Trixie Or Edna

Who do you like more?


  • edited April 2011
    Trixie... but I think its because she is not secretly evil... I liked young Edna just fine until she let her true colors show... I have not completed episode four yet though.... I think I may be half way through it.
  • edited April 2011
    I'll go with Trixie. She may be everything that Edna is against - but she seems to have a heart of gold, unlike Edna. On the surface, Edna seems to be the more morally pure of the two - but, inwardly, Trixie is nicer and less judgemental.
  • edited April 2011
    The scene with her 'fight' with Emmett was incredibly entertaining. When she requested the photo album, I had no idea what she could possibly use it for. When she whipped out his baby photo during the fight and asked 'What about Little Emmett?', I lost it right then and there.

    She's got my vote.
  • This is like asking people who they like better between George and Biff.
  • edited April 2011
    I actually do kinda like Edna, and am even thinking of incorporating her into my ficverse. Granted, I don't much care for the Citizen Brown version of her - but I think she is an interesting character. I probably wouldn't be friends with her, though.
  • edited April 2011
    wow not a single vote for edna?
  • edited April 2011
    Like? As in which character is better? Then id say Edna, yes she's evil and all, but she is important to the plot and a interesting character.
    If you mean like as in, who would you rather know and get along with, obviously Trixie, she may seam a bit naive but she is nice.
  • edited April 2011
    I vote Trixie, for an animated character I think her appearance AND voice are so darn cute.
  • edited April 2011
    I gotta give the vote to Trixie, at first I liked Edna, but then there's something about Trixie when she appeared in the second episode that made me instantly like her. Edna isn't that bad until she gets older but Trixie seems like the type of person who is just overall nice without even trying, it's just in her nature.
  • edited April 2011
    Who wouldn't admit if Trixie was a real life person, you'd admit....

    She is definitely hot!
  • edited April 2011
    Trixie. Let's face it, Edna is a very sweet girl, but she is just too controling; she has to have thing her way. Trixie my not be the sharpest knife, but she doesn't have an evil bone in her body.

    (And, might I add...Yow! What a knockout. ;))
  • edited May 2011
    I actually don't mind Edna in 1931. Sure she has her problems, but she isn't a horrible person. She's trying to contribute to society. It's sad seeing her in the original 1986 as a bitter old woman all by herself. In 1986B she's just a madwoman with the help of Citizen Brown. I don't think of her as evil evil. Biff was a complete jerk who murdered George in BTTF2 in 1985B, but in BTTF3 we see he's back to normal guy cause Marty made sure Biff didn't get the Almanac.
    So I think if given the chance she could live a normal life.
  • techie775 wrote: »
    I actually don't mind Edna in 1931. Sure she has her problems, but she isn't a horrible person. She's trying to contribute to society. It's sad seeing her in the original 1986 as a bitter old woman all by herself. In 1986B she's just a madwoman with the help of Citizen Brown. I don't think of her as evil evil. Biff was a complete jerk who murdered George in BTTF2 in 1985B, but in BTTF3 we see he's back to normal guy cause Marty made sure Biff didn't get the Almanac.
    So I think if given the chance she could live a normal life.

    i dont think biff is 'normal' in the 'good timelines' i think he is just afraid of George and puts on an act; remember he does yell at marty for a second at the end of part III.
  • edited May 2011
    I say i´ll go for Trixie. 1. she is more likeable. 2. she is more attractive than Edna
  • edited May 2011
    Trixie, cause I have a hunch Trixie Trotter is just her stage name, and her real name is something Artie has been waiting to hear...
  • edited May 2011
    Trixie, cause I have a hunch Trixie Trotter is just her stage name, and her real name is something Artie has been waiting to hear...

    In that case, Trixie is the person that Marty got his singing voice from. :)
  • edited May 2011
    If I had to chose, it'd be Jennifer, I think her new look is hotter than Trixie's look. :D

    Plus, you can't compare Edna with Trixie, this is just ridiculous, they have nothing in common.
  • edited May 2011
    If I had to chose, it'd be Jennifer, I think her new look is hotter than Trixie's look. :D

    Plus, you can't compare Edna with Trixie, this is just ridiculous, they have nothing in common.

    They do have some common points: both are women making their way in the society, polar opposites in some aspects, and yet somehow similar. Their mutual dislike may come from them being resourceful and determined to get what they want.

    My take on girls:
    Trixie goes by her inner code of morality: she made many mistakes, but remained a sweet, caring person that essentially knows right from wrong and goes on hoping the society can accept her now that she's dating Artie. She knows her worth and loathes Edna for judging her for appearances.

    Edna relies on external morality codes and is concerned about the opinions and externals. She's capable of kindness, but her main aim is to enforce order and discipline as she sees them. Trixie is a thorn in her side, because she doesn't care about what people think about her, something Edna considers shocking and can't accept.

    I'd choose Trixie all over. I feel deeply concerned for Edna, but the problem she's got in the future timelines we've seen usually is her own fault. However, I'd like to see her happy somehow.
  • edited May 2011
    Okay, so I'd choose Trixie, she's sweeter, and she doesn't deserve what happened to her in the last chapter.(And she's hot too :D )

    I hated Edna at the beginning of the episode, but when I finished it, I felt a little guilty and sad for her, and I think a new time-line is gonna be created in OUTATIME, where she's gonna have a better life than in the first ep. :)

    I'm french, so if I make mistakes sometimes, I'm sorry, I'm 17. :D
  • edited May 2011
    i dont think biff is 'normal' in the 'good timelines' i think he is just afraid of George and puts on an act; remember he does yell at marty for a second at the end of part III.

    Oh yeah I know Biff is still not a Nice Guy, but I do like him better than his 1985B counterpart (as I'm sure practical everybody does). I'd like to see Edna become better than her original 1986 persona
  • edited May 2011
    LOL 52 votes for Trixie and only 4 votes for Edna!
  • edited May 2011
    Trixie's voice is annoying, but Edna's personality is too.
  • edited May 2011
    i don't think edna is necessarily evil. she just is a little extreme
  • edited May 2011
    coolguy721 wrote: »
    i don't think edna is necessarily evil. she just is a little extreme

    Did you forget that she wanted to turn all the city into zombies in Chapter 3?
    And in Chapter 4, she wanted to eraze her husband mem'ries. ^^
  • edited May 2011
    Did you forget that she wanted to turn all the city into zombies in Chapter 3?
    And in Chapter 4, she wanted to eraze her husband mem'ries. ^^

    but she's not doing that just to be evil. She genuinely thinks that its the right thing to do. Yes she is wrong but not from her perspective
  • edited May 2011
    I suppose you're right, after all, Marty thinks he's right when he wants to eraze FCB from existence to bring back the real Doc.

    That's just a point of view. ^^
  • edited May 2011
    Well, my vote goes to Trixie because I really like her voice. I like young Edna too but the older one is so..."extreme".
  • edited May 2011
    It would be interesting, if Edna and Trixie actually decided to team up against Marty - after realizing that they were both being manipulated by him. They probably dislike each other too much for that to ever happen, though.
  • edited May 2011
    I made Trixie 69, lulz
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