SBCG4AP PS3 issues?

edited April 2011 in Game Support
I've come across some strange issues in a few of the PS3 ports of the Strong Bad episodes. I doubt they'll be fixed, but I might as well record them on the interwebs for posterity.

Episode 3 - Menu bug - Occasionally when I open the menu to teleport to another area (Seemed to happen most often in areas with Marzipan, for some odd reason), instead of navigating the locations on the map, the cursor would somehow be locked to the collectibles page; I'd be able to move the cursor between my collected items, but I would not be able to select any map locations unless I saved and reloaded my game.

Episode 3 - Another menu bug - This only happened once, and it's kinda fun. I believe I was in the middle of a game at the Cool Tapes stage when I decided to start a new game. It started no issue, but when it gave me control of Strong Bad and I checked my map, the Strong House was not selected; rather the Cool Tapes stage was, even though it wasn't shown. I hit X and it loaded the stage--even played the 'first time' cutscene.

Episode 4 - Menu bug - Same menu bug as in Episode 3, but with much less frequency. Maybe happened once in the Secret Lab?

Episode 5 - Preview button - Appears on the main menu when it really shouldn't be there at all. Turns red when selected; does nothing.

Episode 5 - PS3-specific audio in tutorial - The PS3-specific instructions in the tutorial are played at a noticeably lower volume than the rest of the game audio. Probably not Ep.5-specific, but this was the first episode in which I checked the tutorial.
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