What If [JP:OG sequel]

edited July 2011 in Jurassic Park
When the game was first revealed I thought it was going to be a sequel to Operation genesis(before I heard they only had rights to the movie). But imagine JPOG(if you liked it) twice as good, just blows your mind. What would you add.
What If....


  • edited April 2011
    i would like to see the game more seriously! JPOG is fun don't get me wrong. but i dont like the 'theme park' graphics. i would rather see more of an sim city approach. more detail in buildings and surroundings. what if you could build the park up from the very first single tile?

    that would be a game which i would spend countless of hours in it!
  • edited April 2011
    More dinos, uped graphics, better AI, more structures and geographic control... More realistic Saphari adventure, river rides, Aviary, Moat builder, Male and female dinosaurs, More faculty (Security teams, veterinareans, feeders, maintanance, cleaners) Larger build limits, bigger environments, better breakouts, Different levels of buildings, (like every star rating the buildings become nicer and fancier) And accual in game interchangeable skins. And mabye play as a dino.
  • edited April 2011
    -Xbox 360 achievements
    -New Ice age creatures and dinosaurs overall
    -New types and skins of visitors and staff
    -New bulidings and varietiey of customization
    -Marine creatures and Pterosaurs
    -Level up to get more visitors and buliding space
    As a plot I was thinking: After the sucess or failure of the Jurassic Park in the First game, Ingen has decided to have a JP on every continent! Bulid the Jurassic park of your dreams in places such as Tanzania, California, India, and China and more. Some New dinosaurs include Titanosaurus, Nanotyrannus, Plateosaurus, and Protoceratops.-All said in a commercial like voice.
  • edited April 2011
    How about a different way of knowing when your dinos are ill insted of sattler nagging you every 5 sec?
  • edited April 2011
    Longer lifespans aswell
  • edited April 2011
    Dinosaurs that breed, and a cool Bull T-rex skin for the Male Trex
  • edited April 2011
    New rides, Staff Vehicles, Maintenence Roads, maintenence sheds. I would have loved if we could build structures and create paths on topography. Bigger Mountains would be amazing.
  • edited April 2011
    These all sound good so far.

    I would also add:
    *different types of paths (maintenance, tourist, etc)
    *different types of roads (Safari, master tour road a-la the movie, maintenance road)
    *tunnels and bridges
    *path building system more reminiscent of sim city
    *GATES! I'd have gates for footpaths and roads. have the standard gate be the maintenance gates from the movie, and the main gate be buildable, but larger and more expensive.
    *ability to build different power plants, and if you don't have enough power, your fences don't work right.
  • edited April 2011
    i would like it to have play as a dino, male and female dinos, aviary, aquarium, visitor mode where you can be a visitor and get chased by dinosaurs and have it where you and maybe a handfull of people are alone on the island and you have to turn back on power or something, more dinos, river tour, more dinos can be created in one park, customize or engineer the dinosaurs skin colors upgrades to buildings like the landing pad they show on the load screens a really cool visitor center same as in the movie but you can't get in game.
  • edited April 2011
    Also give you more weapon choices when you're a ranger possibly different guns that are more suited for different dinos(maybe even the LAW for an upgrade).
  • edited April 2011
    -Dino traniers,vets, and keepers
    -New Biomes like swamps, estuaries, and forests and variety of trees
    -Upgradable bulidings like Rest area to Rest Area/Jurassic Gardens

    There is one guy on another forum that draws JP art that looks like JPOG concept art, if you want I could post a link.(not really real concept art though, just looks like it)
  • edited April 2011
    -Dino traniers,vets, and keepers
    -New Biomes like swamps, estuaries, and forests and variety of trees
    -Upgradable bulidings like Rest area to Rest Area/Jurassic Gardens

    There is one guy on another forum that draws JP art that looks like JPOG concept art, if you want I could post a link.(not really real concept art though, just looks like it)

    Please post it that would be interesting:p
  • edited April 2011
    Yep, please post it at Fan art thread :)
  • edited April 2011
    you can unlock all digsites i felt really limited with the five digsites they gave us
  • edited April 2011

    :eek: AMAZING!!!!!....simply amazing.
  • edited April 2011
    I want the game to be harder. It was too easy to keep the dinosaur locked up. it wasn't often that the T-rex escaped. The only time I had problems is when the Twisters hit the island. Other than that the game was too easy to mantain a park.
  • edited April 2011
    I want the game to be harder. It was too easy to keep the dinosaur locked up. it wasn't often that the T-rex escaped. The only time I had problems is when the Twisters hit the island. Other than that the game was too easy to mantain a park.

    yea i also want an option to turn the power off or make nedry try to steal the embryos XD
  • edited April 2011
    That's a good idea. Have it to that there are other disasters other than twisters. Perhaps because you've been underpaying your workers one goes rogue and does what Nedry did. Or maybe some people like Nick from TLW don't like the idea of dinosaurs in cages so the come to release them.

    EDIT: Oh, and since the dinosaurs are genetic engineered, how about give us the option to choose custom colors for the dinosaurs. Sure, the dino nerds will notice something might be up but the general public will like the dinosaurs more. lol
  • edited April 2011
    Big bird cages with the Pteranodons (flying dinosaurs from JP3). I played JP:OG when I was younger and I always thought it would look cool to see those fly around in the cages.
  • edited April 2011
    Operation Genesis is an amazing game for Jurassic Park fans, but I think the idea of it was better than the actual implementation.

