Do Telltale have any respect for iPad gamers who bought BttF ep1..? Doesn't seem like

edited April 2011 in Back to the Future
So there's no denying it - Back to the Future runs like garbage on the iPad, but hey that's my fault for not owning an iPad 2 right? And over a month after it's release there's no sign of a patch. If Infinity Blade, a game that looks incredible, can run ok surely this game can.

Episode 2? Forget it, looks like they've abandoned us AGAIN like they did with Sam & Max. Some of you say that the reason there's no extra episode of Sam & Max after the first is because of it's size. The game Riven is over 1Gb on the app store so sell that LIE somewhere else.

I'd be willing to pay for BttF ep2 on iPad, I can't play it any other way, and some may call me a whiner, but I PAID for the first episode, which runs like crap and they KNOW people buy this stuff to get the full series. So to cut them off after ONE game us a real slap in the face.

You guys make EXCELLENT games. Really, I love how you bought back Marty and Doc for one last adventure. But I feel so let down because if I owned a PlayStation 3, a better computer or to a lesser extent an iPad 2 I'd be treated to a better experience. I just wanted episode 2 so much, but I doubt I'll see it anytime soon.

tl;dr -- is the iPad just a dumping ground for failed experiments? Or will we get a GOOD version of BttF ep2 soon?


  • edited April 2011
    The iPad just hasn't been kind to Telltale. I don't know if we should be blaming Telltale or Apple, but unless they announce a release date for Episode 2 soon it seems that BttF will be Telltale's fourth series to have one episode released for the iPad and then be abandoned.
  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited April 2011
    The reason Episode 2 of the Devil's Playhouse wasn't released was not because of the "large file size," but because the environments were too large. This would make the game run even slower, which was a key complaint of yours.

    As RAnthony said, the games that run slow on the iPad are restricted by the iPad itself, and Telltale can't help that, nor can they find an easy fix without sacrificing too much other aspects of the games they port. Infinity Blade runs well on iPad because it was made specifically for the iPad, while the ports of Telltale's game were made to run on PCs and consoles initially. They could go ahead and make ports from the ground up for iPad 1st gen that would run well, but that would require heavily watering down the game, while also taking time out of their already busy schedule.
  • edited April 2011
    The iPad just hasn't been kind to Telltale. I don't know if we should be blaming Telltale or Apple, but unless they announce a release date for Episode 2 soon it seems that BttF will be Telltale's fourth series to have one episode released for the iPad and then be abandoned.

    BTTF and Monkey Island episodes are certainly coming. They have not been abandoned.
  • edited April 2011
    BTTF and Monkey Island episodes are certainly coming. They have not been abandoned.

    Well that's good to hear. :)

    If you don't mind me asking, though, (and I apologize if I'm getting too nosy), I can't help but notice you said BttF and Monkey Island are coming but didn't mention The Devil's Playhouse and Wallace and Gromit. >_>
  • edited April 2011
    Well that's good to hear. :)

    If you don't mind me asking, though, (and I apologize if I'm getting too nosy), I can't help but notice you said BttF and Monkey Island are coming but didn't mention The Devil's Playhouse and Wallace and Gromit. >_>

    Right now, there are no plans to finish those series. With iPad 2 out though there's always the possibility we could revisit TDP and W&G, but no plans as of yet.
  • edited April 2011
    All right. Thanks for answering!
  • edited April 2011
    23 of March you said it will be soon. Now it`s week later, and still can`t find episode 2 in appstore. Come on, don`t leave us, and say when will you release it.
  • edited April 2011
    zcaalock wrote: »
    23 of March you said it will be soon. Now it`s week later, and still can`t find episode 2 in appstore. Come on, don`t leave us, and say when will you release it.

    There are a lot of factors when launching a game in the App Store including approval processes. Right now, we simply do not know when Episode 2 releases on iPad, but I promise when we know, you'll know.
  • edited April 2011
    thanks for answer
  • edited April 2011
    Buy on pc
  • edited April 2011
    hamza721 wrote: »
    Buy on pc

    Wow! So helpful! And so insightful too! ... ... you idiot. As if ANYONE would complain about it sucking on their platform (iPad or PS3) if they could get it on PC easily. Seriously, think then post.

    Also, I'm impressed that a member of the Telltale team responded to my complaint, so thank you for that!

    I feel bad that my first post here is so negative when I do actually like Telltale's games, but I nearly two months after Episode 1 of BttF, and suddenly this monthly game (as it says in the game's App Store description) is not so, well, monthly. I get that Apple can hold up apps with their certification, but you guys have plenty of experience now with them so that's not really a good excuse.

    Anyway, love BttF and I want more! So here's hoping we get Ep 2 soon and it runs better than Ep 1!
  • edited April 2011
    No matter how people construct their thinking patterns...let's keep it nice and without insults, okay? Thank you.
  • edited April 2011

    i'm no expert with apple devices so i could be wrong. But i used to know on the iphone that certain "memory boosters" which really helped with games.

    iPad 2 has a 512MB RAM right? (Internal RAM). I think this is the issue why it could be running like "Crap".
    iPad 1 has 256MB RAM.

