Confusing Question...?

edited May 2011 in Back to the Future
Half-way through Episode 4.
So Marty and Doc go back in time from the alternate 1986 time line. What about the Doc (the original and proper one) in the other 1930 timeline? The one who Marty left behind when the policeman showed up? What if Marty went back to see him, then went back to 1986 whilst leaving the other doc (Edna one) back in the 30's. He's just done a runner somewhere at the point in the game, but this doesn't make sense and is confusing.


  • Gelbs wrote: »
    Half-way through Episode 4.
    So Marty and Doc go back in time from the alternate 1986 time line. What about the Doc (the original and proper one) in the other 1930 timeline? The one who Marty left behind when the policeman showed up? What if Marty went back to see him, then went back to 1986 whilst leaving the other doc (Edna one) back in the 30's. He's just done a runner somewhere at the point in the game, but this doesn't make sense and is confusing.

    well episode 1 and the first half of episode 2 was june 1931 while the second half of episode 2 was august 1931 and episode 4 was october 1931.

    Problem is that if he left FCB stranded in 1931, old doc couldn't exist as it still is the same person just a different person.

    But anyhow if marty does travel back to june or august 1931, he may or may not be able to find old doc there. There's contradictory evidence;
    -in part II, when they travel backwards from the biffhoric timeline to 1955, they do see marty from part I there despite there likely not being time travel in the biff timeline so that implies that either past time travels cant be altered or that the ripple effect only goes forwards and not backwards
    -but in episode 4, FCB refers to it as 'Clayton ravine' implying that the time travels to 1885 have been erased.

    I do think it's a possibility that marty ends up earlier in the year 1931 in the final episode; for one thing there is still the speakeasy mystery to be solved but also with the time circuits and automatic retreival system on the fritz, the delorean could end up anywhere in time.
  • edited May 2011
    But of course you could argue, that Citizen Brown in the alternate timeline in 1986, would mean that none of the previous events could of happened. Which is a massive paradox. As the time-machine would never of been built period.
  • edited May 2011
    Or. Put another way. When Marty left Doc when the policeman had pulled them over, what would of happened if Doc went back into 1986 with Marty? Would he of replaced Citizen Brown or would there of been two of them?
  • edited May 2011
    Gelbs wrote: »
    When Marty left Doc when the policeman had pulled them over, what would of happened if Doc went back into 1986 with Marty? Would he of replaced Citizen Brown or would there of been two of them?

    Let me try to explain with some clarity.

    As I recall, at the end of Episode One, Doc wanted to go back to 1986 but then you begin to fade out of existence. Your new goal, to prevent yourself from disappearing, replaces the old goal (going back to 1986). As a result, you must travel back to 1931 and prevent Artie's murder. Officer Parker pulling over Doc affects nothing aside from preventing Doc from travelling to 1931 alongside you. If Parker hadn't interfered, Doc would have accompanied you to 1931 with the same goal in mind: to prevent you from disappearing.

    Citizen Brown was created due to your trip back to 1931. By ensuring Artie doesn't get murdered by Kid, you catalyze the events that lead to Kid's arrest which, in turn, provokes Edna's interest in Emmett which, as a result, creates the Citizen Brown timeline.

    The bottom line is that if you and Doc had travelled back to 1986 at the end of Episode One as planned, without the risk of you fading, Citizen Brown would not exist.
  • edited May 2011
    But then wouldn't Doc of NOT been in prison in 1931 as he would never of created the DeLorean? As someone I know once said, "You can go up your own arse thinking about the aspect of time-travel."
  • edited May 2011
    The Citizen Brown timeline was created the moment Edna and Emmett went on their first date (if you want to call it that) and decided not to see Frankenstein.

    Everything previous to that event was centered around a seperate timeline. It's mentioned that timelines will alter without the inhabitants knowing so I suppose that with the creation of the Citizen Brown timeline, it erased Doc's time in jail but without anyone really acknowledging it.

    In terms of the DeLorean, it clearly has it's own rules regarding timelines since it doesn't disappear when the Citizen Brown timeline is present nor when Doc is committed in 1985A in Back to the Future Part II.

    ...I'm awful at explaining these types of concepts. You're better off waiting for a more thorough explanation from Doc Michael J Fox is Canadian.
  • edited May 2011
    The Citizen Brown timeline was created the moment Edna and Emmett went on their first date (if you want to call it that) and decided not to see Frankenstein.

