BTTF Ep. 4 keeps crashing my video card,black screen,objects flicker,colors (solved)
I'm able to play through almost the entire episode before one specific section crashes my video card and I have to restart my computer to fix it. It's at the part after you've collected all the props for Trixie and you start the conversation with young Doc. Every time, right on cue my video card has a heart attack. I was able to circumvent it by turning the graphics settings to the very minimum. After that I can go back and put them back on max and play the rest of the episode just fine. I know it's not my system either, I can play most any current game just fine at high settings. I just beat Portal 2 last week with all of it's setting turned to high. Just thought I'd let you know.
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I have a GTX 275 and run the game at 1920x1080 full screen, NVIDIA driver v266.58. I tried running it in windowed mode at a much lower resolution and that didn't change anything. It's not like Episode 4 is coming anywhere close to maxing out my GPU or anything.
Never had a problem with a Telltale game before...
I had the same issue. for what it's worth, I have a GTX 260. So yeah...same area.
I managed to fix the problem by changing the quality down to zero. I did that during the actual "graphic seizure" when objects seemed to loose their colors, turned to black, or just the entire screen went berserk.
I didn't try to change the settings BEFORE that point in the game, so I don't know if you should change them right in the middle of the actual seizure or not.
Either way, it helped me pass that point. It worked fine after that. Hope this helps.
EDIT: tobar, I noticed what you wrote after I posted. Good job on letting everyone know. I will rename thee thread (adding a "solved" on it). Hopefully this will prevent multiple unnecessary threads.