Anyone ever watch the 90s TV series "ER"?
I'm about to start watching the pilot (first episode) of the first season of that. Is it any good? I really love Jurassic Park, and it was created by the same guy who created Jurassic Park (Michael Crichton) so I imagine it should be good. Discuss.
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Holy cow that was a fast reply.
o ok
No. But you're like...all over the place.
Whats that supposed to mean!!!
It's compliment. You're like a first responder.
well i am trying to get my post count up higher.
I watched it with my parents, who are doctors, and just like they do with House, they'd just guess what everyone had long before the doctors did. It's very annoying. Don't watch the show with doctors around.
Other than that, it went through a lot of different characters and writers, so it's not like it has a homogeneous feel to it, I mean in my opinion different seasons have very different feels, almost like a different take on the series.
As shows about doctors tend to do, the doctors' private lives are considered more important than the patients' actual lives. If you can get past that, you'll probably enjoy it.
ur doing it wrong
Yuo Wyn 1001101
It's almost as if every reply was in response to a completely different question....
...on that note;
Soylent Green is people!!!
hows that?
other than the fact that is was created by my favorite author of all time, I've never really been much into ER.
Your fun fact was in the original post, you know