Walking Dead game podcast, a test!
Telltale Alumni
So, we're trying something new!
Walking Dead game designers Sean Vanaman and myself have recorded "Episode 0" of a Walking Dead-releated Telltale podcast. We want you to check it out!
Telltale Games' Walking Dead Video Game Development Podcast, Episode 0:
Patient Zero - or - "I Bet a Kid Could Choke on a Duplo"
In this episode: We meet Robert Kirkman and live to tell you about it (though Jake's love of Mario Sunshine wasn't as lucky), the team stops a global pandemic in board game form, and some building blocks are laid down which, in the wrong hands, could end a life. Also answered: Your questions!
Listen here!
Some notes up front!
Our goal with the podcast is to give you guys a regular window into the making of the Walking Dead game -- both the development process of the game, and the types of things we and the team are thinking about and playing while making it -- and also to have a bit of a conversation back-and-forth with the forums. To that end, you guys might recognize a few questions from the mysterious Questions for the Team thread!
This is definitely a test episode -- it was recorded in a kitchen, so audio quality is a bit funky and echoey. If you guys like it and we do more of them, future casts will definitely be recorded in a space that isn't echo city.
Enjoy! Give it a listen and discuss below.
Walking Dead game designers Sean Vanaman and myself have recorded "Episode 0" of a Walking Dead-releated Telltale podcast. We want you to check it out!
Telltale Games' Walking Dead Video Game Development Podcast, Episode 0:
Patient Zero - or - "I Bet a Kid Could Choke on a Duplo"
In this episode: We meet Robert Kirkman and live to tell you about it (though Jake's love of Mario Sunshine wasn't as lucky), the team stops a global pandemic in board game form, and some building blocks are laid down which, in the wrong hands, could end a life. Also answered: Your questions!
Listen here!
Some notes up front!
Our goal with the podcast is to give you guys a regular window into the making of the Walking Dead game -- both the development process of the game, and the types of things we and the team are thinking about and playing while making it -- and also to have a bit of a conversation back-and-forth with the forums. To that end, you guys might recognize a few questions from the mysterious Questions for the Team thread!
This is definitely a test episode -- it was recorded in a kitchen, so audio quality is a bit funky and echoey. If you guys like it and we do more of them, future casts will definitely be recorded in a space that isn't echo city.
Enjoy! Give it a listen and discuss below.
This discussion has been closed.
Seriously, this could turn out to be the best thing ever. Thanks for doing this!
Kirkman isn't a guest! We talk about our first meeting with him but we weren't cunning enough to record it. Doing an episode with Kirkman would be fun, though.
Thirty minutes of him berating you for having crappy taste in video games would make for excellent radio.
I have been hoping Sean and Jake would start a podcast of some type.
Anyway, this should be a discussion about Walking Dead and about the podcast, between people who actually have time to listen to it, so I'll shut up now. I'll be back when I've cast your pod in my ears.
Whats wrong with Mario Sunshine?
EDIT:Hmm I seem to be having problems with loading this. Any suggestions?
EDIT2:I got it working.
Nothing...unless he pulled stuff out of his ass.
I cannot, in good faith, endorse that course of action. The Foo Fighters>Us.
Yeah, I imagine we will if we keep doing them. FWIW, that link should go straight to your iPhone quicktime player, but iTunes is definitely in the cards with future casts.
Yep, it did open directly in QuickTime but paused when I tapped the home button.
Anyway thanks for the podcast. I would love to hear more.
EDIT:And Im with you Jake with Mario Sunshine!!!
EDIT2:"And to answer your question Gman, we can't. We're talking about Mario here."
That actually may be the best responce ever. (FYI Im commenting as I hear this)
And Im done. Pretty good. Would love to hear more.
EDIT: And call that segment, the TellTalish discussion!
Also, Great Job doing the album art Jay2Kay Despite the podcast being a rushed job it's a pretty good album art.
I like it, do continue!
A few comments and suggestions:
I'm sensing natural talent here, keep it coming! I'm especially interested in hearing more about what's going on at Telltale, e.g. what challenges you face that are new to this game, or how the design and development process works, stuff like that. I'd personally love for you to get in to the really technical details from time to time, but I realize not everyone are into that. I also second the suggestion to bring in Kirkman (or someone else involved with the graphic novel) as a guest.
I don't know if you know this, but the guys you're giving podcasting advice to were behind the Idle Thumbs podcast. One of the best. This is in good hands.
Now, personally, I hope that a wizard is interviewed on the next episode, but maybe that's just me.
I have to listen to this right away.
EDIT: That was a good listen, I would definitely like to see another one and it's encouraging to hear your view on what the game's tone should be like.
I think you mean The Award Winning The Idle Thumbs Podcast. PLEASE.
1) This is the best. idea. ever. In the course of the last half-hour, this has become my most highly-anticipated Telltale game. I love the idea of following along on the development - even obliquely. It makes the fan boy in me excited!
2) Due to the above, you must update frequently. Including, I hope, after episodes are released (Damon and Carlton style).
3) Pandemic is my favourite! I can't tell you how many times (actually I can - three) I've had people over and introduced them to it. Inevitably, they stare at you as you go through all the rules, convinced that you're insane and that they're already bored. Then the game starts and the magic happens. Everyone I've played it with loves it. My friends even bought me the expansion for it for Christmas. So good.
4) I think you guys just named one of your episodes: Vile Business.
Thanks for making me feel like a hip insider!
They both replaced Pandemic as our favorite co-op game. Ghost Stories is my personal favorite, with Defenders next. Defenders feels like Pandemic but it doesn't fly to the "Oh no, we are doomed" scenarios as fast. ;P
I know you guys can't really talk about the game yet, but I'd be pretty interested to hear you guys talk about other forms of zombie entertainment. You know, your favorite zombie movies/books/games. And maybe you guys could talk a bit about your favorite characters and scenes from the comic?
It sounds like you guys like board games so this might be interesting: two official Walking Dead Boardgames were announced a few days ago. One is based on the comics (1-6 players, published by Z-Man Games) while the other is based on the tv series (1-4 players, published by Cryptozoic Entertainment):
PS: Also, I loved the WD test podcast as well, If you could just put more effort into it like you did for Idle Thumbs, It'll be perfect.
I'm in favor of listening to another one. Keep up the good work!
+1 I wanna hear more and my question answered
And you did what I suggested! An episodic Q&A with the creators a la LOST's Damon and Carlton! Even better, in video form! Thansk guys. I'm gonna go watch it.
Here's the youtube link of the first episode: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=pOLSfSt4TqM
Episode 3 is coming very soon!
That's what Valve said....
Too soon?