$19.99 or $24.99?

edited April 2011 in Back to the Future
I received an email after downloading the first episode of this for free and the email told me I can download the last 4 for $19.99. It was courteous to send me a link to where I could use this deal, but when I went to the page, it said $24.99 again. I really don't want to spend 5 dollars more than I have to, so does this actually mean $24.99 or is it a disguise for $19.99?


  • edited April 2011
    The game was only 19.99 I believe for a pre order status and the season costs 24.99 which gets you all 5 episodes. Hope this clears things up for you :)
  • edited April 2011
    Rabbarays wrote: »
    I received an email after downloading the first episode of this for free and the email told me I can download the last 4 for $19.99. It was courteous to send me a link to where I could use this deal, but when I went to the page, it said $24.99 again. I really don't want to spend 5 dollars more than I have to, so does this actually mean $24.99 or is it a disguise for $19.99?

    I received the same email: http://img696.imageshack.us/i/bttfoffer.jpg/
    If you are having problems contact support, the downside is that it could take a few days and the offer ends on may 1st. Good luck.
  • edited April 2011
    The link in the email works fine for me. Try removing everything from your cart and then clicking the link again. If that doesn't work, you can try contacting Telltale.

    You could also try using the coupon SBP-ATH-8M6
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