What's wrong with the EP4 logo?

edited May 2011 in Back to the Future
The title logo appears in whole ("Back" is 100% visible, while "To The Future" appears slightly faded), while it should in fact appear in parts ("Back" slides in from the right, then "To The Future" fades in).

Looks quite strange to me, given that Telltale did it right the first three times around.

The screenshot shows the EP4 logo flying in from the right.



  • edited May 2011
    Perhaps the game has changed. Figuratively speaking.
  • edited May 2011
    ...Because of the ton of this episode?
  • edited May 2011
    ...Because of the tone of this episode?

    this...or it's the whole thing about the timeline now being almost unfixable and as a result the movies and the episodes are fading from existance.
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