Loose ends to tie up in Episode 5
Hey all, I figured I would start a thread for Telltale to easily gander. Eppy 5 is coming, while I am sure the bulk of it is lined out. I figured now that we played Eppy 4, we should point out any possible loose ends, comments and so that they may be able to address or clarify for us somehow in Eppy 5.
For me its:
1: Einstein statues at the clock tower??
2: How does Marty telling the younger Doc who he is change things in the future? Or was this how their friendship even started to begin with!
3: Do we get to see how 2 Deloreans even happened to begin with?
4: Now that Docs inspriation changed... seems even IF they get things back on track in the timeline, things are going to be a new altered state. Doc never saw the movie, but the clocktower did still set things back on track it seems. So does this alter in a sense the Doc we knew?
5: It seems 1885 was unaltered. So Its still odd.. that if Doc never built the machine to begin with, did those adventures still happen somehow? Kinda odd how this whole timeline thing is playing out after being so altered.
6: Makes me wonder (and suspect in my mind) who the real Speakeasy arsonist is... heh.
Misc Comments:
1: No Hoverboard? Comon now! lol
2: No mention of Ednas Brother after all this time?
3: Comon Clara! Use that Time Train already and slap Doc back into his old self! (Kinda bugs me that she isnt around)
4: You know... Edna really could use some happiness after everything we saw.
5: The way in my mind to fix the timeline right now... I have this thought in my mind, to Quote WOPR. "The only winning move is: Not to play" heh. Meaning somehow either destroy at the source the whole 30s adventure or something heh. This timeline really is already altered to where things will be diff in 1986. Tho its cool.
Anyways if others have loopholes and ends to suggest, might be a good time while its still early.
For me its:
1: Einstein statues at the clock tower??
2: How does Marty telling the younger Doc who he is change things in the future? Or was this how their friendship even started to begin with!
3: Do we get to see how 2 Deloreans even happened to begin with?
4: Now that Docs inspriation changed... seems even IF they get things back on track in the timeline, things are going to be a new altered state. Doc never saw the movie, but the clocktower did still set things back on track it seems. So does this alter in a sense the Doc we knew?
5: It seems 1885 was unaltered. So Its still odd.. that if Doc never built the machine to begin with, did those adventures still happen somehow? Kinda odd how this whole timeline thing is playing out after being so altered.
6: Makes me wonder (and suspect in my mind) who the real Speakeasy arsonist is... heh.
Misc Comments:
1: No Hoverboard? Comon now! lol
2: No mention of Ednas Brother after all this time?
3: Comon Clara! Use that Time Train already and slap Doc back into his old self! (Kinda bugs me that she isnt around)
4: You know... Edna really could use some happiness after everything we saw.
5: The way in my mind to fix the timeline right now... I have this thought in my mind, to Quote WOPR. "The only winning move is: Not to play" heh. Meaning somehow either destroy at the source the whole 30s adventure or something heh. This timeline really is already altered to where things will be diff in 1986. Tho its cool.

Anyways if others have loopholes and ends to suggest, might be a good time while its still early.

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1. In episode one (?) Edna stated raising money to put something up there, and with the whole Einstein on the roof incident and Emmet as a boyfriend/hero that's what she/he/they picked.
5. The current Delorean is a temporal duplicate, so technically it doesn't exist to begin with, so technically it's immune to the time changes, so they can screw up the timeline as much as they want (ex. doc's mental health destroyed before he invented it) and still have a means of timetravel lol. Although Citizen Brown mentioned Clayton ravine as the location of his lab, so 1885 reverted back to its unaltered state. As for where the movies fit in, hmm, they happened in the Delorean' past and current Marty's past, so that leads to the whole A leads to B, leads to Z, leads to F, leads to Y, leads back to A? *brain asplodes*
And that's the most important thing. Beta Testing.
And I hope they give us at least one episode without bugs and glitches.
For me its:
1. already answered by a previous poster
2. does young doc believe him? And even so, pretty much EVERY time they went back in time changed the future somehow.
3. we know how at happened and the duplicate ending up in the future and it is implied the future is shown in the next episode so we may
4. it probably does inevitably; while we dont know his original 1930s timeline, doesn't seem that he ever had a relationship.
