episode 5 and onwards

edited March 2007 in Sam & Max
I know everyones probably going to say that this is so defiently wrong and wont happen but i've got my hopes up!

(spoilers for those who havent played the fourth game)

You know how sybil left in the fourth? well at first i thought she'd probably reappear in the next episode but then i realised something... isn't it kinda convient that she disappears in the same episode that her job board ones out of room. Also, i know this a stretch but... flint paper was mentioned at one point in the game. Isn't there a tiny winy chance that maybe to replace sybil they'll introduce flint paper???

i know i heard at the beggining of the series that he wont appear in the first season but maybe they changed their minds.

I hope so at least...


  • edited March 2007
    Actually, her board of jobs got bigger between Ep. 3 and Ep. 4. I checked.

    Chances are she will come back and we will hear something about how the government's check bounced.
  • edited March 2007
    i hope not. I love thenew sam and max game series but my only complaint is that they've left Flint paper out... :mad: :(
  • MelMel
    edited March 2007
    Are they allowed to use him [Flint] (in terms of the license)?
  • edited March 2007
    Are they allowed to use him [Flint] (in terms of the license)?

    Flint was, and always has been, property of Steve Purcell. As such, yes.
  • edited March 2007
    Max actually asked sam what flint paper was up to in the last episode so he does exist in this game world.. I'm hoping we see him in season 2.
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