LEGO Harry Potter for PC freeze glitch fix.

edited August 2011 in General Chat
I've been playing LEGO Harry Potter for PC, and got to the part of the game where many people encounter the "sneezing statue glitch." That is to say, my game froze more than once in the same spot during the level in Year 3 when you go to save Sirius.

After quite a bit of scouring on the web, I finally found a forum post that aided in fixing my problem. Basically, what it does is set your video settings to the lowest values. After you pass the area in question, you can go back to using your original settings.
Back up the PCCONFIG.TXT file and replace it [with a file containing the following PCCONFIG File Settings.]

C:\Documents and Settings\admin.HVTS764\Application Data\WB Games\LEGO HarryPotter\
C:\Users\USER NAME\AppData\Roaming\WBGames\LEGO HarryPotter\
IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure to back up the save game as well before replacing the PCCONFIG file.

PCCONFIG File Settings (Note the LOOOONG list of zeros)

FileVersion 3
ScreenWidth 1024
ScreenHeight 768
WindowWidth 1016
WindowHeight 734
WindowLeft 0
WindowTop 0
ScreenRefreshRate 75
VerticalSync 0
AspectRatio 0
TextureQuality 0
SoftParticles 0
ForceMultithreadedD3D 0
IgnoreVendorPresets 0
Brightness 10.000000
SFXVolume 10
MusicVolume 10
MasterVolume 10
MusicEnabled 1
MouseSensitivity 10
InvertY 0
Vibration 0
BloomEnabled 0
ExposureControlEnabled 0
DoFEnabled 0
DesiredShadowMethod 0
ShadowsEnabled 0
DesiredDynamicLightQuality 0
SpeedBlurEnabled 0
MotionBlurEnabled 0
ProcessColourEnabled 0
WaterDistortionEnabled 0
EdgeAAEnabled 0
SSAOEnabled 0
RingEffectEnabled 0
LensFilterEnabled 0
AllowVendorExtensions 0
TTAnimationMode 0
UseHires 0
UseHiresPending 0
ForceShaderModel 0
This will totally dumb down your graphics and let you proceed (hopefully). Please post if it doesn’t and follow up with TT Games Support as it is still a fresh issue with them.
Again, this fix did work for me, for anyone who encounters this glitch. I am reposting the fix here to help others in being able to more easily locate it.


  • edited March 2011
    because if you have a problem with Lego Harry Potter you are checking the TTG-board. That makes sense. Totally.
  • edited March 2011
    Because the developers of the game don't have support forums to speak of (that I can find anywhere), because I thought the fix rather hard to find, because I hang out here a lot and thought maybe other gamers here might be interested, and because I THOUGHT I WAS BEING NICE.

    Really, don't be a jerk.

    EDIT: Come to think of it, you're right. People shouldn't post on these forums what kind of televison character they're most like, or about D&D campaigns, or the crisis in Japan, or create a random thread of what anyone is thinking/doing thereby allowing people to post what they had for breakfast, or about Mortal Kombat or Mardis Gras or Drag Racing or... or any post or thread of any kind that is not specifically Telltale Games related.

    ...or not. Don't be a jerk. We're a community here, and I was trying be helpful to others.
  • edited March 2011
    Chyron8472 wrote: »
    EDIT: Come to think of it, you're right. People shouldn't post on these forums what kind of televison character they're most like, or about D&D campaigns, or the crisis in Japan, or create a random thread of what anyone is thinking/doing thereby allowing people to post what they had for breakfast, or about Mortal Kombat or Mardis Gras or Drag Racing or... or any post or thread of any kind that is not specifically Telltale Games related.
    That's a whole differen point. I really think game support for another company goes in a whole different direction. And if people cannot find the other site on google I am pretty sure they will still not come here to search for help.

    Edit: Steam says the developer is TT Games. Maybe someone might be thinking it is TellTaleGames. So there is a 5% chance this is helpful. I am convinced that this thread makes sense now.

    Edit2: it can also be found on the Steamforum which makes a lot more sense since steam is selling this game actually.
  • edited March 2011
    You want Traveler's Tales, not Telltale.

    There's a forum for Lego Harry Potter here. Maybe they can help you.
  • edited March 2011
    We talk about games from other companies all the time on this board. I see no problem with this thread.

    Also, the Traveller's Tales/Telltale Games thing has come up before. Chyron is a regular here, so I'm sure he knew that before posting this thread and was just trying to be helpful to any Lego Harry Potter players who happen to come by this forum.
  • edited March 2011
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    That's a whole differen point. I really think game support for another company goes in a whole different direction. And if people cannot find the other site on google I am pretty sure they will still not come here to search for help.

    Unless Google posts this thread in its search results, thereby making this thread noticeable to anyone on Google who has the same issue (and as a result, brings them to Telltale's website wherein they may show interest in Telltale's games when once they knew nothing about the company); or unless someone else who frequents these forums runs a search for posts about this game; or unless someone had given up on the game and, after browsing these forums, happens to notice this thread and finds that it was what they were looking for.

    You never know.

    EDIT: and I know that Traveller's Tales is not Telltale Games. I've been buying games from Telltale for over a year a half now. I ought to know that much.
  • edited March 2011
    There's nothing wrong with posting this here. I know for a fact that many fans of the LEGO games series' frequent this forum.

    Here are just a few related threads.

    Chyron's just being helpful; there's no need to mock him.
  • edited March 2011
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    That's a whole differen point. I really think game support for another company goes in a whole different direction. And if people cannot find the other site on google I am pretty sure they will still not come here to search for help.

    Edit: Steam says the developer is TT Games. Maybe someone might be thinking it is TellTaleGames. So there is a 5% chance this is helpful. I am convinced that this thread makes sense now.

    Edit2: it can also be found on the Steamforum which makes a lot more sense since steam is selling this game actually.

    First result on the first page.
  • edited August 2011
    You know, there are some "idiots" like me that look here for stuff, and this was extremely helpful! My game kept freezing, even at the lowest settings, and this trick completely fixed it so I could get past one part on the game. I hadn't found this anywhere else but here so thank you for posting this. :D It did totally "dumb up" the graphics in your words, but I hardly care at this point. I'm more happy that I can keep playing. Thanks again. :)
  • edited August 2011
    You know, there are some "idiots" like me that look here for stuff, and this was extremely helpful! My game kept freezing, even at the lowest settings, and this trick completely fixed it so I could get past one part on the game. I hadn't found this anywhere else but here so thank you for posting this. :D It did totally "dumb up" the graphics in your words, but I hardly care at this point. I'm more happy that I can keep playing. Thanks again. :)

    You're welcome :)

    You'll probably need to restore the original backup of your pcconfig.txt file to get the graphics back the way they were. I'm not sure what all changes this fix makes, but when I tried to change the settings back from within the game, it never could fix certain things like the lumos spell looking particularly low-res (as in, there was a defined border to the light it cast.) The only effective way I found to revert the graphics to a good quality throughout was to change the pcconfig.txt file back to the original file's settings.
  • edited August 2011
    Well, Chyron8472, I think you're completely wonderful. After trying every other suggestion, yours was the only one that worked. THANK YOU FOR POSTING HERE!!! *hugs*

    (ps, I registered especially to reply to this message as someone was a bit nasty to you above. Ta matey)
  • edited August 2011
    Think I got this fix from the Steam or gamefaqs forum, back when I played it.
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