Always wondered this.....

Has anyone ever wondered in BTTF Part II, what would've happened if Doc & Marty hadn't destroyed the Sports Almanac in 1955 BEFORE the event at the clock tower which sent part 1 Marty into the future. Like lets just say they failed, and didnt get the book from Biff...wouldn't , according to the rules set by the movie, Marty from part 1 then be transported to the alternate 1985?

Or what if Marty from part 2 had hidden himself in the back of the delorean from part 1, and traveled to the future with marty from part 1 ...which 1985 would they have arrived at?



  • edited April 2011
    Well, I don't think the timing of Marty destroying the Almanac would have mattered. If Doc vanished, he probably wouldn't destroy it immediately, but he wouldn't have to. It would probably have ended up thrown on 1955-Doc's fire at his place. Then the future would have changed and Part-1-Marty would be in his 'normal' 1985.

    Also, there is no "back of the DeLorean". Not only are there no back seats, there's no 'trunk' at the back. The storage space in a DeLorean is under the hood, though I don't know if there'd be enough space under there for a person to hide.
  • edited April 2011
    Has anyone ever wondered in BTTF Part II, what would've happened if Doc & Marty hadn't destroyed the Sports Almanac in 1955 BEFORE the event at the clock tower which sent part 1 Marty into the future. Like lets just say they failed, and didnt get the book from Biff...wouldn't , according to the rules set by the movie, Marty from part 1 then be transported to the alternate 1985?

    The other Marty is still in 1955 when Part II Marty and Doc come back from Alternate 1985. The only way this could be possible is if somehow the Alternate 1985 version of Doc was still able to build the time machine, and this is the Alternate 1985 version of Marty we are seeing.

    I know the other Doc was supposed to be committed in 1983, but he still could have got out somehow, being such a smart guy and all. He would have realized something wasn't right with the timeline by this point anyway, and since this Doc has known about Marty since 1955, he could figure out a way to ensure that Marty still goes back in time.

    This would also would help explain how the Delorean with Doc and Marty could still exist in alternate 1985, and how Old Biff could have returned the Delorean to 2015 when it shouldn't have otherwise existed.

    Since the original Doc and Marty were still in 2015, outside of their expected location in the space-time continuum when Old Biff went back and altered the past, they would be unaffected by the changes.

    So using my theory, the timeline Marty is sent back to depends upon which version of 1985 he originated from based on the outcome of the events in Part II. Confused yet? :D
  • back to the future follows the pre-destination time travel theory; meaning time travel isnt yet written into the timeline until it happens. So each marty would go through the same journey and see the same timelines. So in part II, the 'other' marty we see still remembers the old timeline with biff being georges supervisor. Had they failed to retreive the almanac, that marty would return to the 'good 1985' but eventually go to the future and return to hell valley as well.
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