    Task killing can also help, its just a matter of freeing up as much memory as possible.

    Example :
  • edited April 2011
    Hey guys! Episode 2 has been submitted to Apple for its approval process. As I said in the other thread, no release date to announce just yet, but it's coming soon! :)
  • edited April 2011
    Trackah123 wrote: »

    i'm no expert with apple devices so i could be wrong. But i used to know on the iphone that certain "memory boosters" which really helped with games.

    iPad 2 has a 512MB RAM right? (Internal RAM). I think this is the issue why it could be running like "Crap".
    iPad 1 has 256MB RAM.

    Task killing can also help, its just a matter of freeing up as much memory as possible.

    Example :

    Yeah, I can see what you mean. But even when I shut down all my apps and reset my iPad poor old BttF still runs really bad. I'd love an iPad 2 ... but I should probably pay my power/rent/fuel bills first haha ... that app is interesting though ... seems to have bad reviews but I'll look into more like that .... thank you for that!!

    EDIT: Went looking -- found this for anyone who's interested ::
    Hey guys! Episode 2 has been submitted to Apple for its approval process. As I said in the other thread, no release date to announce just yet, but it's coming soon! :)

    As long as it's coming I'm happy ... really looking forward to this.
  • edited April 2011
    Yes thats a good one too.

    You dont have to reset the ipad tho, usually with these programs you just shut it down so it frees up memory and youre ready to go instantly without rebooting or anything.

    But if you reboot again, then you have to run the memory-optimizer again. Because during boot everything is loaded into memory again.
  • edited April 2011
    Trackah123 wrote: »
    Yes thats a good one too.

    You dont have to reset the ipad tho, usually with these programs you just shut it down so it frees up memory and youre ready to go instantly without rebooting or anything.

    But if you reboot again, then you have to run the memory-optimizer again. Because during boot everything is loaded into memory again. --> so i downloaded this app and used it on my iPad.

    I booted up BttF to see if it ran any better. To my surprise it actually did.

    I reset my closed all my apps, reset iPad, ran that app, cleared the memory (which went from 90mb or so free to around 128mb free) and booted up BttF.

    Now it DID run better, BUT the voices were still out of sync, and big action sequences (like Marty on that bike) would still grind like crazy. Walking around the town square was a little better though.

    So if anything I'd say the game still needs work (performance wise, gameplay wise I still love it!), but that app is actually better than I thought it would be.

    Thanks for the suggestion Trackah.
  • edited April 2011
    Your fault for buying the iPad in the first place :P
  • edited April 2011
    I like it when people help each-other, our forum members are awesome! :D

    I wish I had an iPad... but it's so expensive!
  • edited April 2011
    I like it when people help each-other, our forum members are awesome! :D

    I wish I had an iPad... but it's so expensive!

    and useless
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2011
    Enough with baiting iPad users, "coolguy".
  • edited April 2011
    The IPad 2 has made the first episode a pleasure to play. I cannot wait for the very soon release of episode 2. I will be buying every episode on the IPad.

    Great work Telltale.
  • edited April 2011

    OOOOH!!!! OHHH!!!! Is that you man!?
  • edited April 2011
    doodo! wrote: »

    OOOOH!!!! OHHH!!!! Is that you man!?

  • edited April 2011
    Jakeo wrote: »

    Since I'm guessing you're new here Jakeo, you should probably know there's a Telltale developer named Jake Rodkin who posts here under the username "Jake."

    You might want to prepare for people mistaking you for him a lot. ;)
  • edited April 2011
    Since I'm guessing you're new here Jakeo, you should probably know there's a Telltale developer named Jake Rodkin who posts here under the username "Jake."

    You might want to prepare for people mistaking you for him a lot. ;)

    I figured that just before I went to sleep last night when I saw a post by the Developer in another thread, lol. Oh well, I'm sure most people will realize my name is not in red :)
  • edited April 2011
    Hello everybody, i'm french.
    My english is very 0
    When coming BTTF ep 2 ?
  • edited April 2011
    cheyenne17 wrote: »
    Hello everybody, i'm french.
    My english is very 0
    When coming BTTF ep 2 ?

    The Developers have said it has been submitted to Apple. So I would guess it should be released sometime in the next few weeks...

    It's such a shame that the first episode ran so terribly on the Ipad 2 and that Ipad 2 took so long to get here as these games really SHINE on the A5 processor. I hope they release every episode on the Ipad so that I don't have to bother with downloading a pc version. Of all my games on every platform I own, I only pay for apps...
  • edited April 2011
    Episode 2 out (french store)
    but 5€49 !!
    5€49 x 5 = 27€45 > mac prices. Why ??
  • edited April 2011
    Thanks for releasing all the episodes of BttF to ipad. Hope to see Sam&Max full seasons on ipad someday too.
  • edited April 2011
    So are the episodes going to be coming out faster now, to catch up with the PC releases? or are we still to expect an episode every 3 or 4 months?
  • edited April 2011
    Since I'm guessing you're new here Jakeo, you should probably know there's a Telltale developer named Jake Rodkin who posts here under the username "Jake."

    You might want to prepare for people mistaking you for him a lot. ;)

    Jake barely posts anymore
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