FCB or Doc

Who do you guys think is better? FCB or the real Doc? Post ideas here.:cool:

Note: This may contain spoilers for those who have not played Ep. 3


  • edited March 2011
    In the beginning we are lead to believe that FCB is a very twisted version of Doc.

    But after playing epi 3 i see that's not the case at all, it's still doc, just being controled and lied by Edna really

    I don't see that is too much of a distinction to have a preference beetween the two IMO
  • edited March 2011
    I agree with Jay. Citizen Brown and Doc both had the same personality and were intent on helping others. The only difference is that one took the law path with Edna and one took the science path alone.

    In Back to the Future Part I, Doc was also skeptical when he was told that a boy from the future was looking for his help. He needed quite a bit of convincing before accepting the truth. As you can see, this draws a parallel with Citizen Brown.

    If you're talking about appearance, I'm going to have to go with normal Doc. I think the wild hair did it for me.
  • edited March 2011
    I did like his voice acting more in this episode than in the previous episodes.
  • edited March 2011
    I like Doc. I like FCB too, but he comes off a bit as a wounded puppy at times (being lied to and not liking to be confused upsets him) don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that as a bad thing, but I like the hyper "SCIENCE TIME" Doc who just does things for the hell of it, (as Marty brilliantly pointed out). Made me happy when Marty gave him the book near the end and Doc acted like a kid who just received the best gift in the world.
  • edited March 2011
    I have to agree with what a lot of people have said. I think Doc is cool cause of his hair but in a sense FCB is ok. But mostly DOC ALL THE WAY!
  • edited March 2011
    Well of course Doc all the way for me, but I noticed that FCB was made to look A LOT like Chris.
  • edited March 2011
    ILoveDoc wrote: »
    Well of course Doc all the way for me, but I noticed that FCB was made to look A LOT like Chris.

    I agree with ILoveDoc here. FCB looks a lot like modern day Chris Lloyd.:cool:
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