Would you buy the soundtrack?

I wondered if there was any chance of there being an official release of the soundtrack to the game once it's finished.

In any case, I also wonder if anyone hase put together a chronological tracklist of the music files from the game as extracted using the Telltale Music Extractor.


  • edited April 2011
    If after every episode of the game was released, Telltale and/or Universal decided to release a soundtrack for the game, would you buy it?
  • edited April 2011
    To be fair, I wouldn't. I'm not really impressed by the score of this game, all that plays is the same tune of the movies, sometimes sped up and sometimes down. And well, Huey Lewis. I believe it fits more as we listen to them as we see something happening. I wouldn't really put them on my playlist and just listen to them in my spare time, except for Huey Lewis songs.
  • edited April 2011
    Maybe. But, like Falanca, probably not. It's a lot of the music I already have, and there hasn't really been a track that's stood out in my mind. Plus, there are tools to extract the music anyways...
  • If after every episode of the game was released, Telltale and/or Universal decided to release a soundtrack for the game, would you buy it?

    Not to be nitpicky but it wouldnt be a soundtrack, more of a score. The only song which has been featured is back in time.
  • edited April 2011
    Not to be nitpicky but it wouldnt be a soundtrack, more of a score. The only song which has been featured is back in time.

    The scores of any thing is generally still referred to as a soundtrack.
  • edited April 2011
    Plus, there's also the songs Trixie sings.
  • edited April 2011
    Yeah, I already have a Back to the Future soundtrack... dunno what else there would be to get from this.
  • edited April 2011
    doggans wrote: »
    Plus, there's also the songs Trixie sings.


    I love game soundtracks in general, but nothing in this game so far has jumped out at me as must-have.
  • edited April 2011
    Am I the only one who thinks the melody of Trixie's "Fun" song sounds a lot like "Here Comes Santa Claus?"
  • edited April 2011
    Mark me down for a no. I just can't see myself listening to this on it's own.
  • edited April 2011
    Not for BttF but many other Telltale games yes.
  • edited April 2011
    Am I the only one who thinks the melody of Trixie's "Fun" song sounds a lot like "Here Comes Santa Claus?"

    Well, it's not HER song even.
  • edited April 2011
    No. It just doesn't compare to the greatness of Sam & Max or Monkey Island.
  • edited April 2011
    I believe that since ToMI, TellTale never released any more soundtracks of their games. I imagine this is because of lack of time or that the soundtracks they actually released didn't sell as well as they expected. So I find it unlikely that they'll release anymore soundtracks in the future.

    I'm still waiting for a Tales soundtrack! :p
  • edited April 2011
    Am I the only one who thinks the melody of Trixie's "Fun" song sounds a lot like "Here Comes Santa Claus?"


    I'm pretty sure Ain't We Got Fun is older.
  • edited April 2011
    The soundtrack is good, but i wouldnt buy it seperatly like that.
    I wouldnt listen to it anyway... and yeah then there is also the Telltale music extractor.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2011
    Trenchfoot wrote: »
    I believe that since ToMI, TellTale never released any more soundtracks of their games. I imagine this is because of lack of time or that the soundtracks they actually released didn't sell as well as they expected. So I find it unlikely that they'll release anymore soundtracks in the future.

    I'm still waiting for a Tales soundtrack! :p

    LucasArts owns the music rights to the new music written for Tales, not us, so it's not our call to make a soundtrack for that game.
  • edited April 2011
    Scnew wrote: »

    I'm pretty sure Ain't We Got Fun is older.

    Oh hey, so they are using genuine period music? That's cool to know. I was kind of hoping that the courthouse square reveal scene in the first episode would have been accompanied by a period song, but this is cool too.
  • edited April 2011
    Oh, it's an actual song from the period? Well, that just shows how ignorant I am! Thanks for clarifying.
  • edited April 2011
    Jake wrote: »
    LucasArts owns the music rights to the new music written for Tales, not us, so it's not our call to make a soundtrack for that game.

    Thanks for the answer Jake, I didn't know that. At least now I know why you guys couldn't do a Tales soundtrack :)

    It's a shame that LucasArts won't release a soundtrack of said game. The music for the cutscenes specially is some of the most interesting music of video games from recent times, at least in my humble opinion.