5. it seems at this point the 1885 adventures did not happen (so for instance if marty wanders over to the delgato mine in 1931 he would NOT find the delorean buried). They did make a point of adding the clayton ravine dialogue. And if it is called clayton ravine, that means clara died in that ravine. In the timeline with time travel it is called 'eastwood ravine'
6. that's been discussed to death since the first episode, I would rather wait and see at this point
misc comments
1. well we did see marty ride the flying tire and did make a hoverboard reference
2. he was mentioned in the episode 1 scene with old edna
3. that could still happen but marty has no clue when clara is. And in this timeline she dies in 1885 and has no clue who doc is
4. honestly i would be fine with edna getting the same miserable timeline she had at the beginning so i'm thinking hers will go one of 3 ways a) doc gets her a better timeline b) marty gives her the same timeline against docs will c) edna does something worse to make doc realize how evil she is and leaves her timeline alone
5. you may be onto something, I do think that we will see marty travel backwards in 1931 to the speakeasy burning to find old doc.
personally i think the biggest set up to the last episode is the miscalibration of the time circuits; this was hinted at in the dream sequence of episode 1 and is still happening here. Same with the automatic retreival settings. So marty may have to chase FCB through time.
* Where did the automatic retrieval send the duplicate Delorean?
*Can there actually be two versions of Doc (FCB and Original) co-existing in different years?
* How will we get our Doc back?
* When will we get to see the Hoverboard, and will we get to use it? (Btw I thought we'd see it by now)
* Do we get to travel to the year 2015 or 1955?
* How do the time circuits become operational?
* Why did Doc act reluctant to answer Marty's questions in Episode 2?
* Is Trixie Trotter really who she says she is?
* Will Young Emmett succeed at the science fair?
* Where the hell is Biff?
* How can Marty get back to 1986 when FCB turned on him and has the delorean?
* What is the significance of Marty's dream in Episode 1?
* Who is the Speakeasy arsonist?
Ugh! So many unanswered questions, and every episode before this has been fairly short. I just hope that Outatime delivers and is a long game. I just don't see how this is going to end!
* Did Doc also get duplicated with the DeLorean? If not, then why?
This was one thing I was always confused about.. (not the time travel paradoxes.. that stuff is easy to understand.. ppfftthhh!!).
1) If Edna hates dogs (especially Einstein) so much, why did she make the statues of him?
2) I understand that if Edna was in fact involved with putting the statues up, that they are there in the alt. 1986 in Ep 3. But why are they in 1931 in Ep 4? Did she save the money and have them build that in the 2 months that was skipped when they went back to 1931? (Sometime between Aug. and Sept.)? That's pretty fast!
everything has just become to messed up, not sure if he could rescue Doc from prison or maybe influenze events through the episodes to another outcome.
I figured we would get this answer, and have to deal with 2 Docs of the same age, in Ep 4, hence the name "Double Visions" and everything pointing it would be about Doc.
I still don't get the title "Double Visions"
I thought it was referring to Emmett and Citizen Brown being in the same time period and you having to deal with both of their issues.
please see my comments in italics
I'm sure we'll find out the answer to that in this episode.
To me I will have to say the major things will need to be addressed for me to somehow believe in TellTale Games and their work.
- Will OG Doc come back and finally explain the whole going to 1931?
- Who is the speakeasy arsonist?
- Will everyone have a happy ending?
All other things will either be explained in some weird theory or be left for a second go.
I think she'd be better off alone with her cats.
Or the Soup Kitchen Guy.
This is the final mention of him on this board. I promise.
The way I see it, Einstein being stranded on the roof marks the night Kid Tannen got apprehended. Its symbolic of that event and even though Edna hates dogs, its a whole lot classier than statues of Kid Tannen stuck in a rocket car lol.
As for the funding, I believe it came from the very rich, especially by Great Depression standards, Brown family. Edna probably forced Doc to talk his father into paying for the statues if he doesn"t have access to that much money himself. And for the speed? Alot of out of work people that would jump at the chance for a job, it got done fast as a result.
Yeah, that's what I also thought. Well, I hope to have the question finally answered in the final episode.
thank god.
Well they dont have to answer every one but there are some that are mandatory; for one thing the speakeasy mystery.
At least her attitude would keep him out of jail.
With the way the releases have been? Buggy and glitchy. The story better be worth it. Cause if that is the case this would not be better than say the Back to the Future Saturday Morning Cartoon.
Throughout the game, a man and a woman wearing greyish clothes can be seen in 1931 and 1986 at various times and locations. Driving a green car around the Courthouse square, sitting in the speakeasy, at one point Doc or Marty accidentally bumps into the man(not sure when exactly), etc. etc. Anyone else notice them? These could just be "resident of hill valley" extras with no significance, because they never speak and you cannot interact with them. but they always have this blank, ominious look on their face...what a cheap trick if these two surface in OUTTATIME and turn out to be galactic timekeepers or some bullcrap.
Seriously has anyone else noticed these people or am I just totally insane?
See, I haven't had that many glitches show up. And I love the story. And I loved the cartoon too.