Homage to BTTF3 in Angry Birds?

I was randomly playing a little angry birds when I came across this level. Is that not a DeLorean Time Machine? Or am I just seeing things?


  • edited April 2011
    you are probably right, it also looks like the DeLorean to me.
  • edited May 2011
    and that is obviously the clocktower being constructed!
  • edited May 2011
    this game sucks
  • edited May 2011
    coolguy721 wrote: »
    this game sucks

    I've never played it but I have no respect for the creator.
  • edited May 2011
    I've never played it but I have no respect for the creator.

    This is my curiousity speaking but may I ask why is it that you feel this way? I'm in no way defending the game nor trying to attack you but unless you've played it, I don't see where the scorn is coming from.
  • edited May 2011
    This is my curiousity speaking but may I ask why is it that you feel this way? I'm in no way defending the game nor trying to attack you but unless you've played it, I don't see where the scorn is coming from.

    No scorn for the game at all. It's directed at the creator of the game who decided to say to any news outlet that would listen to him that games like his were the future and console gaming was dying. Pure ignorance the likes of which I've never seen. As bad as I suck at FPS like Halo and CoD, people enjoy them and these games sell really well. Nintendo always has something revolutionary up their sleeves. I see no indication that console gaming is dying. What irked me the most though was it seemed to be in response to Reggie Fils-Aime of Nintendo of America saying that the "Pay $1 for a game app" was hurting standard games, and yet when Angry Birds was brought up, Reggie said, "I personally think that game is worth more than $1." And several members of Nintendo of Japan have praised the game. So it just seemed to me like the guy was having sour grapes where he didn't need to be, and it all seems, to me, to be steeping from plain old ignorance.
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