Time Travel / Parallel dimension !



  • edited April 2011
    TNG had the best time travel and parallel dimension stories ever. There were a couple great ones in DS9 and Voyager too, though. Relativity from Voyager was a spectacular episode. One of my favourites...probably my favourite Voyager episode ever. Cause and Effects from TNG was another great one. Some others worth mentioning are Timescape, Parallels, and We'll Always Have Paris from TNG.

    Voyager abused time travel, it continued in Enterprise. Time travel plots can get silly very quickly and are too easy to do, so they should be used sparingly and with purpose.
  • edited April 2011
    time machine hg wells
  • edited April 2011
    Star Trek frequently mixes rules of time travel. :p

    I am aware of it. Apparently, Star Trek is also aware of it. Whenever it occurs to the characters that their circumstances are intermixing rules of time travel, often one character points it out to another and then someone pauses and says "...I hate temporal mechanics" or something similar.

    They still have great stories though.

    redfish wrote: »
    Voyager abused time travel, it continued in Enterprise. Time travel plots can get silly very quickly and are too easy to do, so they should be used sparingly and with purpose.

    Define "abused" in this context. If you're saying that they grossly overused time-travel related plotlines/devices, then I have to disagree. To say that the shows overused them is to say that they're not enjoyable, but they are very much so, in my opinion.

    The only Star Trek (TNG and further) episode that I can really say I didn't enjoy was the Voyager episode "Threshold," because the plot is so preposterous and scientifically inaccurate that it forces the viewer to break their suspension of disbelief. Never mind issues with reaching Warp 10 and returning to tell about it. What bothers me so much is Paris and Janeway suddenly "evolving" into large salamanders. Sure the TNG episode "Genesis" had the crew de-evolving into various animals, but the story in that episode was enjoyable enough to draw the viewer away from feeling obligated to nitpick at the science. "Threshold" was just ridiculous. The only way I can justify the episode as making any sense would be to judge the Doctor as being absolutely wrong in his prognosis of Paris' condition and how he contracted it.
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