How or when did you watch BTTF for the first time?

Tell how you watched the BTTF movies for the first time and how you love the trilogy.

For me it was in my grade 9 History class and we get bonus classes for bonus marks which is watching a certain movie and writing down questions. I went to the bonus class and the teacher pulled out BTTF. I never heard of the movie so I gave it a watch. After seeing Christopher Loyd in that movie I thought this movie was going to be good and it was amazing I did not want the movie to end. I got a total of 99% on the answer sheet. I found out about part 2 and 3. I loved part 2, one of my most favorites. But 3 was alright, not the greatest but all right. =)


  • edited March 2011
    I watched the 3rd film censored to the point of making it not-understandable on IRIB TV, I was 7 by then ...

    Then, lot's of years later in 2006, I watched half of the 1st part on MBC2 and after getting highly interested in it (I *love* time travel stories), I watched it's repeat broadcasting on MBC2 completely the next day, and I became a huge fan!
    The next week, 2nd part was broadcast on MBC2 and the next week it the 3rd part was, then I figures how the whole thing was familiar and the I figured: "Oh yeah ... it's the un-known 45minutes reduced censored Time-Travel film I watched on TV when I was 7!" :)
  • edited March 2011
    I saw BTTF before BTTF 2 and 3 were released. Think it was 1987 or 1988, probably 88. Movie mesmerized me. I would fantasize about what 2 was going to be out, and was excited as a kid could be to "see the future".
  • In 1991 I was 8 years old and watched part III's television premiere for the first time (not sure why I had no clue what was going on), then a few weeks later I saw part I, then I rented part II (which ended up being my favourite).
    I got the trilogy on VHS as a present and watched them religiously for about a year or so and this was when the animated series was running (I'm fairly certain I saw the animated show before any episodes. I'm not sure why, maybe I got bored of it but after a year or so, I stopped watching the films.

    In 1998 I was 15 and went to universal studios including the BTTF ride (it had probably been six years since I'd seen any of the films). I figured when I'd get back I may as well watch the films again. Being older and more able to comprehend them, I fell in love with them again. And they have been my favourite movies ever since, I bought the DVD's in 2002 and the blu rays this year (only movie I've ever owned on VHS, DVD, and blu ray)
  • edited March 2011
    If I am remembering this correctly I saw the first one on VHS as a kid... the other two I saw in the theater... I know for sure I saw the third one in the theater... fairly certain I saw the second one there but not AS sure.
  • edited March 2011
    i saw part 2 first i was about 3 years old at the time i saw the first one when i was 5 and 3 when i was 8 years old
  • edited March 2011
    I saw the first BTTF movie in December of 2009 when we rented the DVD, having no idea what I was about to see, since I had never seen or heard much of it before. I remember falling in love with the movie as I watched it. When it ended, I was told that that there were two sequels, so I watched Parts II and III about a week later. Since then, BTTF has become my favorite movie of all time. I now have the trilogy on Blu-Ray and watch the series most of the time. :)
  • edited March 2011
    Watched it on Laserdisc in my room because I was watching a lot of Spielberg related films...absolutely loved it!Orded BTTF2 on right after I watched it LOL...Now I have the Blu Ray :D
  • edited March 2011
    I'm not sure when it was, I just remember my dad getting a box set with all three movies and a "making of" tape on VHS. I know I was pretty young, because part III taught me the word "asshole", which I learned wasn't nice when I called my dad one. :D
  • edited March 2011
    I first saw BTTF in the mid 90s and was fascinated of that film.
    And in the past 3 weeks they showed all 3 movies one on each friday here in TV.
  • edited March 2011
    I saw the first movie on TV one christmas in the 80's, must have been maybe 1987 or 88. I remember having no idea what it was about and when the truck opens up to reveal the DeLorean and there's all the smoke I remember my dad asking what I thought was inside and I replied 'a dragon' (I was about 6 or 7 at the time).

