Looking for a quote

edited March 2007 in Sam & Max
Hey Guys,
I am looking for a quote from Episode 2. I am desperately trying to remember the exact words.
It was something like this. Someone said... "I could care less", and Sam says "shouldn't you be saying I couldn't care less, because if you could care less, then you care a little" or something like that. I think this line was the funniest line in the series so far.

Does anyone have the exact wording? Which part of episode 2 was it part of?

Thanks a lot in advance


  • BrendanBrendan Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2007
    It's in the dialog with the Director in the audition room, when you ask her why she doesn't like Myra.

    DIRECTOR: Look, Myra runs her show her way and I run every other show my way. If she doesn't want me on her set, I could care less.
    SAM: You mean, you couldn't care less. If you could care less then you do care some, which doesn't really...
    DIRECTOR: No, I was right, I could care less, because I care even less about what you're saying right now.
  • edited March 2007
    Thanks :) I LOVE this line :)
  • edited March 2007
    Me too! :)
  • edited March 2007
    Yeah, I love expressions like that one. In Dutch we have one that goes like this: 'niets is minder waar'. It's similar to the English 'nothing could be further from the truth', but literally it would be 'nothing is less true'. I always have to think 10 times before I figure that one out - in my mind I make of that 'everything is more true', which means the thing in question is a blatant lie. Same with 'I can hardly...' which annoyingly often becomes 'I can't hardly...'.
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