Loving Episode 3 ! Punk Jennifer Parker VS Morgan Leflay

edited April 2011 in Back to the Future
Have not finished it yet. But, I am so into Punk Jennifer. OMG!

"Value" meaning why you are attracted to the characters, enjoy them. So it's for guys/ girls. You can like them because their cool, or perhaps very pretty, etc etc...Or because of stories, whatever the value is.


Typo in poll:D Jennifer, hope no one gets confused...

Because value is subjective to sociological entertainment, story telling, a message, characters, art and creativity! It's your right and natural law to assign your own sort of relationship to the stories/ characters and why they attract to you.

What you deem most relevant, important, worth of value, worth of while.


  • edited April 2011
    Okay well, THIS is a good question. At first I was like "duh, of course Morgan", because no matter how punk and rebellous you are you can't top a sassy pirate hunter. Then, I dunno, Jennifer is a punk rock girl made this way because of a time paradox. I'm SO not sure which one is awesomer now.

    IF we should go with "which one is hawter", I guess I'll say Morgan and leave.
  • edited April 2011
    Falanca wrote: »
    Okay well, THIS is a good question. At first I was like "duh, of course Morgan", because no matter how punk and rebellous you are you can't top a sassy pirate hunter. Then, I dunno, Jennifer is a punk rock girl made this way because of a time paradox. I'm SO not sure which one is awesomer now.

    IF we should go with "which one is hawter", I guess I'll say Morgan and leave.

    I know! It's so awesome! I love you TTG, thank you for Punk Jennifer Parker. You make my dreams come true, waiting waiting for !!!!

    OMG I got to get back to the game, now! I love punk, goth chicks! MERCY MERCY! OMG!
  • edited April 2011
    Morgan Lefay? Stargate?
  • edited April 2011
    LOL, guess I'm the only one with a thing for that type of chick.
  • edited April 2011
    DASPRiD wrote: »
    Morgan Lefay? Stargate?

    Morgan LeFlay, Tales of Monkey Island.
  • edited April 2011
    Morgan Leflay takes in so much attraction. I'm not entirely sure what it is about her story/ character, image, that draws so many people to her.
  • edited April 2011
    doodo! wrote: »
    Morgan Leflay takes in so much attraction. I'm not entirely sure what it is about her story/ character, image, that draws so many people to her.

    She's a likable character. She can easily be related to. Punk Jennifer is kickass, yes, but it still looks like all the punk attire just slapped on her for dramatic effect. Morgan is, more like, you feel like she's sentient and she's not following scripts or anything. She has a distinct personality but she's not always expectable, more like a human being rather than a simple "fictional character".
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