The Time Train

Hey guys, I was just wondering if it puzzled you as much as it does me that Doc stayed with Clara in 1885, but somehow managed to find the resources to build a time travelling When it took him years to build the Delorean. I'm sure there are many possibilites but I was just curious what you all thought. :confused:


  • Well he has already invented time travel so it should take him less time to build another one, 1800s technology notwithstanding. The children appear to be 10 years old so not like he built it overnight. Plus clara seems to know a thing or 2 about science so she likely helped him.
  • edited March 2011
    yeah its not like he's reinventing it.
    He's got his notebook with exact details on how the flux capacitor works and he's proven he can produce the necessary power with a train to make the jump. He clearly fluxxed up a train engine then made a jump the future to quickly and easily get it fully refined with hover jets etc.

    And as we also see in 3 given the instructions of HOW microchips are built the 1955 doc was easily able to make a larger make-shift microchip using 1955 materials; so why culdnt doc make an even bigger scale microchip using forging available at that time, especially since tht doc is the one from 1985 who has experienced microchips first hand.
  • edited March 2011
    Are you honestly doubting what Doc Brown, the inventor of time travel itself, is capable of? :rolleyes:
  • edited March 2011
    You have a good point. It would seem impossible even if he knew how to build the capacitor. How would he get the 1.21 jw's to power it? It took him quite a while to build the refrigerator. Maybe he fixed the deloreon he left for Marty in that cave?
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited March 2011
    He didn't have only 1885 technology to build from. He also had the hoverboard, which he could have gutted to help build a new flux capacitor and Mr. Fusion.
  • edited March 2011
    Spengler56 wrote: »
    You have a good point. It would seem impossible even if he knew how to build the capacitor. How would he get the 1.21 jw's to power it? It took him quite a while to build the refrigerator. Maybe he fixed the deloreon he left for Marty in that cave?

    He couldn't have - the effects of tinkering with it would be catastrophic! He did still have the broken one to look at, though. My guess is that he used the broken DeLorean for reference when needed and made precautions to make sure that it would be there for Marty to use in 1955.
  • edited March 2011
    Jennifer wrote: »
    He didn't have only 1885 technology to build from. He also had the hoverboard, which he could have gutted to help build a new flux capacitor and Mr. Fusion.

    This is hardly relevant to the topic but I noticed that your birthday was three days ago, based on your DeviantArt page. Happy Belated Birthday!

    But on a side note, using the technology he had with him, like Jennifer mentioned, he could easily use the parts and speed up the construction process.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited March 2011
    This is hardly relevant to the topic but I noticed that your birthday was three days ago, based on your DeviantArt page. Happy Belated Birthday!
    Thanks. :D
    McHoffman wrote: »
    He couldn't have - the effects of tinkering with it would be catastrophic! He did still have the broken one to look at, though. My guess is that he used the broken DeLorean for reference when needed and made precautions to make sure that it would be there for Marty to use in 1955.
    I forgot about the broken DeLorean. Using that for reference would really be helpful, especially if the Mr. Fusion isn't a Doc Brown invention. :)
  • Presumably doc tried everything he could with the 'broken' delorean before burying it (as he writes in his letter). But consider that had the time circuits still worked when he was initially sent back to the old west, he would have only made more time travels; to 1955 to get Marty and then back to 1985 before destroying the delorean. Even still it wasnt a big deal for him, he seemed happy in the old west. It was likely clara who pushed him to re-create time travel.
  • edited March 2011
    Presumably doc tried everything he could with the 'broken' delorean before burying it (as he writes in his letter). But consider that had the time circuits still worked when he was initially sent back to the old west, he would have only made more time travels; to 1955 to get Marty and then back to 1985 before destroying the delorean. Even still it wasnt a big deal for him, he seemed happy in the old west. It was likely clara who pushed him to re-create time travel.

    The only reason I thought he could repair the Delorean was because I thought maybe he could gotten working parts from the Delorean Marty brought back. But that's a big maybe.
  • Spengler56 wrote: »
    The only reason I thought he could repair the Delorean was because I thought maybe he could gotten working parts from the Delorean Marty brought back. But that's a big maybe.

    Why would he though? At the time the plan is to go back to the future with marty, he only gets left behind due to clara.
  • edited March 2011
    Why would he though? At the time the plan is to go back to the future with marty, he only gets left behind due to clara.

    That's true, that's why it's a big if.
  • edited March 2011
    when marty arrived in 1985 there are two deloreans at the same time. i wonder why they didn't take the fuel of the second time machine (which was hit by the lightning and then hidden by doc) and put it in the repaired version from 1955 to be able to drive. taking away the fuel would not change the future where marty and 1955-doc find the hidden delorean.
  • edited March 2011
    that was explained, you leave a car over a long period of time with fuel still in the tank the car would get broken, doc would of known to drain the fuel out, also he would been worried about damaging the delorean whilse going in the cave.
  • edited March 2011
    Doc had already buried it by the time Marty went back to 1885. When leaving a vehicle sitting there for that long, you don't want fuel sitting in it. Doc probably drained the fuel before burying it.
  • edited March 2011
    church1138 wrote: »
    Doc had already buried it by the time Marty went back to 1885. When leaving a vehicle sitting there for that long, you don't want fuel sitting in it. Doc probably drained the fuel before burying it.

