Episode 5, maybe...?

    The Delorean thing is also explained by Doc, and has been discussed extensively on this forum as well. In short, when the Delorean was hit by lightning in 1955- in Part II, when Doc was flying around and Marty was burning the almanac- the time circuits malfunctioned, creating two Deloreans, one of which went to January 1st, 1885 (as seen in Part III) and the other of which went to (January 1st?,) 2025. Doc also mentions that he (somehow) found the time machine just in time to stop Griff Tannen- Biff's grandson from 2015 in Part II- from stealing it and tampering with the timeline. It's unclear if we'll learn any more about those events or not.

    The one that went to 1885 was smashed by a train in 1985, of course, as we've all seen, but the duplicate (really, which one counts as the duplicate and which one counts as the original?) Delorean still exists. In a sense, it's not wrong to say that the Delorean in the game is the same Delorean we saw in Part I and II (but not the one from Part III, which got modified with 50s tires and a big time circuit fix made with vacuum tubes on the hood, and then train wheels, all before getting smashed into a pile of debris).

    There is also some confusion, uncertainty, and speculation on the issue of whether a second Doc was created along with the second Delorean... if it's not addressed in the game (or a plot point), hopefully there'll be an official answer on that one at some point at least.
  • edited March 2011
    Very good summary.
  • edited March 2011

    Thanks, great summary, I read most dialogue in-game but didnt remember all the details
  • edited March 2011
    I still feel like, if we don't get to visit a familiar timeline from the movies (other than the 80s) it would be a missed opportunity for some coolness. Basically I just want a trip to the 2015 of the movies and get a rematch with Griff.
  • edited March 2011
    No actually in episode 2, doc says that he would explain why he was in 1931, later to marty... so its a mistery right now.
  • edited March 2011
    Mitsukara wrote: »
    He went to the 30s without them in the Delorean for some reason- it's unclear exactly what he was thinking on that one, his answer was a little vague for my tastes,

    Could be something as simple as he and Clara had an argument and Doc wanted some alone time, he does mention that they were discussing where to send the boys, Clara wanted a school in 2020 whilst Doc wanted the 1960's.

    Besides, unlike most men, who go for a drive, or stay at a mates house for a while after an argument with their partner, this is Doc Brown, perhaps after an argument he'll take off for a whole other decade to calm down! :p
    one of which went to January 1st, 1885 (as seen in Part III) and the other of which went to (January 1st?,) 2025.

    If I gather from what the game said, they both went 70 years from 1955, both had the same date and time of arrival, just one went backwards and one went forwards.
    but the duplicate (really, which one counts as the duplicate and which one counts as the original?) Delorean still exists. In a sense, it's not wrong to say that the Delorean in the game is the same Delorean we saw in Part I and II (but not the one from Part III, which got modified with 50s tires and a big time circuit fix made with vacuum tubes on the hood, and then train wheels, all before getting smashed into a pile of debris).

    I suppose, for now at least, we consider the GAME'S Delorean the duplicate, because we'll consider the one that took the Doc the original. So really, it was just a game of chance at which one would be considered the duplicate. Then again, as you said, people are questioning if the there is also a Second Doc Brown created from this weird twist of events, but until that's confirmed, and for obvious reasons, the Delorean that took the Doc (which also happened to be the one from the films) is the Original, whilst the one that was sent to 2025 on it's own is considered the Duplicate.
  • zounds! wrote: »
    I still feel like, if we don't get to visit a familiar timeline from the movies (other than the 80s) it would be a missed opportunity for some coolness. Basically I just want a trip to the 2015 of the movies and get a rematch with Griff.

    Seems the future will be seen in episode 5 and only episode 5 (though there is an outside chance we could see time travel to an another time other than 1931 or 1986 at the end of episode 4). Doc indicates he's visited 2011 and had a run in with griff. But the questions is which future should be portrayed? the one from part II that we know will not happen or one in which is based on our timeline (ie. Princess Diana dying in 1997 as opposed to becoming queen and our technology as opposed to the technology portrayed in part II)

    And yeah I really hope we see Griff, he's the most underdeveloped of the tannens. We basically get 5 different versions of Biff developed (1955, 2015, and three versions of him in 1985) as well as Buford becoming the #3 character in the third film but Griff was basically only in it for 10 minutes and so far just seems like a clone of 1955 Biff. I did think it was neat, the only episode in the animated series where they went to the future, it was 2091 where Griff is still alive and in jail).

    Does doc really NEED to bring clara and the children with his time travels? Personally if I were going out time travelling, mostly i'd want to do it alone, the 1930s would not be significant for Clara or the children since it would be the future of their natural timelines. Dont forget he easily has the ability to show up a minute after he leaves and that probably is the plan.
    one of which went to January 1st, 1885 (as seen in Part III) and the other of which went to (January 1st?,) 2025.
    If I gather from what the game said, they both went 70 years from 1955, both had the same date and time of arrival, just one went backwards and one went forwards.

    We're not sure. We see the date January 1st 1885 blink on the time circuits on two different occasions in part II. Some people believe that the 2025 delorean arrives on January 1st as well. Others calculate that one went 70 years, 11 months, and 12 days into the past and the other would go the same amount of time into the future (so October 2026). Doc does mention he stops griff from stealing it in 2025 but this could imply he did something well prior to Griff stealing the delorean (ie. having him sent back to jail in 2025 so he'd still be in jail in 2026 when he is supposed to steal the time machine).
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