Favorite Dialogue from Episode 3

edited April 2011 in Back to the Future
Tough for me cause there was quite a few memorable quotes in this one, particularly all the 80's references :D

But I'm going to go with.

Marty: Look Doc, You don't remember but you built a *Time Machine* out of a Delorean!"

FCB: Why?

Marty: Well, Just for the hell of it I guess.


  • edited April 2011
    "ok Marty what kind of nightmare alternate future did we land in this time?"

    Sorry I just love that lol
  • edited April 2011
    Marty : What's the date ?
    Jen : What ? That's something I should be asking you. Did you bumped your head or something ?
    Marty : Never mind that, What's the date ?
    Jen : It's the 15th.
    Marty : The Year !
    Jen : 1986, duh !
    Marty : Oh man, oh man. This can't be happening.

    The way Marty panics at the end always makes me laugh.
  • Marty " I guess this thing is under warranty.... way under warranty" (because of course it was purchased in 2015)
  • edited April 2011


    "I heard that!"
  • edited April 2011
    "I gotta have something a teenage girl would want...heh, besides my body, of course."
  • edited April 2011
    daeva0123 wrote: »
    Tough for me cause there was quite a few memorable quotes in this one, particularly all the 80's references :D

    But I'm going to go with.

    Marty: Look Doc, You don't remember but you built a *Time Machine* out of a Delorean!"

    FCB: Why?

    Marty: Well, Just for the hell of it I guess.

    Loved that one! :D
    One of my other favorites was "Greetings, Programs."
  • edited April 2011
    "I gotta have something a teenage girl would want...heh, besides my body, of course."

    Haha, yeah that one is great.
    Probably my favorite too, but to extend this thread im gonna go with:

    Marty: "Marty McFly a dork? It's impossible, he cant be a dork!"
    Jennifer: "Okay, everyone who talks about himself in the 3rd person is a dork."

    And this one from the conversation in Citizien Browns Office i found kinda funny too:
    "... and Jennifer's kinda scary."

    Because, well... its true. :o
    I can see how she might be a turn on... but damn shes such a mean sadistic bitch. :D
  • edited April 2011
    "Science fiction is illegal?!"
  • edited April 2011
    "The Browns always say that behaviours that excite your privates should be kept in private!"

    "Oh why would anyone do that to a nice Sector L citizen like me..."

    "Please adress me as Mrs. CITIZEN Brown. It's just a... a thing. I worked very hard to get that title."
  • edited April 2011
    Julianne wrote: »
    "The Browns always say that behaviours that excite your privates should be kept in private!"

    "Or maybe it's just Citizen Edna who says that..."
  • edited April 2011
    Marty: Don't worry Biff. we'll get you back to jerkville in no time.
  • edited April 2011
    My favorite line was from Citizen Brown:

    "Stop trying to CONFUSE ME!"

  • edited April 2011
    "You cut my wire you asshole!" and the way Marty moved and delivered the line "Oh god..." after eating the nasty hotdog thing.
  • edited April 2011
    "You cut my wire you asshole!"

    Yeah I liked that one too, AJ REALLY sounded like MJFox when he said it.

    I can't believe I missed out the best bit from the FCB confrontation ...

    "...Plus the stainless steel... the fluxy...I... I can't remember but it was Important!"

    I loved that :D
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