    Everything previous to that event was centered around a seperate timeline. It's mentioned that timelines will alter without the inhabitants knowing so I suppose that with the creation of the Citizen Brown timeline, it erased Doc's time in jail but without anyone really acknowledging it.

    In terms of the DeLorean, it clearly has it's own rules regarding timelines since it doesn't disappear when the Citizen Brown timeline is present nor when Doc is committed in 1985A in Back to the Future Part II.

    ...I'm awful at explaining these types of concepts. You're better off waiting for a more thorough explanation from Doc Michael J Fox is Canadian.

    Doc's time in 1931 is most certainly not erased though. Edna confuses FCB for 'Carl Sagan' and he takes on his counterpart's 1930s identity.
  • edited May 2011
    In terms of the DeLorean, it clearly has it's own rules regarding timelines since it doesn't disappear when the Citizen Brown timeline is present nor when Doc is committed in 1985A in Back to the Future Part II.

    Well the DeLorean Marty uses to get to FCB timeline is a duplicate, so to begin with it shouldn't exist anyway, so its immune to timeline changes. As for Biff 1985 the original Doc traveled with the original DeLorean, so the two were connected at the time. Plus one could argue that Doc still had the idea for the timemachine so that in itself preserves its existance. (Doc from Biff hell had the idea many years before being committed, andthe Y man from FCB, he just interpreted it differently (thanks to Edna?)

    Maybe this is were duplicate Doc comes in and saves Marty? (if he was duplicated.) Cause right now Marty is stranded in time by FCB going awol. But that still leaves out Clara and the kids, lol its going to be interesting how this plays out.
  • edited May 2011
    To throw a bit a Star Trek in here, the DeLorean, unless damaged, is at least partly immune to temporal distortions caused by paradox ripples due to being in a state of temporal flux.
  • Let me try to explain with some clarity.

    As I recall, at the end of Episode One, Doc wanted to go back to 1986 but then you begin to fade out of existence. Your new goal, to prevent yourself from disappearing, replaces the old goal (going back to 1986). As a result, you must travel back to 1931 and prevent Artie's murder. Officer Parker pulling over Doc affects nothing aside from preventing Doc from travelling to 1931 alongside you. If Parker hadn't interfered, Doc would have accompanied you to 1931 with the same goal in mind: to prevent you from disappearing.

    Citizen Brown was created due to your trip back to 1931. By ensuring Artie doesn't get murdered by Kid, you catalyze the events that lead to Kid's arrest which, in turn, provokes Edna's interest in Emmett which, as a result, creates the Citizen Brown timeline.

    The bottom line is that if you and Doc had travelled back to 1986 at the end of Episode One as planned, without the risk of you fading, Citizen Brown would not exist.

    You're right. The events setting the FCB timeline in motion would not have happened yet by the end of episode 1. The first event is young emmett helping get kid tannen arrested, drawing the eye of Edna.
    If Doc and marty travelled back to 1986 at the end of episode I, it would have happened similar to what does happen at the end of episode 2: marty disappears (as Arthur gets murdered) and doc arrives in a 1986 without george or marty mcfly. But Kid tannen still would be arrested in this timeline as it's only the events turning danny into a drunk (marty and doc evading him) which prevent him from doing so.
    if danny didnt show up at the time, doc likely would have gone with marty to save Arthur and presumably danny wouldn't have gone crazy and still arrested kid so they'd return to the same 1986.
    So it's danny parker's changed timeline which sets the events in motion for the brief alternate timeline with george paralyzed.
    The Citizen Brown timeline was created the moment Edna and Emmett went on their first date (if you want to call it that) and decided not to see Frankenstein.

    Everything previous to that event was centered around a seperate timeline. It's mentioned that timelines will alter without the inhabitants knowing so I suppose that with the creation of the Citizen Brown timeline, it erased Doc's time in jail but without anyone really acknowledging it.

    In terms of the DeLorean, it clearly has it's own rules regarding timelines since it doesn't disappear when the Citizen Brown timeline is present nor when Doc is committed in 1985A in Back to the Future Part II.

    ...I'm awful at explaining these types of concepts. You're better off waiting for a more thorough explanation from Doc Michael J Fox is Canadian.

