Worst puzzle in episode 4

which puzzle do you think was the worst in episode 4? Personally i believe its the part when your in 1986 and doc leaves. you then just have to move and he comes back. why this is not just one cut scene is beyond me


  • edited May 2011
    I'm not sure this was suppose to be a puzzle. :D

    The worst puzzle for me was the one with the green lamp, totaly useless.
  • edited May 2011
    The worst puzzle for me was the one with the green lamp, totaly useless.

    I agree! I've said this elsewhere, but I kept trying to turn that light green. I tried to use algae cakes and I tried to find a way to stea a green bulb from Emmett's lab.

    I couldn't do either, and it turned out that the solution was simply to go do other things and come back to it!
  • edited May 2011
    In 1931 when you have to walk to the courthouse. It could have just been a cutscene, plus the camera was horrible.
  • edited May 2011
    The worst puzzle for me was the mind map thing. I wasn´t able to figure that puzzle out. It was too complicated :D
  • edited May 2011
    Pseudonym wrote: »
    I agree! I've said this elsewhere, but I kept trying to turn that light green. I tried to use algae cakes and I tried to find a way to stea a green bulb from Emmett's lab.

    I couldn't do either, and it turned out that the solution was simply to go do other things and come back to it!

    Which the game explained that all you had to do was wait. FCB only said that it just had to wait, nothing you could do to hurry it along. It won't turn green a second time till you do the errands for Trixie.
  • edited May 2011
    The newspaper under the door.
    OMG, I've seen it already in 1000 adventure games.... it's the lazier kind of puzzle that a game designer can do.
    It's the lowest point in Telltale's career, IMHO.
  • edited May 2011
    The newspaper under the door.
    OMG, I've seen it already in 1000 adventure games.... it's the lazier kind of puzzle that a game designer can do.
    It's the lowest point in Telltale's career, IMHO.

    What about the objects you needed to use on Enstein? It was used at least 3 times, and already done in Tales of MI.
  • edited May 2011
    Geez comon people. The mindmap puzzle was frustrating to me too... but Ive played enough adventure games to figure it out in the end ON MY OWN. You have the record and stew to make him turn green, you have the generator and the valve on tank to turn it red.

    The rest is knowing which light to use for what picture. ;) Which even THAT is easy if you have Marty look at the pictures on the screen.

    Only trick then is DONT turn off the switch that turned it on to begin with, otherwise you start over.
  • edited May 2011
    The mind map puzzle was just too clunky. It wasn't hard, it was just annoying with all the moving around and not to mention that you had to watch the clip with Emmet's helmet light changing each time you click on something.

    And the green light in the DeLorean was just plain bad. What was the deal there, Telltale couldn't figure out anything we could do to get it to trigger?
  • edited May 2011
    The mind map puzzle was just a few pictures too long. I don't think it's a bad one though.

    The light bulb thing was rather uninspired. I hate when I have to repeat the exact same action in adventure games. Also, just leaving the place and coming back again to turn the light green is pretty stupid.
    The episode had a lot of good puzzles, however.
  • edited May 2011
    Agreeing about the whole green light and the newspaper thing. Also, well, "the power of rock" on Jennifer. It was just weak. Also the mindmap puzzle was pretty tiresome but at least it was a PUZZLE.

    Strangely enough, this episode has the most brilliant puzzle out of all puzzles in BttF:tG, which is aging Emmett's formula example. It had inventory use, the solution wasn't blatantly pointed out, the use of time travel was implemented in it (which was what we all expected when we first heard about Telltale making a game about BTTF). Overall it DID satisfy me when I solved that one by myself.
  • edited May 2011
    CasuallyD wrote: »
    The mind map puzzle was just a few pictures too long. I don't think it's a bad one though.

    The light bulb thing was rather uninspired. I hate when I have to repeat the exact same action in adventure games. Also, just leaving the place and coming back again to turn the light green is pretty stupid.
    The episode had a lot of good puzzles, however.

