Marty's Secret Injury


  • edited April 2011
    Touching the neck is the new snapping/arm raising!
  • edited April 2011
    Michael J. Fox makes that same gesture a lot in the movies, though. It's totally justified.
  • edited April 2011
    Ah! My sore neck! What happened to my...freaking neck. I always cried hard when he rubbed his neck, cuz it looked like it really hurtz.

  • edited April 2011
    That's what happens when you only design one good idle animation.
  • edited April 2011
    i think he is just doing that when he thinks
  • edited April 2011
    After getting strung up by Mad Dog in part 3 I'm not surprised he's got a sore neck.
  • i kind of figured crashing the delorean caused it. He's not doing that in the first two episodes.
  • edited April 2011
    i kind of figured crashing the delorean caused it. He's not doing that in the first two episodes.

    ... The video is all from the first two episodes ...
  • edited April 2011
    In his auto-biography, Michael J. Fox actually writes that he lost consciousness during the hanging scene.
    They used a chair several times, but "it didn't look good on camera" he said. Michael asked for the chair to be removed, but his hand (which was supposed to be caught in the noose) slipped and he actually got hanged for a couple of seconds.

  • edited April 2011
  • edited April 2011
    Michael J. Fox makes that same gesture a lot in the movies, though. It's totally justified.

    I think in the movie he was rubbing his head ... in sync with George.
    I guess now hes rubbing his neck together with Artie.
    Its a common thing to do though right? It didnt seam overused in my opinion.
    I should try counting how often I do it during one day. :rolleyes:
    In his auto-biography, Michael J. Fox actually writes that he lost consciousness during the hanging scene.
    They used a chair several times, but "it didn't look good on camera" he said. Michael asked for the chair to be removed, but his hand (which was supposed to be caught in the noose) slipped and he actually got hanged for a couple of seconds.


    Ok, I hate that scene even more now. -_-
    I hope the guy that made him do that falls into a manure truck.
  • edited April 2011
    I think in the movie he was rubbing his head ... in sync with George.
    I guess now hes rubbing his neck together with Artie.
    Its a common thing to do though right? It didnt seam overused in my opinion.
    I should try counting how often I do it during one day. :rolleyes:

    Ok, I hate that scene even more now. -_-
    I hope the guy that made him do that falls into a manure truck.

    Read it again. Michael ASKED for the chair to be removed.
  • edited April 2011
    Yeah, the neck-rubbing thing was just a nervous habit.

    It is seen in every male McFly character except (maybe?) Seamus in 1885.
  • edited April 2011
    Read it again. Michael ASKED for the chair to be removed.

    Right... well they shouldnt have let him.
    Honestly im shocked by the stupidity of that whole story.
    Why not put a harness around his body and hook him up on that. :confused:
    Then put a second fake noose around his neck.
    That way he would be really hanging and it wouldnt look fake, but he couldnt just die on accident.
  • edited April 2011
    I know, pretty dumb... but totally understandable.

    When I film my stuff and I have to perform stunts, I prefer making it seem real, rather than playing it safe.

    I fell on my arms a couple of times, almost fell of a roof, I've been punched straight on...several times (didn't duck quickly enough)...actually, I've been punched in my stomach, my nose, my jaw and my left eye...
    I've burnt myself with hot liquid glycerin, I've been hit with an oven door, people fell on top of me countless times, I've been tied up from top to toes and thrown over a high table... missing the mattress prepared for my fall and ending up hitting the wardrobe behind it
    ...on another shot, the wardrobe door broke off and landed on top of my head... I had to jump in a bathtub full of water, while still wearing all my clothes...

    and the list goes on :) But I tell ya, those shots were REALLY sweet! It's cool to hear people in the audience gasping, hehehe! :p Totally worth it.

    If I would've been in Michael's place... I would surely have done the same.
  • edited April 2011
    Everyone's complaining about the neck rubbing when really everyone should be talking about the hair ruffling. In the movies, it literally happens every few minutes.
  • edited April 2011
    I know, pretty dumb... but totally understandable.

    When I film my stuff and I have to perform stunts, I prefer making it seem real, rather than playing it safe.

    I fell on my arms a couple of times, almost fell of a roof, I've been punched straight on...several times (didn't duck quickly enough)...actually, I've been punched in my stomach, my nose, my jaw and my left eye...
    I've burnt myself with hot liquid glycerin, I've been hit with an oven door, people fell on top of me countless times, I've been tied up from top to toes and thrown over a high table... missing the mattress prepared for my fall and ending up hitting the wardrobe behind it
    ...on another shot, the wardrobe door broke off and landed on top of my head... I had to jump in a bathtub full of water, while still wearing all my clothes...

    and the list goes on :) But I tell ya, those shots were REALLY sweet! It's cool to hear people in the audience gasping, hehehe! :p Totally worth it.

