Sherrif Strickland (might also create an Edna solution) - SPOILERS

Do you think Sherrif Strickland was killed by Bufford in the original time line? (Bttf3 Deleted scene)
Or do you think that Doc or Marty is responsible for his death?

No, them time traveling doesn't alter his fate
1885A/1955A - Seeing how Principle Strickland was a strict guy in 1955, makes me believe sherrif Strickland died anyway.

Yes, them time traveling caused his death
1. Doc saved Clara (when Marty didn't travel back yet, seeing how he was picking her up anyways). Doc was shot by Bufford at the dance (because Marty didn't throw a "frisbee"). Possible confrontation between Bufford and the Sherrif, in which the Sherrif may or may not have died.
2. Doc saved Clara (when Marty didn't travel back yet, seeing how he was picking her up anyways). Bufford DIDN't shoot Doc at the dance. Monday Bufford runs into the Sherrif, kills him (like in the deleted scene). Then comes the Doc VS Bufford fight (instead of Marty VS Bufford).

1885C: BttF3 movie once Marty went to 1855

Maybe IF the Sherrif didn't die, then Edna & the Principle's attitude might have changed. So perhaps changing their upraising in the finale???


  • edited April 2011
    the reason that was a deleted sceen was because it didn't seem to fit the tone of the movie. As it was cut I say it never even happened...
  • edited April 2011
    darkcat1 wrote: »
    the reason that was a deleted sceen was because it didn't seem to fit the tone of the movie. As it was cut I say it never even happened...

    Yet in Episode 1 of the game, Old Edna will tell you that it did happen.

    Still it makes me wonder if the sherrif would have died if both Doc & Marty never time-traveled.....
  • darkcat1 wrote: »
    the reason that was a deleted sceen was because it didn't seem to fit the tone of the movie. As it was cut I say it never even happened...

    The official reason is that nobody died in the trilogy and stayed dead. Doc died twice and george once but these are all avoided.

    I kind of think that marshall strickland met edna. She has a picture of him early in 1986. Kind of odd to have a picutre up of a family member who died prior to your birth (100 years ago no less).

    Here is the scene;

    Seems they were on their way to the duel. And yes it doesn't fit. Too dark and i cant see marshall backing down that easily. I like to think marshall was the one person buford actually had some fear with (he got them to check their guns while the sherrif couldn't).

    Remember that when buford is arrested, he's only arrested for robbing the pine city stage.

    Also in the timeline with doc but no marty where doc dies, buford still presumably only has the one shot gun so unless his goons had a gun hidden, he couldnt have shot anyone else there.
  • edited April 2011
    Kind of odd to have a picutre up of a family member who died prior to your birth (100 years ago no less).

    It's not that unusual, particularly if the relative was a historical figure (which, in Hill Valley local lore, I imagine Marshall Strickland was).
  • edited April 2011
    The official reason is that nobody died in the trilogy and stayed dead. Doc died twice and george once but these are all avoided.

    I seem to remember the official reason being that, with the scene left in, the audience wanted Marty to kill Buford instead of just imprison him.
  • I seem to remember the official reason being that, with the scene left in, the audience wanted Marty to kill Buford instead of just imprison him.

    That creates a paradox if biffs grandfather (keep in mind Kid would be bufords grandson, theres still a missing tannen) is not born yet. And still could; buford dies, his son/daughter would have a different timeline which could change future history. Also this becomes too dark.
  • edited April 2011
    That creates a paradox if biffs grandfather (keep in mind Kid would be bufords grandson, theres still a missing tannen) is not born yet. And still could; buford dies, his son/daughter would have a different timeline which could change future history. Also this becomes too dark.

    Exactly why they removed it... Well, that and the audience were left disappointed. xD

    And I think there isn't really enough time between 1885 and 1931 for a missing Tannen. Not to mention the TTG team themselves said Kid's definitely Buford's son as well as Biff's father... and wasn't there some line in BTTF3 about Buford being Biff's grandfather, or did I imagine that?
  • edited April 2011
    I think Buford > Kid > Biff works out okay. Men can "sire" children until the day they die. Assuming Biff was 18 in 1955 (they were seniors in high school right?), he was born around 1937. That's only 52 years after Marty and Doc's trip back to 1885. I don't know if Buford's age at that time is ever given, but regardless, 52 years is definitely feasible for Buford to have Kid and then Kid to have Biff.
  • edited April 2011
    and wasn't there some line in BTTF3 about Buford being Biff's grandfather, or did I imagine that?