    But knowing Doc, I would think he would have kept or used it for something else.
  • edited March 2011
    yoman45135 wrote: »
    that was explained, you leave a car over a long period of time with fuel still in the tank the car would get broken, doc would of known to drain the fuel out, also he would been worried about damaging the delorean whilse going in the cave.

    Did they explain that in the movie? Never thought of this before, can't seem to remember it :-)
  • Toothrot wrote: »
    Did they explain that in the movie? Never thought of this before, can't seem to remember it :-)

    No they didn't, its just general knowledge.
  • edited March 2011
    I don't think doc would have much problem building his own version of mr fusion even with it not being his invention. He did say he could rebuild the fuel injection manifold in a month.
  • edited March 2011
    So...I'm sure there's a better forum for something like this....but I figured I would post this here and see what happened.

    So to start off...I've never been a fan of the ending of Back to the Future 3. Jennifer needs everything explained....and Doc naming his kids Jules and Verne...I dunno....just kinda felt lame....Anyways.....

    How did Doc Brown get out of 1885? I have no problem with him getting a train up to 88 miles an hour. I mean he clearly did it to get the DeLorean back to 1985. But how did Doc Brown create a Flux Capacitor and everything to get a train to time travel? I'm just curious if there is any definitive answer to this.
  • edited March 2011
    Given the ages of his kids and the way they're all dressed, we can assume that it took him a few years to get it done, and that he didn't do much in between finishing getting the train's flux capacitor to work and going to see Marty other then stopping over in 2015 to get the train it's hover-thingies. It's not like he had to reinvent the technology, and given enough time, I'm sure even in the 1880's someone as smart as Doc Brown could more or less create the parts he needed.

    Now, where he got a power source for it in the 1880s, plutonium or otherwise, I couldn't tell you.
  • edited March 2011
    Scnew wrote: »
    Given the ages of his kids and the way they're all dressed, we can assume that it took him a few years to get it done, and that he didn't do much in between finishing getting the train's flux capacitor to work and going to see Marty other then stopping over in 2015 to get the train it's hover-thingies. It's not like he had to reinvent the technology, and given enough time, I'm sure even in the 1880's someone as smart as Doc Brown could more or less create the parts he needed.

    Now, where he got a power source for it in the 1880s, plutonium or otherwise, I couldn't tell you.

    "Marty! It runs on steam!"
  • edited March 2011
    I KNOW , doc found the Duplicate delorian that was also sent back to 1885 and he found his duplicate self but he'd been eaten by a bear .. and so he used That delorian to go .. back to the future.. he got some spare parts and decided to make a Time Travel Train so it would be more easy hide 1885 :rolleyes:
  • edited March 2011
    Does he actually say that? I don't remember.
  • edited March 2011
    I KNOW , doc found the Duplicate delorian that was also sent back to 1885 and he found his duplicate self but he'd been eaten by a bear .. and so he used That delorian to go .. back to the future.. he got some spare parts and decided to make a Time Travel Train so it would be more easy hide 1885 :rolleyes:

    Please don't confuse the Younglings.

    You gotta think being a Scientist, Doc should i have known all the elements and such where to get them and how to shape them into parts. What i'm saying is maybe he built the parts he used on the train from scratch. there was alot of mining going on in the 1800's I'm sure there would of been plenty of metals he could of used that were leftovers in gold mines and such...Althought this would be extremly tedious work and most defintaly difficult. but what is the flux capicator....Looks like wires in a box to me.
  • edited March 2011
    ELB1985 wrote: »
    Please don't confuse the Younglings.

    You gotta think being a Scientist, Doc should i have known all the elements and such where to get them and how to shape them into parts. What i'm saying is maybe he built the parts he used on the train from scratch. there was alot of mining going on in the 1800's I'm sure there would of been plenty of metals he could of used that were leftovers in gold mines and such...Althought this would be extremly tedious work and most defintaly difficult. but what is the flux capicator....Looks like wires in a box to me.

    Create a device that generates a temporal field at a speed of 88mph to cross the threshold and bend spacetime and travel to the year 0000 to 'witness the birth of christ'

    Debating how doc built a Time machine in the first place in a fictional movie itself is kinda pointless, but as a 10 year old after watching BTTF3 I guessed that Doc used technology from the hoverboard to 'somehow' make a 'basic' working time train.
  • edited March 2011
    To paraphrase from Mystery Science Theater 3000, keep in mind it's just a film, you should really just relax.

    That said, Doc knew enough about his own invention and about the technology that was available at the time that he could probably adapt it to the technology of the period without too much fuss.
  • edited March 2011
    Hey guys, I was just wondering if it puzzled you as much as it does me that Doc stayed with Clara in 1885, but somehow managed to find the resources to build a time travelling When it took him years to build the Delorean. I'm sure there are many possibilites but I was just curious what you all thought. :confused:
    The train was the one thing that turned me off for Part III...Which is still second to the original for me! :)
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