Mac BTTF 1 Not Executable
I am using Mac OS 10.6.6 on an Intel MacBook Pro.
I got the free version of BTTF Episode 1, and downloaded it twice (since the first download didn't work), one a few days ago, and one today. In both copies, the application would not start up when clicked. Unlike other posters, I didn't even get into the launch window. I opened the package contents, and looked at the file Contents/MacOS/Mac_Game, and found that it had file permissions of 644 (admin read/write, user and group read). I changed the privileges so that it could be executed. After this, the application would run.
I got the free version of BTTF Episode 1, and downloaded it twice (since the first download didn't work), one a few days ago, and one today. In both copies, the application would not start up when clicked. Unlike other posters, I didn't even get into the launch window. I opened the package contents, and looked at the file Contents/MacOS/Mac_Game, and found that it had file permissions of 644 (admin read/write, user and group read). I changed the privileges so that it could be executed. After this, the application would run.
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i tried to run the app with the terminal, and here is the message
this is the free Chapter 1 that I downloaded tonight at around 7pm (CET) of April 11th.