    If I would've been in Michael's place... I would surely have done the same.

    I guess youre right. I suppose its easy to point out how stupid it is afterwards.
    God knows I know how easy it is to do something stupid and end up getting hurt. :p
    Actually as weird as it sounds, your stunts sound like a lot of fun. :D
    A little bump never hurt anyone, just laugh it off right?
    Yeah even if I get knocked out, I wake up and have a laughing fit! haha

    Still even with that attitude, its the fact that he passed out because he got hanged that really makes me shudder.
    But whatever. He's alright. :)
  • edited April 2011
    Right... well they shouldnt have let him.
    Honestly im shocked by the stupidity of that whole story.
    Why not put a harness around his body and hook him up on that. :confused:
    Then put a second fake noose around his neck.
    That way he would be really hanging and it wouldnt look fake, but he couldnt just die on accident.

    Well, they shouldn't have let Harrison Ford work while he was sick or staple his hat to his head to keep it from flying off while riding a horse in Indiana Jones, they shouldn't have let Johnny Depp jump off a cliff into a lake, they shouldn't let Jackie Chan do ANY of his own stunts anymore(you can only break every bone in your body so many times).
  • edited April 2011
    Yes I suppose it was just another stunt. Still tell yourself that after youve seen somebody hang and kill himself in real life.
    they shouldn't have let Harrison Ford staple his hat to his head to keep it from flying off

    LOL did he seriously do that? :eek:
  • edited April 2011
    Right I think i steered this thread in a kind of grim direction. Sorry about that.
    Everyone's complaining about the neck rubbing when really everyone should be talking about the hair ruffling. In the movies, it literally happens every few minutes.

    ... yeah... *rubs head*


  • edited April 2011
    Shame on them, the have 'traveler' as 'traviler'... In the first part of the video..

    hmmft lol
  • edited April 2011
    LOL did he seriously do that? :eek:

    Yup. And that scene in the first Indiana Jones where that guy is swinging his sword around? Yeah, Harrison Ford had dysentery during that whole thing, didn't want to do the original version of that scene which would've involved a whole choreographed thing with the whip. Instead, he just shot him. lol
  • edited April 2011
    Yup. And that scene in the first Indiana Jones where that guy is swinging his sword around? Yeah, Harrison Ford had dysentery during that whole thing, didn't want to do the original version of that scene which would've involved a whole choreographed thing with the whip. Instead, he just shot him. lol

    Classic hehe xD
  • edited April 2011
    Mercedez wrote: »

    Haha I love that scene. He's so "agh wtf I cant be bothered", it probably made the scene twice as good as it would have been.
  • edited April 2011
    He didn't actually staple his hat to his head though, he was just joking around.
  • edited April 2011
    Right... well they shouldnt have let him.
    Honestly im shocked by the stupidity of that whole story.
    Why not put a harness around his body and hook him up on that. :confused:
    Then put a second fake noose around his neck.
    That way he would be really hanging and it wouldnt look fake, but he couldnt just die on accident.

    Because that technique for fake hangings is a fairly modern one, to the best of my knowledge it wasn't really invented until the mid 90s when they could make wire strong enough but equally thing enough to be hidden well AND had the cgi power to edit it out (opposed to the early cgi that only really allowed for adding things). These movies were filmed in the 1980s y'know.

    BTTF 2 and 3 were filmed back to back and came out 89 and 90, accounting for editing time etc that means your looking at like 87/88 filming, at the latest. (I'm sure someone here would be able to churn out the precise filming dates)
  • edited April 2011
    I know, pretty dumb... but totally understandable.

    When I film my stuff and I have to perform stunts, I prefer making it seem real, rather than playing it safe.

    I fell on my arms a couple of times, almost fell of a roof, I've been punched straight on...several times (didn't duck quickly enough)...actually, I've been punched in my stomach, my nose, my jaw and my left eye...
    I've burnt myself with hot liquid glycerin, I've been hit with an oven door, people fell on top of me countless times, I've been tied up from top to toes and thrown over a high table... missing the mattress prepared for my fall and ending up hitting the wardrobe behind it
    ...on another shot, the wardrobe door broke off and landed on top of my head... I had to jump in a bathtub full of water, while still wearing all my clothes...

    and the list goes on :) But I tell ya, those shots were REALLY sweet! It's cool to hear people in the audience gasping, hehehe! :p Totally worth it.

    That sounds like the makings of a great montage. Ever considered compiling all the footage of the epic stunt fails into one?
  • edited April 2011
    well if your grandpa hit you with his car, had someone knock you upside the head and tumble down a hill only to have your head smack into a wooden fence you'd have serious neck injuries too.
  • edited April 2011
    I love it at 0:30 when Marty and Artie both do it at the same time.
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