    Huh, are you talking about the green light in the TAR-I mean DeLorean? Otherwise you should have just played the happy music or interact with the stew to green light the green light.
  • edited May 2011
    Definitely the 'green light' thing, made you believe it'd be a puzzle and could've easily been made into one, having Marty alter the light with something to make it appear green. And then pointlessly having to tell Doc the light was green again, no reason for that at all.
  • fxkfxk
    edited May 2011
    The newspaper under the door.
    OMG, I've seen it already in 1000 adventure games.... it's the lazier kind of puzzle that a game designer can do.
    It's the lowest point in Telltale's career, IMHO.

    I would have been okay with the newspaper under the door puzzle, except that the door was completely soundproof. How is a door soundproof when it has a gap in the bottom big enough to fit a newspaper and a pill through?
  • edited May 2011
    fxk wrote: »
    I would have been okay with the newspaper under the door puzzle, except that the door was completely soundproof. How is a door soundproof when it has a gap in the bottom big enough to fit a newspaper and a pill through?

    You know... you got a point there...
  • edited May 2011
    Definitely the 'green light' thing, made you believe it'd be a puzzle and could've easily been made into one, having Marty alter the light with something to make it appear green. And then pointlessly having to tell Doc the light was green again, no reason for that at all.

    fcb is an alternate version of doc brown and marty trusts him..so why would he try to trick him?
  • edited May 2011
    fxk wrote: »
    I would have been okay with the newspaper under the door puzzle, except that the door was completely soundproof. How is a door soundproof when it has a gap in the bottom big enough to fit a newspaper and a pill through?

    Maybe Kid Beyond had a sore throat and wasn't up for recording new Biff lines :P
  • edited May 2011
    Grunty wrote: »
    Which the game explained that all you had to do was wait. FCB only said that it just had to wait, nothing you could do to hurry it along. It won't turn green a second time till you do the errands for Trixie.

    It would turn green for me everytime I went to Young Doc's lab and then came back to the Expo.

    Sort of like The Witcher's "it'll be ready in a day", which meant "exit the house, walk back in" and voila! :P
  • edited May 2011
    GaryCXJk wrote:
    Huh, are you talking about the green light in the TAR-I mean DeLorean? Otherwise you should have just played the happy music or interact with the stew to green light the green light.

    No, I was talking about the DeLorean. Perhaps I should have made that clear since there's a green light bulb in the mind map puzzle, too.
  • edited May 2011
    Episodes 3 and 4 both had puzzles where the puzzle was presented before the solution was available, and the solution becomes available through some illogical means. (For example, you must walk around to trigger a bit more of the plot, or solve a completely unlinked puzzle to "advance time".)

    They've never a big problem, but I find that these always annoy me and break the immersion slightly.

    The worst example in my opinion is in Episode 4, where the light in the Delorean does not turn green until you've used the spray-can to get the firs out of the tar pit, presumably to stop you getting yourself stuck.
    This was annoying seeing as you have no reason to get the firs until Trixie asks for them, which can't happen until Cueball appears, which in turn is scripted not to happen until you've aged the spray-can, which you cannot do until you've picked up the firs. >_<
  • edited May 2011
    This is true Chris1. It irked me that I already had all the items Trixie needed before she asked for them. Maybe if they'd altered the order of events a little it would've made more sense.
  • edited May 2011
    The newspaper under the door.
    OMG, I've seen it already in 1000 adventure games.... it's the lazier kind of puzzle that a game designer can do.
    It's the lowest point in Telltale's career, IMHO.

    Yes, I thought really? What's next a key under a pillow that unlocks the jail cell?
  • edited May 2011
    Remember the puzzle with making a key-hole and putting a paper under the door crack in Zork: Grand Inquisitor? Now that was a creative masterpiece. Best thing was that you could die by neglecting to place the paper under the door before you pushed the key out.
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