Back to the Future Reference on WWE RAW last night

Anyone who might've caught WWE Monday Night Raw last night, saw top star John Cena go into a rant/tirade about his opponent and for no really explained reason, turn it into a back to the future quote. Something along the lines of beating his opponent back to November 5th, 1955, then the flux capacitor, 88 miles and hour, and doc & marty. I laughed...i'm in the pro wrestling business too and have a tv show to appear on Wednesday, and was gonna do the exact same thing. THANKS CENA.


  • edited April 2011
    ROFL.. sounds like it would've been funny.. you didn't record it ? hope someone did..
  • edited April 2011
    ROFL.. sounds like it would've been funny.. you didn't record it ? hope someone did..

    There you go:

    Around 4:10 it starts. And i have to say that Cena is a "i want to be a soldier"- kiddy whos just beeing the tool WWE made him! Any true Wrestling fan, is not a fan of him :)
  • edited April 2011
    thiz wrote: »
    There you go:

    Around 4:10 it starts. And i have to say that Cena is a "i want to be a soldier"- kiddy whos just beeing the tool WWE made him! Any true Wrestling fan, is not a fan of him :)

    Cena and WWE sucks.
  • edited April 2011
    Ring of Honour FTW
  • edited April 2011
    thiz wrote: »
    Around 4:10 it starts. And i have to say that Cena is a "i want to be a soldier"- kiddy whos just beeing the tool WWE made him! Any true Wrestling fan, is not a fan of him :)

    I can't stand Cena he made the draft look stupid on that same episode by switching from Raw to Smackdown back to Raw in one show.
  • edited April 2011
    It is acted show, those who are part of it and are pro wrestlers, do their real pro wrestling when they are not in that show.
  • edited April 2011
    Cena and WWE sucks.
    coolsome wrote: »
    I can't stand Cena he made the draft look stupid on that same episode by switching from Raw to Smackdown back to Raw in one show.

    I very highly agree with both of you.
    Clord wrote: »
    It is acted show

    It doesn't take much to know that. I doubt there is anyone alive believing that its real.
  • edited April 2011
    thiz wrote: »
    I very highly agree with both of you.

    Don't get me wrong I love WWE just not Cena :p
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