Why didn't they shoot Officer Parker?

In the speakeasy when Officer Parker decides to go arrest Tannen, there are 3 of Tannen's thugs with semi automatic pistols.
Them against a drunken cop with a revolver, why would they just surrender?


  • edited March 2011
    My guess is witnesses? Or they don't do anything without Kid's orders. Or both.
  • edited March 2011
    My guess is witnesses? Or they don't do anything without Kid's orders. Or both.

    Good point, there were 2 other people there i believe. Or well 1 if you got the mad chicken guy thrown out.

    You would still think he would leave to arrest only Tannen first or call for back up.
    Lucky drunken cop i guess. Bit surprised Marty isnt worried about him though, considering he got a gun held against the temple not long ago.
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