I feel bad for the PS3 users who play BTTF

Ever since the hijack people can't go on the PSN anymore. And everyone got their Credit Card info hijacked. Its sad really. And i hope this doesn't conflict (or hurt) TTG's, The PS3 Players and TTG's revenue from their PS3 lineup


  • edited April 2011
    Sony is working on getting PSN back online. Also, they were the ones who brought it down not the hackers. There is no confirmation that CC information has been stolen but there is a possibility.
  • edited April 2011
    Sony is working on getting PSN back online. Also, they were the ones who brought it down not the hackers. There is no confirmation that CC information has been stolen but there is a possibility.

    The hackers brought the PSN down once. Then Sony got it up. But then shut it down indefinatly. Also CC information HAS been stolen (Sony sent Emails to all the users)
  • edited April 2011
    I just read that email. They said that they might have the information. There is no confirmation of this. Until they confirm it, there is no way to know. Don't speak like it's fact.
  • edited April 2011
    The-J23 wrote: »
    I just read that email. They said that they might have the information. There is no confirmation of this. Until they confirm it, there is no way to know. Don't speak like it's fact.

    Facepunch (Another forum) reported their money getting stolen ever since the hackers attacked PSN.
  • edited April 2011
    Facepunch (Another forum) reported their money getting stolen ever since the hackers attacked PSN.

    I wonder about this....

    My credit card info was on the PSN and I haven't had any charges show up. So clearly, not *everyone* who was on the PSN reported getting their money stolen.

    The question really is, 'How often does the typical person have their credit card/debit card used fraudulently, ignoring the Sony incident?' Let's say, 'hypothetically' that it is once every five years.

    That means, on any given day, there is a 1 in 1825 chance of finding a fraudulent charge on your card. That means, given 1,825 people with credit cards you would fully EXPECT that, on any particular day, one person will find a fraudulent charge.

    What I'm saying here is, if you have 77 million users on the PSN and 1/10th of them had valid credit cards tied to their account - that is 7.7 million people with credit cards/debit cards.

    If you accept that the average person has a fraudulent charge appear once every five years - on any given day - you'd expect 4,219 PSN users to see charges.

    If you accept that the average person has a fraudulent charge appear once every 10 years - on any given day - given 7.7 million credit card users -2,109 would see fraudulent charges.

    Let's say I've been too generous with my numbers. Let's say there were less than 7.7 million cards on file. Or that 10 years is too short a time period. Forget 2,109 per day - let's just say 100 per day. That's a very, very conservative number.

    100 PSN users would EXPECT to see fraudulent charges on any given day. But, because of the hack, everyone is going to assume that PSN Hackers stole their card. And since it's been something like 10 days since the break-in; even if NO data was stolen, there should be *at least* 1,000 PSN customers who have fraudulent charges.

    So, just because there are people on some blog or forum that says, 'My card got hacked from the PSN' it doesn't mean it's true.
  • edited April 2011
    No one's credit card information has been stolen. Sony confirmed it as well as multiple banks.
  • edited April 2011
    The hackers brought the PSN down once. Then Sony got it up. But then shut it down indefinatly. Also CC information HAS been stolen (Sony sent Emails to all the users)

    If you are talking about Anon. They took the system down but put a cease to their actions as soon as they realized what they were doing. This was something more heinous since people hacked into the system to grab information which Sony clarified.

    I have the email. My PSN is Potentialflip btw. Unfortunately for the hackers the email and information I used were all an alias and I have currently deleted as soon as it was reported that hackers have breached the network. Meaning that email and information they have obtained are all false.

    As for my cc information. I have contacted my bank and reached out to the credit bureau about my cc information in relation to PSN. Last time I checked was this past wednesday. At that moment that information is still considered safe. I have already suspended my account until my bank could give me a new number to use for my credit card.

    And nothing. The thing about forums my friend is that it's easy to terrorize and lie. Going about and screaming my credit card info has been stolen should be taken with a grain of salt unless proven otherwise. Not by Sony but actual proof of identity theft.
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