free Ep. 1: english subtitles please !

edited April 2011 in Back to the Future
i am from germany, and i am very happy to be able to play a free episode of back-to-the-future !
but the fun is massively spoiled by one flaw: i get german subtitles for english voices. i am not that bad in english that i need german subtitles! i rather need english subtitles to support hearing.
also it is clear that some puns / linguistic jokes simply cant be translated easily.

so my question: how do i enable english subtitles?

(are there english subtitles anyway ?)


  • edited April 2011
    Download the English version and enable subtitles and it should work
  • edited April 2011
    I've the same problem.
    Voice over in english, menu and subtitles german.

    My telltale page is in english, I don't get asked which version I want to download. Neither does it during installing, or lets me change language after its installed not in the launcher or the game.
    The filename is "bttf_101_setup.exe"

    I would love to have the english subtitles, because really, having them mixed up like that is completely confusing.
  • edited April 2011
    crap same problem but whit french subtitle
    i hoped ther wase a way to change the seting but i cant find it anywhere
  • edited April 2011
    Some more googling brought me to this thread:

    That works for me, after adding the registry key, its all english now! YAY.
    I also renamed the german folder, so not sure thats required or not, but I did it.

    And here are a few more ideas how to solve it:

    However I hope telltale adds an option to change language without messing with the registry all the time.
  • edited April 2011
    In the main menu, under the Quit option, there are three flags. Click on them?
  • edited April 2011
    I also downloaded the free version of episode 1 but I'd like to have German voices instead. Does anyone know if there are more language files included in this "demo"-version and how to enable them?

    If I can't adjust to the German voices I can switch back to English but I at least like to have the choice :)
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2011
    Mondai wrote: »
    I also downloaded the free version of episode 1 but I'd like to have German voices instead. Does anyone know if there are more language files included in this "demo"-version and how to enable them?

    If I can't adjust to the German voices I can switch back to English but I at least like to have the choice :)

    If you don't get a language option on the download page for the free episode, you may not be able to get the German voices. If you do end up purchasing the full season, there's a language-selection dropdown on the games download page that should give you the German voice files.
  • edited April 2011
    Thanks for answering. I do know that there is that option if I buy the full season but what's the point in offering episode 1 and excluding every language (voices) besides English? Before buying the full season I wanted to hear for myself if it's worth paying for or waiting for it to get cheaper. I prefer playing in my native language so this would really help me deciding.

    Some might say that I could watch some videos on Youtube but that would spoil the fun, right? :D
  • edited April 2011
    @Kronos2000: thank you so much. that registry hack did the trick !
  • edited April 2011
    Falanca wrote: »
    In the main menu, under the Quit option, there are three flags. Click on them?

    The flags don't exist in the free Ep1, neither does a download option to change language.

    Bot of them exist in the purchased version though, so if you buy it, you don't have to worry about it anymore.
  • edited April 2011
    Kronos2000 wrote: »
    The flags don't exist in the free Ep1, neither does a download option to change language.

    Bot of them exist in the purchased version though, so if you buy it, you don't have to worry about it anymore.
    Good to know I'm not blind.
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