    Wow second time I've been called upon today to answer these theories :D

    The delorean is not completely immune to the space time continum; The FCB timeline does not have it converted to a flying time machine hence why it crashes at the end of episode 2; the time circuits and hover conversions short out. Now you could argue, why doesn't this happen in part II when biff messes with the timeline? The answer is that it is not proven that there are no time travels in this timeline, in fact we see the marty from part I time travel still happens. It's still possible that doc (committed in 1983) was released or escaped the institution by 1985. And this is actually a likely scenario because he would still know about the 1985 time travels and even the date of october 26th so it's possible he makes sure this happens (though he would probably not know about what biff does in the future).

    While we are not sure if the time travels to 1885, 1955, and 2015 still happen in this timeline (the fact it is now clayton ravine probably indicates the 1885 one doesn't), there is enough evidence to show the 1931 time travels still happened; young doc and edna still remember Marty (and his fake evidence), edna still remembers "Carl Sagan" and old doc and marty are still in the picture of kid being arrested in FCB's office in 1986.
  • edited May 2011
    Was George Paralysed?
  • Gelbs wrote: »
    Was George Paralysed?

    in the brief scene with him in episode 2, he is shown in a wheelchair and it is implied that biff or his brothers were the cause.
  • edited May 2011
    I asked the question in another thread, if Citizen Brown's goal is to prevent him from pursuing science, where does that leave Marty? He can't return to the future because there would be another Marty there, which hadn't been able to travel back to the past, since in this timeline the Doc wouldn't have invented time travel. So my guess is either the Delorean would disappear, leaving Marty stranded in 1931, or the Marty from the original timeline would disappear, getting rid of the problem of duplicate Marties.

    Isn't that pretty selfish of the Doc?
  • edited May 2011
    The delorean is not completely immune to the space time continuum; The FCB timeline does not have it converted to a flying time machine hence why it crashes at the end of episode 2; the time circuits and hover conversions short out.

    You sure about that? The wheel still worked, so the hover conversion has clearly not been undone.
  • Cubbie wrote: »
    You sure about that? The wheel still worked, so the hover conversion has clearly not been undone.

    Yes, thats what caused it to crash. At least some part of it shorted out.
  • edited May 2011
    The delorean is not completely immune to the space time continum; The FCB timeline does not have it converted to a flying time machine hence why it crashes at the end of episode 2; the time circuits and hover conversions short out.

    I disagree with this notion. The DeLorean crashed because just as the DeLorean hit 88 miles per hour, the wheel turns to make a hard right in an attempt to make a U-turn back to 1931. This happens because Doc realises that something's wrong and urgently yells 'Stop the car! This could be disastrous!' and it was in an effort to turn back.

    Just as the wheel is turned, the car time travels which causes the vehicle to lose control when it arrives in 1986. The swerving that occurs when the car arrives in 1986 is the recovery from the sharp right turn in 1931.

    You can clearly see the sharp turn while time travelling here.
  • edited May 2011
    So when was it Marty left Doc by creeping around the Delorean with that copper? Can't remember.
  • edited May 2011
    Gelbs wrote: »
    So when was it Marty left Doc by creeping around the Delorean with that copper? Can't remember.

    At the beginning of Get Tannen; right before going back to 1931 to save Artie.
  • edited May 2011
    Got like a mental blank. What happened after that? I saw the link above, Doc was in the car and then disappeared with Marty crashing into the CBrown board?
  • edited May 2011
    After what? Taking the DeLorean and leaving Doc with Officer Parker?

    You go back to Hill Valley, get Artie back from Kid's thugs, go back to the moment in time you ditched Doc, pick up Doc, drop off Artie on the side of the road, go to 1986, fight off Biff's brothers, get picked up by Doc again, go back to 1931, get Kid arrested, see Emmett and Edna show an interest in each other, drive in the DeLorean with Doc, Doc realises that something's wrong and the rest is covered within the video.
  • I disagree with this notion. The DeLorean crashed because just as the DeLorean hit 88 miles per hour, the wheel turns to make a hard right in an attempt to make a U-turn back to 1931. This happens because Doc realises that something's wrong and urgently yells 'Stop the car! This could be disastrous!' and it was in an effort to turn back.

    Just as the wheel is turned, the car time travels which causes the vehicle to lose control when it arrives in 1986. The swerving that occurs when the car arrives in 1986 is the recovery from the sharp right turn in 1931.

    You can clearly see the sharp turn while time travelling here.

    You may be right but it does seem that marty loses control of the car and the time circuits and flux capacitor are shorting out due to the beeping.

    But the delorean itself is kind of unchartered water. Aside from this possible occurance, there are no time travels which change the timeline of the delorean itself.
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