    A newer take on it, made for modern computers, could be a dream come true. An all around better game with more polish, more realism, more dinosaurs, no stupid caps on units, and no cartoon element would be phenomenal. Also a true first person walk through mode would be sensational. The ability to truly tour your own park with flexible camera angles.

    Also a better AI and better graphics/skins for the dinosaurs would be essential.

    And if possible, SCALE would be nice. Islands that are 20, 50, 100 square miles to scale, would be amazing.

    Imagine such a game, where its sim city Jurassic Park on one hand, but then similar to Far Cry 2, you could hop in a Jeep with a tranquilizer and go out into the park yourself, over miles and miles, and find, observe, recover your dinosaurs as necessary.

    Herd Behavior for certain species. Juvenile dinosaurs, etc..

    So many amazing things could happen.
  • edited April 2011
    Let your dinosaurs be newborns when they are released, just like Zoo Tycoon.
  • edited April 2011
    Boat tours and as a Multiplayer Experience you can make a visitor model or have your Xbox avatar as a visitor and go to other peoples Jurassic Parks and give a review about it. Oh and maybe vandalize their parks like shuting down their security systems, letting dinosaurs free, and tell rumours to other visitors like "The Suchomimus enclosure isn't safe enough." or "The Tarbosaurus almost ate me, this place is dangerous."
  • edited April 2011
    I would like to see more characteristics from the film. The Film Canon Mod is pretty good, but there are still many things to be improved.


    Also, there should be more options to how the park is constructed. The island size should be increased, there should be a raise/lower land and water tool. There should also be a much larger variety of construction/building options: various roads/cruiser tracks, fences (electric and standard), maintenance buildings (which would have to be manually activated in emergencies), geothermal power plants (the island needs power?), airlocks between paddocks, and loads of tourist catered buildings (hotels, restaurants, pools, tennis courts).
    A day/night sequence would be a great addition as well.
    In addition to tornadoes, there should obviously be hurricanes (it's an island after all) and perhaps a "sabotage" type emergency (similar to Dennis Nedry in the film).
    The warden should probably not use a helicopter (at least not early on), but have to use maintenance roads to handle dinosaur related issues. Also, retirement should hold more meaning. In Operation Genesis, tranquilizers are just as effective. Perhaps tranquilizers should have a significant delay (depending upon the size of the dinosaur), requiring executions in an emergency.
  • edited April 2011
    I don't want a sequel to JP:OG, i just want a game with the same principle idea of JP:OG in a better game.
  • edited April 2011

    thankyou for the links those r awesome
  • edited April 2011
    How about you can give dinosaurs adaptations to new biomes like deserts and tundras and cameoflague like CameoXtreme, and control their intelligence, endurance, strength, and survival skills by genetic alterations.
  • edited April 2011
    Replay Editor
    More Dinosaurs
    More Attractions
    Build - A - Dino
    More Security Features
    Interior Attractions
    More of a RCT Feel
    Dinosaurs can nom on restrooms. And pull people out of the toilets.
    More Destruction dinosaurs can cause
    Dinosaurs start out as babies when released from the Hatchery
    Be able to walk around the park as either a person or a dinosaur.
    Less fucking nagging.
  • edited May 2011
    Please, PLEASE do this!!! That would be the best game ever, I loved JPOG, but personally can't stand how theres no breeding and all those caps on how much U can do, plus the size of the islands and the fact that the dinosaurs always go to the southwest side of the island but seriously that game and concept is AMAZING you can always do a different game using the same concept! Just with modern graphics and improved gameplay with better features :D
  • edited May 2011
    well i put enb series on this to update graphics and film cannon mod. but aquatic dinos like mososaur or lipluredon would be amazing
  • edited May 2011
    Anyone here ever tried the mod? Genesis Expansion Project

    They added so much stuff to it. I have a friend who loves that game and the mod, but wish there was more games like it. I kinda do too. There are not enough games where you don't try to kill all the dinosaurs. Seeing the mods in the steam engine of half life 2, I wish I could make a game like that in it. Too bad I have no game programming skills, I am only competent in code like ROR.
  • edited May 2011
    I don't mod it, i only end up wishing there a sequel even more.
    Dinosaur enrichment- Balls and Rattles for Herbivores, Fake Dinosaur statues for carnivores to pratice hunting. Frozen Fish in a 3 foot layer of ice for Fish eaters like Baryonx.
    And on the Site B mode, how about going to another players Site B to collect Dinos for your Park.
  • edited June 2011
    I sent an email asking if Bluetonuge ever planned or will plan a possible sequel, but haven't got a reply.
  • edited July 2011
    I sent an email asking if Bluetonuge ever planned or will plan a possible sequel, but haven't got a reply.

    yea has anyone at modding genesis figured out how to add new models? that could solve all of these problems
  • edited July 2011
    How about being able to actually get every dinosaur species available in the game? I almost bought the game yesterday until i found out that you had a limited amount of dig sites you could choose from unless you modded the game and therefore you could only have a limited amount of dinos per park. That really sucks. They should let you have access to every dig site.
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