cd will be released on PS3?

edited April 2011 in Back to the Future
do you know if the game comes out on disc for playstation 3?


  • edited April 2011
    judging by the past console release's it is almost a definite no. Telltale has in the past released the first two seasons of sam and max on a wii disc but after that they started making them downloadable on the consoles instead. There is not usually a cd for other consoles besides pc
  • Macfly77Macfly77 Moderator
    edited April 2011
    Telltale has yet to release a disc for a console which got the downloadable version of a game (and vice versa), so I would say no.
    For example:
    Sam & Max seasons one and 2 are available on disc for Wii but not on WiiWare.
    On the other hand, Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People and Tales of Monkey Island are available on WiiWare, but not on Wii disc.
  • edited April 2011
    Probably not. The only time Telltale's ever given their episodic series a console disc release is the Wii version of the first two Sam and Max seasons, and that was just because WiiWare's file size limit wouldn't let them release the seasons as a downloadable title.

    I mean, I don't work for Telltale so I can't pretend to know what they're doing in the future. Maybe they will do a disc version for the PS3. But I'm leaning towards that they won't.
  • edited April 2011
    Yea they probably won't but you know that is one thing I would like to see them change maybe in the future. It would be nice as a console owner who hates digital downloads to have a hard copy. Luckily I double dipped so I'll just get the PC version's disc when they put it up for us to get.
  • edited April 2011
    Well, after PSN got compromised big time recently...
  • edited April 2011
    Yeah, PSN users have got to be pissed. I don't even own a ps3 and I'm pissed. Not to go off topic but, WTF is up with Sony? Guess they didn't really have a contingency plan for 77 million pissed off customers. what a joke.

    Anyway, TT should release a disc version. It makes more sense for console owners. People could trade in old games and get it cheap from gamestop. (the only way some people, like some friends of mine, buy games at all)
  • edited April 2011
    I'm already ticked off at Sony and this just adds fuel to the fire:

    My timeline-
    1. Sony stupidly removes the "OtherOS" feature(they coulda patched it!)
    2. This event ticks off all those smart guys and device hacker guys
    3. 3.41 gets cracked by a USB key
    4. Geohot and Failoverflow get the PS3 root key and publish details on the net
    5. Sony sues Geohot and several other device hackers when custom versions of 3.55 hit
    6. the network is compromised already by these firmwares as the cheaters start waltzing in and other hackers find out more details on how PSN works
    7. In Sony v George Hotz(geohot) sony makes some wild clims and the loger the trial goes on the more ticked the hacker community gets. Geothot finally settles but
    8. the so-called "hacktivist group" called "Anonymous" starts their DDOS attacks against Sony because of the hacker trials but fail to make an impact
    9. PSN is broken into by an unknown hacker and now we'll all get identy theft on us!

    I already decided for more Sony Hardware will I buy! It's up to you if you wana join my one man Sony boycot...

    Also back on topic: No I don't see Telltale doing a retail disk version.
  • edited April 2011
    I've already paid for the game on the PSN, but in light of recent events, I want to get it on the PC.

    Does anyone know how that works? Do I need to pay full price, or is there a discount. Is it considered piracy if I download the PC game after I've purchased the PS3 one?
  • Macfly77Macfly77 Moderator
    edited April 2011
    RobDude wrote: »
    I've already paid for the game on the PSN, but in light of recent events, I want to get it on the PC.

    Does anyone know how that works? Do I need to pay full price, or is there a discount. Is it considered piracy if I download the PC game after I've purchased the PS3 one?
    Unfortunately, there is no discount at this time for buying the PC/Mac version (or any other version for that matter) if you own the PSN version and I'm quite positive that getting a (I'm assuming) cracked copy of the PC version would indeed be considered piracy.
  • edited April 2011
    The timing really sucks because I am waiting for the 2nd Castlevania DLC called Resurrection. I don't know if I can ever trust Sony again with my personal details.
  • edited April 2011
    Macfly77 wrote: »
    Unfortunately, there is no discount at this time for buying the PC/Mac version (or any other version for that matter) if you own the PSN version and I'm quite positive that getting a (I'm assuming) cracked copy of the PC version would indeed be considered piracy.

    Thanks for the post.

    Yeah - bah - I dunno. I guess I'll probably just pony up the $$$ and buy it on the PC.
  • edited April 2011
    RobDude wrote: »
    Thanks for the post.

    Yeah - bah - I dunno. I guess I'll probably just pony up the $$$ and buy it on the PC.

    I have it for both. And now I'm glad for it.
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