    Sorry for going off-topic!
  • edited April 2011
    Jake wrote: »
    LucasArts owns the music rights to the new music written for Tales, not us, so it's not our call to make a soundtrack for that game.

    Off topic, but do they own everything from Tales, or is Winslow for example owned by Telltale?
  • edited April 2011
    Scnew wrote: »
    Off topic, but do they own everything from Tales, or is Winslow for example owned by Telltale?

    Poker Night suggests that Winslow's character model is Telltale's property, but his name is LucasArts' property, to give you some idea of how complicated this stuff can be
  • edited April 2011
    Jake wrote: »
    LucasArts owns the music rights to the new music written for Tales, not us, so it's not our call to make a soundtrack for that game.

    Way to crush my dreams...
  • edited April 2011
    I kind of doubt I would, I have enjoyed it, but I doubt I would purchase it.
  • edited April 2011
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    Poker Night suggests that Winslow's character model is Telltale's property, but his name is LucasArts' property, to give you some idea of how complicated this stuff can be

    ... Does Winslow appear in Poker Night, but never get referred to by name?
  • edited April 2011
    Scnew wrote: »
    ... Does Winslow appear in Poker Night, but never get referred to by name?

    Yes, and yes. He is credited as "The Host".
  • edited April 2011
  • edited April 2011
    Weird that you didn't know about that before, to be honest. Unless you were keeping yourself away from... anything that may spoil a game about 4 unrelated characters playing Poker?
  • edited April 2011
    How is weird that I wouldn't know that? I haven't played it.
  • edited April 2011
    The problem is that buying TT soundtracks outside US if very costly - mainly for the shipping. If they were available on digital delivery I would buy them all!

    Come on TT, I'm sure you can do it!
    (BTW, the My purchases page seems to be a little full right now... I own all games and it's a huge list... Can't you group episodes of the same game?)
  • edited April 2011
    Scnew wrote: »
    How is weird that I wouldn't know that? I haven't played it.

    Well, many people on forums pointed that out, many videos of the game on Youtube has Winslow's distinct voice everywhere (as he's the host and the narrator of the game), etc etc.
  • edited April 2011
    You're right. It is pretty weird that I didn't watch YouTube videos of a game I wasn't interested in. :confused:
  • edited April 2011
    The problem is that buying TT soundtracks outside US if very costly - mainly for the shipping. If they were available on digital delivery I would buy them all!

    Come on TT, I'm sure you can do it!
    (BTW, the My purchases page seems to be a little full right now... I own all games and it's a huge list... Can't you group episodes of the same game?)

    Get them when there's a free shipping campaign. Like last December.
  • edited April 2011
    Jake wrote: »
    LucasArts owns the music rights to the new music written for Tales, not us, so it's not our call to make a soundtrack for that game.

    I presume it would be a similar situation with Universal for the music for this game. Still, maybe if enough people express an interest we could get them to at least release the soundtrack on iTunes or emusic or something.

    I wonder why more companies don't release the complete scores for films and games online. I mean, one of the main reasons I've heard for not releasing them in CD form is that they're worried that the expense of producing the discs with the packaging and hiring someone to write liner notes and whatnot would be greater than the amount of money they'd get from the sales of the CD. But you don't have that issue if you release it online. You just have to let whatever site you pick to host the music have their cut of the sales and they handle the rest.

    Also, I'm pretty sure all or almost all of the songs in Get Tannen are songs from the period, or are from the public domain, meaning Telltale doesn't have to pay anyone a cent to use them.
  • edited April 2011
    Mmm, can someone confirm that fact? I'm writing a film noir and I'd love to use Ain't We Got Fun in an opening nightclub sequence. Maybe with a Marty & Kid Tannen lookalike haha
  • edited April 2011
    Well, after all, 90% of the soundtrack is just Silvestri's old score for BTTF, so if you have the OSTs for BTTF I-III, you basically got it all.
  • edited May 2011
    Is there any chance that the soundtrack to Back to the Future: The Game will be released after Episode 5 is released.
  • edited May 2011
    I would hope so, but if it doesn't happen, there is a program that allows you to extract music from tell tale games.
  • edited May 2011
    Maybe they will put the MP3s on the DVD like they did with Strong Bad.
  • edited May 2011
    Why must we have so many duplicate threads?
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