    Part III was one of the first movies I ever saw in the theater and I remember being frustrated at the time because we couldn't go see it until we rented Part II and watched that first but the video store seemed to constantly have it out of stock.
  • edited March 2011
    I honestly don't remember, all I can recall was that I was at my grandma's house and it was the shark scene when Marty was in 2015. Later on in my life I saw the first part of the movie on tv and much much later I saw both 2 and 3.
  • edited March 2011
    I honestly don't remember when and where i saw the first one because my entire family loved the films and i grew up watching them. I do however remember seeing the third one in the movie theater. My older brother actually saw them film the mall scene from the first film. They filmed it at our local mall. (The Twin pines mall is in reality the Puente hills mall in the city of industry in California} My brother and some friends parked in the movie theater parking lot across the street.(The same theater that I later returned to, to watch the third one).

    My family and I all love the trilogy and always will. My dad tells a funny story about taking me to some local car show when I was 5 or 6. While there I saw a DeLorean and, as my dad tells it, screamed at the top of my lungs "Look Dad! It's the time machine!" LOL.
  • edited March 2011
    Hard to recall a time when I didn't know about BttF. The first movie came out when I was 2 years old and my parents were constantly watching the big blockbuster movies at the time (Indiana Jones, Star Wars, etc.) My earliest memory would have been in 1989 or 90. I would go with my parents to their friend's farm outside of town. He had a satellite dish with HBO so it was constantly showing reruns of BttF 1 and 2. At the end of the second one I was excited to see part 3 but apparently it wasn't out yet. Good times.
  • edited March 2011
    I saw Back to the Future 1 on HBO (maybe Cinemax) around the time I was a kindergartner (late 80s). I watched it a bunch of times and I thought it was awesome. I remember watching the lightning scene in the end a bunch of times. Whenever it's on TV I feel like I have to watch it. As I got older I liked it more and more.

    Back to the Future 2 my family rented. Even though I think the movie was bad the opening scene where Marty is in the future is pretty cool.

    I'm pretty sure my family also rented part 3. I thought it was okay.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited March 2011
    I don't know when I first watched Back to the Future, but I remember when I was 9 my dad and I were both excited about Back to the Future Part II when they were promoting it. They were really focusing on the technology in the future and how they can have two Biffs not just talking together, but touching each other, in one scene. The odd thing is I don't remember if we saw it in the theaters, and I'm not even sure if we ever did because my mom never saw it. But I do remember that our whole family went to see Back to the Future Part III in theaters the next year. :)
  • edited March 2011
    Surprisingly enough, BttF: The Ride is actually how I got introduced to the movies. I went to Universal Studios when I was about 9 (I guess) and rode the ride and really wanted to see the movies so my sister and I rented the movies and watched them.
  • edited March 2011
    I don't remember exactly when but I can say I was a small child and I did see them in order. I was actually so young I had no clue what was going on and found myself loving the flying car (as a kid that was all I remembered about the movie). I love when they show it on TV since it's such an awesome trilogy, my favorite is the third one.
  • edited March 2011
    I first saw them on DVD, at some point after the trilogy first came out, so our copy has the black cover and the framing in some shots of Part II and Part III is wrong (according to the wiki, anyway). I s'pose it must've been mid 00's. My parents bought it, said "They're good movies, stay and watch the first one at least!" so I was persuaded to stick around. Luckily, I loved 'em. :D I remember the first time we watched it, in the scene around the dinner table in 1985 in the first movie, my parents said as Lorraine began talking about how she and George met, "Remember this, this is important!" My youngest brother, who would've been around ten or so, loved the third one so much (it had a train in it, and he was obsessed with trains) that he promptly drove an expensive model steam train down the stairs after I explained how they'd filmed the scene of the train going into the ravine. He'd been trying to replicate it and didn't manage to catch the train in time before it plummeted. xD
  • edited March 2011
    I had it for many years on a mental list of films I should watch sometime. Then the game was announced by telltale and after it was open for a pre-order I watched the films and bought it.
    I guess that makes me the most recent "newcomer" to the series.
  • edited March 2011
    I had it for many years on a mental list of films I should watch sometime. Then the game was announced by telltale and after it was open for a pre-order I watched the films and bought it.
    I guess that makes me the most recent "newcomer" to the series.

    I'm in this category too. Back to the Future was something that I had been intending to get around to watching for years and years but just never found the time. Indiana Jones was the same way, I never saw those in their entirety until just before The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull came out. I blame my parents for not showing me this awesome stuff when I was a kid. I mean jeez, Mom, I was the perfect age to be absolutely mystified by Back to the Future when they were new.