    It was in part 2, the Biff Tannen Museum video.
  • Exactly why they removed it... Well, that and the audience were left disappointed. xD

    And I think there isn't really enough time between 1885 and 1931 for a missing Tannen. Not to mention the TTG team themselves said Kid's definitely Buford's son as well as Biff's father... and wasn't there some line in BTTF3 about Buford being Biff's grandfather, or did I imagine that?

    the only time buford and biff are interconnected was the scene in part II in the biff museum where it is stated buford mad dog tannen is biffs GREAT grandfather.

    Also notice how there seems to always be a mcfly and tannen relatively the same age; kid and arthur, biff and george, marty jr. and griff. William McFly (the baby in part III) is arthurs father so kids father is likely either a baby or not born yet in 1885. Either way marty probably doesn't know this.

    And as bad as buford is, marty knows not to change history. Even getting him imprisoned changes history (though wasn't his sentence only 15 days?)
  • edited April 2011
    the only time buford and biff are interconnected was the scene in part II in the biff museum where it is stated buford mad dog tannen is biffs GREAT grandfather.

    No, it is stated that Buford is Biff's grandfather.
  • No, it is stated that Buford is Biff's grandfather.

    heres the script and the proof;

    search for the word BUFORD
  • edited April 2011
    Ah, thanks CorruptBiggins, I knew there was a line about it somewhere! xD
    heres the script and the proof;

    search for the word BUFORD

    And here is the actual video used in the movie (albeit with different voiceover): Buford is Biff's GRANDFATHER here. :)
  • Ah, thanks CorruptBiggins, I knew there was a line about it somewhere! xD

    And here is the actual video used in the movie (albeit with different voiceover): Buford is Biff's GRANDFATHER here. :)

    it's a different voiceover there, anyone can do that.

    Go watch that movie again or read the script I posted because it has EVERY line
  • edited April 2011
    it's a different voiceover there, anyone can do that.

    Go watch that movie again or read the script I posted because it has EVERY line

    Yes, it's a different voiceover; this is the video used while filming. The voiceover was presumably redubbed later. Also, just a little bit of info, scripts are never 100% the same as the finished product. That's why I was so doubtful of your claim that the line was 'great-grandfather'. And I don't have the time to rewatch the movies, so I'm relying on YouTube videos. I do apologise for that.
    I did find a video of the aforementioned 'finished product', at 4:50 here: Another way of convincing people might have been linking to his article on Futurepedia:

    As for Buford's son/Kid's father, well, we don't know how long Buford was in jail after being arrested in 1885, but I'd bet it was for the rest of his life. The missing Tannen was presumably already around, and I bet at least a year old to continue the "always one year older" tradition we seem to have going. xD
  • Yes, it's a different voiceover; this is the video used while filming. The voiceover was presumably redubbed later. Also, just a little bit of info, scripts are never 100% the same as the finished product. That's why I was so doubtful of your claim that the line was 'great-grandfather'. And I don't have the time to rewatch the movies, so I'm relying on YouTube videos. I do apologise for that.
    I did find a video of the aforementioned 'finished product', at 4:50 here: Another way of convincing people might have been linking to his article on Futurepedia:

    As for Buford's son/Kid's father, well, we don't know how long Buford was in jail after being arrested in 1885, but I'd bet it was for the rest of his life. The missing Tannen was presumably already around, and I bet at least a year old to continue the "always one year older" tradition we seem to have going. xD

    i thought about it but wikipedia can be wrong as well (though for content as popular as BTTF it's usually right). Anyhow if we assume the model that the mcfly's and tannens which follow this direct timeline are all 30 years apart (for names we dont know, i'm just assigning JR tags);
    Marty Jr/Griff born late 1990s
    Marty/Biff Jr born late 1960s
    George/Biff born late 1930s
    Arthur/Kid born late 1900s
    well this is where it gets tougher. William would be arthurs father and he is a baby in 1885 so instead of being born late 1870s as the usual timeline indicates, he was a few years later. So if kids father (we'll call him Buford JR) is the same age as william, he's either a baby or not born yet during 1885. Or maybe this is a tannen who doesn't run in with the mcflys. Not sure if Seamus and Buford are the same age. They obviously know of each other but they don't cross paths nearly as often as their descendants and Seamus doesn't get as excited as everyone else when marty stands up against Buford. All we know is that Seamus is told by Buford never to go into the saloon.
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