The Algae cakes. lol

Oh man, when I found the Algae cakes, I was glad to find out you can use them on everybody at the Expo. Man, some of the responses had me rolling. (That and they (briefly) have green teeth.)

This has to be one of the funniest items to use on people since...Horny, the mood unicorn from Sam & Max season 1. ("Want to rub my unicorn?")


  • edited May 2011
    You can use them on everyone?

    Man, now I've got to make a new file.
  • edited May 2011
    Oh man, when I found the Algae cakes, I was glad to find out you can use them on everybody at the Expo. Man, some of the responses had me rolling. (That and they (briefly) have green teeth.)
    You can use them on everyone?

    Man, now I've got to make a new file.
    Haha, that's a sign that we've become used to many of the puzzles being too obvious. With past adventure games like the Monkey Island series we often had to try the stuff we found on everyone and everything in order to find out how the stuff was supposed to be used, and so we came to perceive the games as full and expansive - every possibility had been covered by the games' designers. And here many of the puzzles are so logical that we fail to even try other combinations, leading us to complain about the games being too short and not offering enough stuff to do. We think that there isn't anything more than this.
    And now it turns out that we can use many of the items in many more places than we thought. In episode 2, for instance, it never occured to me to show George's photo to anyone but the artist in the bar. Most of the time I don't even bother to check the photo or the newspaper for changes to the timeline since there's nothing in the story that calls for another look at them. And here in episode 4 it hadn't occured to me to try to give the algae cakes to anyone else but Emmet (as I was certain it had to do with making him look like a slob to Edna). I wonder what other things there are to do in the game that we haven't discovered yet...
  • edited May 2011
    when George took one i laughed out loud
  • edited May 2011
    Definitely one of my favorite parts of the episode. Edna's response to them was great.
    Though I still have no clue what the point of them was beyond the funny responses.
  • edited May 2011
    I thought for sure they were going to be needed to make Emmit look like a slob.
  • edited May 2011
    Irishmile wrote: »
    I thought for sure they were going to be needed to make Emmit look like a slob.
    I thought you had to use them to turn the light in the Delorean green, thus making First Citizen Brown willing to test drive it. But apparently FCB isn't the type to actually check these things and can be goaded into driving it just by Marty telling him it's green.
  • edited May 2011
    lombre wrote: »
    Though I still have no clue what the point of them was beyond the funny responses.

    Apparently, they can be used to give Emmett a negative reaction in the personality profiling puzzle. I wouldn't know firsthand, though, as I didn't get them until after completing that one.
  • edited May 2011
    doggans wrote: »
    Apparently, they can be used to give Emmett a negative reaction in the personality profiling puzzle. I wouldn't know firsthand, though, as I didn't get them until after completing that one.

    Oh, that makes sense. I just shocked him repeatedly for that. :p
  • edited May 2011
    you know the snacks that turned his teeth green? why did that go into your inventory? You never use it.... I thought at first Marty would have to re-enact Frankenstein....
  • edited May 2011
    you know the snacks that turned his teeth green? why did that go into your inventory? You never use it.... I thought at first Marty would have to re-enact Frankenstein....

    ... Yeah ...

    Its kinda sad that the things players come up with is usually more clever then what youre supposed to do in the game.
  • edited May 2011
    I gave Young Emmet one to see if Edna would react to his green teeth. But she sadly didn't.
  • edited May 2011
    In episode 2, for instance, it never occured to me to show George's photo to anyone but the artist in the bar. Most of the time I don't even bother to check the photo or the newspaper for changes to the timeline since there's nothing in the story that calls for another look at them. And here in episode 4 it hadn't occured to me to try to give the algae cakes to anyone else but Emmet (as I was certain it had to do with making him look like a slob to Edna). I wonder what other things there are to do in the game that we haven't discovered yet...

    For me, some of my favorite lines from Episode 1 are when you try to give Young Emmett the notebook & try to give Artie the photo of George. And I'm sure there are others in Episode 3 & 4 that I might have missed. But, I like that about adventure games, experimenting; doing something that your obviously not supose to do actually has a humorous response. Well, besides the default, "I don't think so" or "Not sure what that will do" lines.
  • edited May 2011
    episode 2 is darker
  • edited May 2011
    Lol, great! I'm replaying the game right now, I'll try it out. I think this game like the post earlier has said; the puzzles are so easy that we see them straight out, and we don't try out some funky things like:

    >Use toothbruss on dog

    Something like that, you know what I mean.
  • edited May 2011
    Soylent green
  • edited May 2011
    Funny, you can give an algae cake to both Emmetts. lol
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