    Now, having only seen both BTTF and Indy in the last few years, while I definitely enjoyed them, I wonder how I'd feel about them today if I saw them as a kid... would I feel the same insane level of fanboy-ness that I feel about Star Wars and Ghostbusters?
  • edited March 2011
    I played Episode 1 because I wanted to see how the Jurassic Park game (Big fan since i was a kid) would be like, luckily it was free! But I didn't come into it fully oblivious to the characters and plot.

    I still haven't watched them to this day. I mean I saw parts of some of them when I was younger on TV (Possibly them whole but I don't recall), I do remember going to Universal when I was younger and saw the attraction there, but to be honest I only know about it from popular media and the parodies/homages to it.

    I recently bought the 25th Edition DVD box set, but am waiting for the perfect time to watch them.

    Both this and JP are getting games, and I'm getting invested in the source material to make the most of of each of them.
  • edited March 2011

    Okay, not really, I actually saw them back when I was, like, six so I didn't remember them all that well so then I bought the BluRay boxset.
  • edited March 2011
    I saw them a bunch as a kid, I can vividly remember the first time I saw a poster for BttF 2. I totally flipped, and was like "oh my god, finally"...i feel old now.
  • edited March 2011
    Back to the Future has been my favorite movie as long as I can remember but I know the first time I heard about it was when they announced Back to the Future the Ride at Universals Studios Hollywood. I saw the commercial for it and It looked pretty scary for my age. When I was at the park I had second thoughts in going on this ride. I was a little kid so I actually thought that this was no ordinary ride and you really go back through time =P.
    I didn't go on my first visit but finally decided to go on my second. It was one of the best rides I've ever been on. It made me laugh while waiting in line and watching Biff go through the institution. and when I saw the Delorean and all the gizmos inside the ride vehicle I really thought it was a time machine! after going on this ride I had to go watch the movie and got the VHS. I still have it sitting between my DVD is the only VHS I own today. I have the DVD collection but I'm never letting go of the VHS that introduced me to the bad the ride is gone though =(
  • edited March 2011
    plrichard wrote: »
    Surprisingly enough, BttF: The Ride is actually how I got introduced to the movies. I went to Universal Studios when I was about 9 (I guess) and rode the ride and really wanted to see the movies so my sister and I rented the movies and watched them.

    This. This reflects me, except I was probably younger than 9. My parents also told me they loved BTTF, so I was even more curious to check the films out. Haven't regretted that!
  • edited March 2011
    Well, as a follow-up I watched it a couple of days ago, and I'm instantly a fan. Totally worth the purchase of the 25th Anniversary Edition. Full of adventure, excitement, sci-fi, and it's timeless! Gonna enjoy both of these Universal games from Telltale! Didn't even know I was born the year Part III came out, that's why I couldn't catch it originally.
  • edited March 2011
    I was only a little guy when I first saw the VHS of Part 1 (I remember, because I remember my version had the 'To Be Continued' at the ending). I was just facinated with how the Time Machine traveled through time with the big flashes & fire trail. I mostly remember recording the TV versions of Part II & Part III...but I do remember I DID see both of thoses in theaters first. (Then again, I was in 1st grade at the I don't remember much.)

    I did get the DVD of the trilogy not to long ago and still watch it every now and then.
  • edited March 2011
    zounds! wrote: »
    I saw them a bunch as a kid, I can vividly remember the first time I saw a poster for BttF 2. I totally flipped, and was like "oh my god, finally"...i feel old now.

    I remember freaking out when I saw a preview for it in the movie theater. After having watched the VHS of BTTF probably over 200 times. It's weird even watching it now...its like I already know everything that sgoing to heart. Two is probably one of my favorite sci fi time travel movies of all time.
  • edited March 2011
    zounds! wrote: »
    I saw them a bunch as a kid, I can vividly remember the first time I saw a poster for BttF 2. I totally flipped, and was like "oh my god, finally"...i feel old now.

    I remember freaking out when I saw a preview for it in the movie theater. After having watched the VHS of BTTF probably over 200 times. It's weird even watching it now...its like I already know everything that sgoing to heart. Two is probably one of my favorite sci fi time travel movies of all time.
  • edited March 2011
    I was just twenty years old when I was first introduced to this wonderful series. I got to see Part III in the movie theater and wished I could have seen part I and II in the theater as well. What got me interested was a book my father showed me once. It was our family history. I am half Cherokee Indian. It dated back to the late 1700's of the old west and showed family photos of back then. It's fascinating to see photos of the old west in the 1800's as well. We are also related to Sam Houston (Texas Governor) through marriage. The Cherokee woman he married was like my great, great, great, great, times many more, grandmother. So seeing this film got me interested in the other two as well. Hard to believe it's been 20 years since then. I still love these movies and recently bought the game. When I played the first part and it showed all of Doc's clocks on the wall, I nearly cried. Sappy I know, but it's very sentimental to me. If I had a chance to go back in time, it would be when I was a teen in the 80's. Loved that era..
  • edited March 2011
    Irishmile wrote: »
    If I am remembering this correctly I saw the first one on VHS as a kid... the other two I saw in the theater... I know for sure I saw the third one in the theater... fairly certain I saw the second one there but not AS sure.

    were probably about the same age.
  • edited March 2011
    VHS Tapes, late 90s.
  • edited March 2011
    god, I was really little, probably 6 or 7 and this was after they came out in theatres, because I was only 3-4 by the time part 3 came out, but even before I saw it, I had a happy meal toy of the delorean and doc sticking his head out it, lol. IDK what ever happened to it, i'd like to find it tho its probably long gone :P What drew me to it really fascinated-like and the 90s version of Jonny Quest were the same thing: HOVERBOARDS!!! XD
  • edited March 2011
    I was watching the middle of BTTF 2 before we ate dinner than during dinner we watched the first and the second one. Then my parents went to bed and I saw the 3rd one. I loved it!!! I still do! My least favorite part is rich Biff and my 2nd least favorite is the future probably.
  • edited March 2011
    We got BTTF on video, but I did not see it till the night I shared in the previous post.
  • edited March 2011
    VeryTori wrote: »
    I was watching the middle of BTTF 2 before we ate dinner than during dinner we watched the first and the second one. Then my parents went to bed and I saw the 3rd one. I loved it!!! I still do! My least favorite part is rich Biff and my 2nd least favorite is the future probably.
    Please explain why the 2nd least fav is the future part, it's opposite for me, its my fav. Is it because it's questionable in its realism considering how close we are to that year? It definitely is but that's hindsight, it was actually a very revolutionary idea in the vision it brought to people for the first time as well as the effects, but really alot of things helped shape sci-fi and other kinds of social culture from it.
  • edited March 2011
    I don't remember extactly when I first watched the films, but it must of been way back in the early 90s, I was still in primary school at the time. I think my parents rented the trilogy from the video store. I've been a fan ever since.
  • edited March 2011
    I saw it in the movie theater on opening weekend in 1985. I had just turned 11 that week. I remember the movie theater was completely sold out, and the audience just went crazy for it, it was so much fun. It's been my favorite movie ever since - I was so crazy about it that when it came out on video the following year, my folks bought the rental VHS tape from the video store. I still have the tape. :cool:

    I was in high school when the sequels came out, so I saw both of those on opening day. I loved all three movies, they're definitely my favorite trilogy.

    I'm loving the new game. Got a little stuck on Episode 2, so I was checking out the forum for hints so I can finish up and get to Episode 3, which looks terrific.
  • edited March 2011
    Nice stories guys!

    I was a kid, don't remember how old but I do remember some of the feelings and that I watched the trilogy on TV. I was mesmerized by Doc as a character -all his energy and intelligence- and as an actor -Christopher Lloyd blew my mind with awesomness-. Also BttF introduced me to sci-fi (which is completely overlooked in my country), great humor, drama and the 50s (I love american 50s). It's the perfect trilogy, everything I like in one :D

    Me and my bro used to watch Part III a lot 'cause my parents recorded it on VHS, two VHS to be precise (still have them somewhere, hah!). The first part finished on Doc trying to save Clara who just slipped and the second part started from Marty jumping back to the future. We didn't actually see Doc saving Clara for years... we just assumed he did haha there's a quote on this movie that became an inside joke beetween us, the delivery killed us. Sometimes we still go "Hey, you got a back door to this place?" "Yeah, it's in the back." and nobody gets it. I went with him to the 25th anniversary theatrical re-release of Part I as a bro-sister thingy. That's mushy.

    Oh man, VHS, didn't think about them in years... now I feel old lol
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